

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The last two pages make this game sound like Farmville.
Can't escape it really, since farming leads directly to every single other feature of the game. Everything you will use or need later will most likely come from someone planting/raising something.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


1. Bondurant that is disturbingly funny.

2. News on 1.0 changes:

First: Our version of 1.0 (basically, 1.0 with the changes we've gotten) will go to Alpha before it goes to Beta. We're getting pretty close on getting a build with the first set of changes to go to alpha (1.0 plus: removing bounty hunter cloak abilities, adding gilda stars to intercontinental trade routes, ping dependent ability changes being the big ones) and I really can't wait until we do so the discussion can be in the context of that build.

Second, there's some wider-picture things with gilda stars that I think are important to see as a system, which is hard to do without a build on Alpha:
- Nui's Tears have been removed. Mirage Isle items are sold for either gold or gilda stars (plans for houses/ships are all gilda to my knowledge).
- 1.0's daily quests guarantee gilda stars, not the random chance (these stars are limited by Time, a max number per day)
- Story quests now reward Gilda Stars instead (these stars are limited by Quantity, a capped number per char)
- Cross-continental trade routes can reward gold, gilda stars, or the new crafting items from 1.0 (these stars are limited by Risk Exposure, via PvP and level of trade activity at other ports)
- We've requested tweaks to the costs of designs on Mirage so that a player can obtain EITHER a sailboat and small house, OR a farmhouse, within the max gilda stars obtainable through the story quests (activities in PvE zones)
- Higher tier crafting recipes can now require dust made from Gilda Stars, providing a longer term demand once most house/boat purchases are settled

I hope that helps explain the Circle Of Gilda to be expecting to see for our initial 1.0 builds. As always, things have potential to change when working with a developer partner.
Via the forums. Coupled withthis post by Scapesit seems we'll be seeing this in roughly 2 weeks. I'll be playing sparsely 'til then I think.


<Silver Donator>
Gilda stars changes sound a lot better with those other changes than just removing the safe traderoutes. Being able to get gildas from normal quests and from daillies everytime is pretty nice. Guess that means the 500nui tear house is going to get changed to gilda too. Other good thing is being able to buy a horse with actual gold instead of having to farm nuis/quests(that's good if you want to start leveling it for the lvl 50 upgrade) as well as gliders and shit.

No mention of actual class changes though, wonder if they'll just add these later or if they didn't bother to mention them.


Musty Nester
Jesus I hope this game lasts longer than Alpha, because it sounds like a hilarious shitshow of pvp madness.

I can see myself loving a game this fucking schitzo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Jesus I hope this game lasts longer than Alpha, because it sounds like a hilarious shitshow of pvp madness.

I can see myself loving a game this fucking schitzo.
The game is superfun imo. I think people know all their work will be wiped so they are putting on the breaks. I know I'm just gleaning off the basics trying to get the gist figured and avoid burnout .

This is the first game since Eq that I could easily do a 12 hour session and still want to keep going. Gw2 was maybe 2 hours, and eso was at best an hour. Eq landmark I made it through 4 hours total and turned it off.

Game is fun if a bit too easy


Jesus I hope this game lasts longer than Alpha, because it sounds like a hilarious shitshow of pvp madness.

I can see myself loving a game this fucking schitzo.

I am a little concerned about Alpha burnout/boredness. I have a lot of friends who are playing it as hardcore as they would release. This combined with Alpha not being big on politics and economy i can see people getting bored or just thinking the game is not fun after awhile.

I want to do soo much much i am basically just tending to making money and pvping. Imo the game needs more though. I think the building blocks and system ideas are great but we will see where we go from here or if XL goes anywhere with this. Game needs more updates and end game tools for the sandbox to last long term.

What we have now is great for the short term but by release(assuming a 3-5 month alpha) we will be needing more things for the sandbox. Or improved systems to use what we have been grinding for. Sea combat, castle combat could be soo much better. A big part of the game is grinding gear but sadly gear isn't really needed outside of small scale zone pk/ganking. Anyone can have w/e boat/ship they want in the first couple weeks so really nothing special about ships, but since ships are just platforms to fit as many people in your group as possible to overtake the other ship it doesn't matter.

Basically i guess its a good think a fresh 50 in ah'd Auroria gear and an orange offstat 50weapon will be almost as effective as the average hardcore player. I guess i just feel like the stage is set but this game needs something else to be a slam dunk


Jesus I hope this game lasts longer than Alpha, because it sounds like a hilarious shitshow of pvp madness.

I can see myself loving a game this fucking schitzo.
Hard to predict how the open world is going to play out once the game goes live. For example, right now in alpha level 30s are getting ganked left and right by level 50s from their own faction. I'm guessing a lot of these are people wanting to test how the pirate faction works. Once the game goes live, I assume same faction ganking will decrease by a significant amount.

I played WoW on Tichondrius so I am fully familiar with getting ganked by high levels. I didn't have a problem with it because the enemy was always red so if they beat you, you could try to track them down for revenge or call in high level guildmates to come help you. The fact AAge allows a ganker to immediately turn off the PVP flag is bad design IMO. Bloodlust should give you a 5-10 minute debuff before your turn back to green. Lastly, anyone with the bloodlust debuff should not be eligible to get the safety buff from the Nui shrines that protects them from PVP damage.

That is really my only complaint with open world PVP in this game. I have no issues with red vs red action. I understand that same faction ganking is necessary so people can become pirates. I just think the game should not protect the player doing the ganking.


I don't think "Bloodlust Mode" is ? - Also, the world pvp is a bit more distinct than Rescorla is eluding to at the moment, most of it, as has been said previously, is roaming bands of 20+ groups ganking farmers because everyone leaves the wartime zones when they flip to Disputed. There is hardly any incentive to pvp currently as honor rewards and what not aren't all that good.

Most of the competition camps in the safezone resurrection stone area and goes afk. Atleast in all the overworld PVP areas not including Auroria (north continent).

Open water PVP is hit or miss.

My game time has been reduced to milking cows and dueling.

Cows give better rewards than PVP at the moment.