Apex Legends new free to play battle royale game from Respawn


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Played it on X. Pretty cool for a free to play game but they sure as hell better come out with cosmetics that don’t suck if they want to cash in on the shop.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Played it on X. Pretty cool for a free to play game but they sure as hell better come out with cosmetics that don’t suck if they want to cash in on the shop.
The animated legendary banners for the character are pretty nice, not exactly a cosmetic, but still nice.
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Avatar of War Slayer
If this had double jump and wall running it would probably drive the skill floor/ceiling way too high for average players.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This game this Shroud guy is playing is way better than the one I was playing. Huh.
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Trakanon Raider
Really need friends for this game. Managed to get a little better but progress is slow going when 3 out of every 5 matches someone insta-quits. IDK if it's because I take "their" hero or what, but that's gonna need fixing stat.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This game this Shroud guy is playing is way better than the one I was playing. Huh.
Yea when your 3 man is pro/former pro CS:Go players its hilarious watching them just 1v3 other squads
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The other two guys playing with Shroud are also really good, the make a great team.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dont know the buhbye guy but Skadoodle and Shroud both played for Cloud 9 professionally in CS...pretty sure theyre roommates, havent followed the pro cs scene in awhile but Shroud is a great streamer to watch in pretty much any BR games
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Log Wizard
The game on top end machines versus medium to highish end machines is COMPLETELY different. Pretty fucked up. Your ability to maneuver, aim, and spot people at distance is completely based on your PC's ability to perform. This is probably better for console since everyone is on an even playing field. The best is if you use their dynamic scaling and aim for an FPS marker (I set my to 90 for funsies with my 970gtx and i8700k) and you are playing with drunk goggles. Loot in front of your feet is blurry. It's ridiculous.

Like Mist said, playing the game for me vs what Shroud is playing is completely different. It's pretty annoying.
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Trakanon Raider
Also worth noting is Shroud has been testing this game for months. He is literally just pub stomping.
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Watcher of Overs

This game was super intense. We landed in a busy area and it was just this constant firefight. Seemed like all the other teams were ganging up on us. We eventually just ran out of ammo.
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Trakanon Raider
I must of played it today for a good 5 hours on the ps4 today. Its fun and since the only BR experience I have is Fortnite, its great that there no pro-building shenanigans going on.
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Watcher of Overs
So more about the above game, we got pinned in an internal room and had 2 different squads firing down the hallways at us. I only had the heavy ammo pistol the whole match.

That match was more fun than my wins :D Sign of a good game when losing is fun.

So what are your fave guns? I think the spitfire is my fave, just because you can keep firing a long time without reloading, which I need to ever hit anything because I can't aim. The other LMG devotion shoots really slow and takes like 20 years to reload.

Kind of undecided on rifles, love the prowler smg because it uses heavy ammo. Haven't really used snipers enough to figure them out yet, but I remember the longbow having a super long reload time.

I found some gold armor one game and that was super amazing.


<Gold Donor>
So more about the above game, we got pinned in an internal room and had 2 different squads firing down the hallways at us. I only had the heavy ammo pistol the whole match.

That match was more fun than my wins :D Sign of a good game when losing is fun.

So what are your fave guns? I think the spitfire is my fave, just because you can keep firing a long time without reloading, which I need to ever hit anything because I can't aim. The other LMG devotion shoots really slow and takes like 20 years to reload.

Kind of undecided on rifles, love the prowler smg because it uses heavy ammo. Haven't really used snipers enough to figure them out yet, but I remember the longbow having a super long reload time.

I found some gold armor one game and that was super amazing.

That...doesn’t sound fun?

I watched a stream of Shroud playing and it looks pretty fun tho. Not sure if it’s distinct enough to steal from visually/functionally different games like PUBG, but it seems interesting enough to try.


Trakanon Raider
it's really up to Respawn. If they have frequent free updates with new hero's, skins, weapons and events this game has the hype to stand with Fortnite. If EA were smart they would right them a blank check and stay far out of their way. Either way this is probably bumping Blackout out of the top 3 BR scene.
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Watcher of Overs
I got a super beastly shotgun out of a random chest that dropped from the sky. Mastiff or something? Had no mods or anything for it and it was amazingly good.