Apex Legends new free to play battle royale game from Respawn


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You can't have too many types of queues, or it negatively impacts matchmaking. They need to keep it simple.

Triple team and maybe a larger team one (like the rumored 6 man squad). This game doesn't need, and wouldn't work, with an actual solo mode.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Victory!!!! Yeah baby!!!!!!!!
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<Gold Donor>
I would like to see a 30 vs 30 Team Death Match or Team 1st to 100 Kills. Rotate them like Fortnite does to keep your queue types limited as to not spread out the population like Cybsled Cybsled said.

Jive Turkey

Was talking about it last night with 2 static team members I met on PS4. Everyone was plenty shocked EA came out with something that was good.

Let's hope they don't fuck it up! :p

Had a blast last night. I do wish they would turn on friend finding though. Normally I can go to the players met screen and add people that used mics and were cool to play with, and we all had to remember each other's user handles to input them manually at the PS4 friend menu. There needs to be an easy way to invite others either via in game friend integration, or players met should be active (I guess this is up to the developer whether to turn on or not)

Other than that, a few weird disconnects but I always ended up in the same lobby and they were waiting for me - so we didn't drop group somehow. We also had one guy using text to chat and holy hell was that hilarious - we wanted to friend him to keep going and listen - never laughed so hard in my life. I am running around trying to save my team, I have one, trying to get to the other and get to the revive station, and all of a sudden two squads are chasing me around and we hear a text to voice chat "Oh shit" - and I laughed so hard I couldn't even see and died.

Has more content than Anthem! :p

There's a slightly easier way to do it from inspecting the player's profile from in-game. But you have to do it while you're already paired up. I haven't checked if you can do it after the game is over on the stats page
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Why wouldn't a solo mode work? Class balance is already fucked in squads so that shouldn't be a worry, and losing respawns doesn't really matter.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Because then they have to balance for solo and they are removing key elements that differentiate it from other BR. Solo also becomes Campfest (and again, balance)

Counter strike works without solo, over watch works without solo. This game works without solo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Because then they have to balance for solo and they are removing key elements that differentiate it from other BR. Solo also becomes Campfest (and again, balance)

Counter strike works without solo, over watch works without solo. This game works without solo.

Counterstrike and Overwatch both have solo modes though.

Also they don't have to balance around solo if its not the main mode.


Trakanon Raider
I don't understand the interest in having solo mode for Apex. There are PLENTY of solo BR games out there to play. Apex is designed as squad vs. squad. Hence having different classes and abilities. It works because of that. Lifeline works as a good support teammate, it wouldn't match up well against someone like a wraith that is designed more as an attacker.

The game is fine as is. The last thing it needs is to introduce solo mode and then having idiots complain that tank classes need to be rebalanced vs support and dps classes etc....you may feel like they don't have to balance around solo, but if you introduce the mode you are just gonna open a can of headaches from people bitching that their favorite class feels underpowered. It's better just to keep that can of worms closed.

I'm actually drawn to Apex because it is class based. Regular BR you die then just start the next game. Apex you die you have a chance to get revived and carry on. There's been more than once where my squad got multiple revives and we ended up winning or at least ended up placing in the top 3. That's a good mechanic that's missing from all the other BR games.
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Log Wizard
Everyone in solo would be Wraith, Banglore, or Lifeline. Heads up enemy detection/smallest hitbox/invulnerability? Yeah. Pretty sure it'd be 80% Wraith. Bangalore has that passive speed bullshit and Lifeline basically comes with a gold backpack and free med kit every 50ish seconds. Every other character? Can't even compete.

I think people who want solo mode are just frustrated with bad teammates and the real solution should be to try and find a group of their appropriate skill level on reddit or here or somewhere. The gameplay doesn't lend itself to solo play with as long as heals and shit take. Whoever got first engage and good hits wins. It's not like Blackout where you can slide all over the place WHILE healing to easily recover from an ambush. If you get jumped down to 25% hp, good luck getting to solid enough cover and using your 5+ second healing items before they rush you down and murder your face off. That's where you need teammates to cover you and pressure them.

This IS a Squad game. People watch shit like Dizzy or Shroud or MoonMoon run around and solo full squads, but that's not the norm. And when they run into a competent team they get fucked. HARD. I've seen Shroud get respawned like once every third game at least because he went around looking for a fight and got dicked and then his teammates had to go find his dumb ass and bring him back.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I could care less one way or the other. I fucking hate pubs in this game. I play with a at least 1 person in TS/Discord at minimum or I won't play. The flip side to that is people who want to pub get people who want to solo and they just go run off, die and quit. I literally had a dude quit on us earlier today, as I was going to deliver his dog tags. There's people who won't even drop with you. Then I get people who yell at me because I won't rez them in the middle of a fire fight, rage at me and it turns out they did less then 100 damage and its somehow my fault they fucking suck.

Normally I would agree with the segmentation argument, but this game has a ridiculous amount of people and a second queue isn't going to hurt it at all. It benefits everybody.
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Pathetic Reaction Bot
I could care less one way or the other. I fucking hate pubs in this game. I play with a at least 1 person in TS/Discord at minimum or I won't play. The flip side to that is people who want to pub get people who want to solo and they just go run off, die and quit. I literally had a dude quit on us earlier today, as I was going to deliver his dog tags. There's people who won't even drop with you. Then I get people who yell at me because I won't rez them in the middle of a fire fight, rage at me and it turns out they did less then 100 damage and its somehow my fault they fucking suck.

Normally I would agree with the segmentation argument, but this game has a ridiculous amount of people and a second queue isn't going to hurt it at all. It benefits everybody.

I'm starting to feel i'd rather play with pubs than my RL friends lately. They're COMPLETELY oblivious to their surroundings/the importance of sound. and they've been playing games with me since the Doom2/Quake days. And its not like they're too busy to play, they play games constantly, they just threw the concept of being good at games out the window.

Had probably 3 or 4 games today where I did 800 damage. knocked out 2 of 3 enemies in a squad, but could never seal the deal because I'm not able to dodge bullets like shroud so I have to stop to heal, but they never show up til the last guy runs up to me to catch me mid-heal, and i get knocked/finished. then they fail to kill that 3rd one that never got their team mate up.
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Trakanon Raider
I can dodge bullets really well but can't shoot anyone. Its like I'm shooting at Agent Smith and I'm pre woke Neo


Watcher of Overs
Anyone else consistently not hearing enemy footsteps? They either broke something in a patch or there's some kind of no-footsteps cheat or trick.


Log Wizard
Anyone else consistently not hearing enemy footsteps? They either broke something in a patch or there's some kind of no-footsteps cheat or trick.

Yeah. Pretty sure if you jump at the right time you're completely silent. I know for sure Wraith's/Bangalores are silent all the fucking time. Super annoying. Shit ton of aimbotters right now. MoonMoon even had one on his team last night. He was, SHOCKER, Chinese.

Always fun dicking on all these fucks using Wingman/Peacekeeper because they're crutches and these people are still fucking cripples. The BEST is just dodging their awful shots and then waiting for the long reload and murder fucking them. Feels real good.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Games already 90% Wraith, Bangalore and Lifeline so I don't think character balance is something worth worrying about in a solo mode. And yeah the style of play would change, just like it does in other BRs that you can solo in, it's not necessarily a bad thing. But I think the main appeal is of a solo mode is to avoid randos that drop as soon as they are downed or leave on the character select if they can't pick their guy.