

Silver Squire
1.2 is def a shock to the system. I am not sure it would have been as meh if we never played in 1.0. My primeval is OP as heck and is kinda boring only fighting other archers.

I am not a fan of the new npc mats nor the super expensive traderun mats for low-mid level crafting. This patch feels like it was meant to balanced and nerf a super inflated Korean economy, and since alpha wasn't in the same shape (yet) as KR was it makes the game very limited.

It will take some getting used to but besides some of the quality of life changes and needed changes it seems like the game is more bullshit and less quality things to do.

Also does anyone know if all the new added gear/weapon options that seems to break level 50/specs will make it to live? And what is there to do to make money now? Since i had to kill all my cows, bundles/worms seem not worth it. I am back to being poor with trees since it seems Omega is buying lumber at a better price than Alpha. Seems like grinding for items isn't even viable anymore.

At least it seems like leveling is way less painful and faster. It does seem like being in an modest sized guild is really not worth it(due to the traderuns currently favoring the camper). I guess i will have to start looking for a larger active guild so im not stuck playing farmville only.

They never should of started "alpha" this early. With all the changes that came they should of launched the alpha server after 1.2 so people didn't get invested in how it was. There were too many imbalances and it was easy mode in a lot of ways. Now that the easy candy has been removed and the stupid OP builds nerfed its a bit of a shock to the system.

I'm also not a fan of launching with a cap of 50 but in a game designed for 55.

With the way trade runs are now I'd highly recommend you get a larger guild to play with. You can do ok with a small group as well but you have to really be cautious and plan ahead (scout) before you roll in with your merchant ship with just a few of you.

I think its also clear that Trion really doesn't have the ability to change much of anything except some very easy things. Looks like everything we are getting is more or less a straight copy / paste to Korea. We shall see what future patches hold but this is going to be another Tera where we get what they get minus a token small change 3 - 6 months later. Little disappointing but not unexpected.


Ked, can you give me a quick valuation on how gilda stars are now compared to how they were?

I see a lot of crying over them on various boards. Before they were only good for boats and houses then became pretty worthless after you purchased the ones you wanted. Has this changed with 1.2? Seems like even if they consolidated nui stars into gilda it'd still become pretty worthless after a period of time.


Molten Core Raider
They never should of started "alpha" this early. With all the changes that came they should of launched the alpha server after 1.2 so people didn't get invested in how it was. There were too many imbalances and it was easy mode in a lot of ways. Now that the easy candy has been removed and the stupid OP builds nerfed its a bit of a shock to the system.
the real shock to the system isn't the builds imo, its all the changes to the game it shook everyone up from their norm of milking cows etc to scrambling and figuring everything out again, I only have limited experience with the last patch but as a new player gearing on the old system was "manageable" and even then I was only able to obtain stuff at the specific levels because I pre planned everything and had it all grown / ready for when I hit 30 - 34 etc, now good luck even having the mats you need to make 1 piece at lvl 20 for that set.

Also pre 1.2 lvl 44 gear was expensive to craft because of the RNG factor, nobody was really using it everyone was using auroria, now that's gone and the changes to lvl 44 gear only got worse, so now as a fresh 50 you are using lvl 40 crafted gear unless you want to go farm aurorias nerfed drops, and again good luck getting a full set of 44+ rare grade or higher, I really thought the way it was, was decent since the RNG almost certainly will rape you on your lvl 44 set now its just insane.

I think once they fix the spirit conversion the builds will align themselves.


Silver Squire
Ked, can you give me a quick valuation on how gilda stars are now compared to how they were?

I see a lot of crying over them on various boards. Before they were only good for boats and houses then became pretty worthless after you purchased the ones you wanted. Has this changed with 1.2? Seems like even if they consolidated nui stars into gilda it'd still become pretty worthless after a period of time.
Feels the same minus the easy mode pack runs in safe zones. The prices for items were adjusted and instead of getting NUI you now get gilda from the story. So while things cost more you get more. Overall though things are harder to obtain but feels a little better as it won't be as trivial to obtain. Once you get whatever it is you want (say the farm house plus any boats) they do have a value issue. Naturally you can still sell plans and such and with the changes those plans will be very valuable until the market gets flooded which is also inevitable. So ultimately it will be worthless since nothing really leaves the game.

I'm interested in seeing how it all works out. The care bears can still run packs for gold in the safe zones. Will still be able to buy the plans via the AH and while at first those plans will be $$$$$$ but the market will get flooded relatively quickly. Gold is harder to obtain without the easy mode vendor stuff so its going to be interesting to see how it plays out.

Regardless the economy should be solid for as long as the game remains interesting. So long as there is world PvP to be found I can see myself playing for 6+ months. What else is there to play and despite it's flaws it's still a good game.

I think a lot of the bitching you see stems from one thing. PvP. No more easy gilda.


Silver Squire
the real shock to the system isn't the builds imo, its all the changes to the game it shook everyone up from their norm of milking cows etc to scrambling and figuring everything out again, I only have limited experience with the last patch but as a new player gearing on the old system was "manageable" and even then I was only able to obtain stuff at the specific levels because I pre planned everything and had it all grown / ready for when I hit 30 - 34 etc, now good luck even having the mats you need to make 1 piece at lvl 20 for that set.

Also pre 1.2 lvl 44 gear was expensive to craft because of the RNG factor, nobody was really using it everyone was using auroria, now that's gone and the changes to lvl 44 gear only got worse, so now as a fresh 50 you are using lvl 40 crafted gear unless you want to go farm aurorias nerfed drops, and again good luck getting a full set of 44+ rare grade or higher, I really thought the way it was, was decent since the RNG almost certainly will rape you on your lvl 44 set now its just insane.

I think once they fix the spirit conversion the builds will align themselves.
I agree. I'm interested in seeing what the re-locking will look like. I'm hopeful that will make crafted more desirable assuming the cost to do so isn't ridiculous. I'm ignorant on what it exactly entails. Also not sure why they changed boss loot to not break down. Its like they wanted to give crafting a boost and then make it all harder in the end. Kind of stupid.


Vyemm Raider
On the value of gilda, I haven't looked into it too much yet, but some crafted shit requires gilda dust now. Breaks down at a 1-4 ratio.


So what happened with 44 gear?

Also i keep hearing the X-ocean gilda is pretty worthless (1-2 Gilda only). Is this true/intended? I assume this is to combat large guild Gilda funneling. Or just combat inflation from the KR servers.

Hoping that Xserver AH will help keep pricing in a better place too. I just hope there are other viable ways to make money so i can just buy shit on the AH.


Molten Core Raider
So what happened with 44 gear?

Also i keep hearing the X-ocean gilda is pretty worthless (1-2 Gilda only). Is this true/intended? I assume this is to combat large guild Gilda funneling. Or just combat inflation from the KR servers.

Hoping that Xserver AH will help keep pricing in a better place too. I just hope there are other viable ways to make money so i can just buy shit on the AH.
Nothing really happened, it was already a PITA to get the set you needed in rare+ grade before this patch just because of RNG the mats weren't too bad but just the rng of not getting the set you want plus getting it in rare or better was awful, now the mats required are pretty steep since you need rock salt stabilizer wich comes from the over seas route for the large farm turn in that's packed 90% of the time with at least 5 or more people, and you need 21 stabilizers to make a full set.

Maybe it wont be so bad at release but right now during this alpha that spot is usually camped pretty hard so you need 5 willing souls to ride along and die as you try to hand in the trade pack, during release a lot more people will actually need to do these runs though so it probably wont be as bad finding people to go with you, but right now its rough most people are sitting on 50 and already got their gear the easy way, and just log on for doing their daily stuff or afking for the labor gain that finding people can be a bitch.


yeah sitting on 50 with a good weapon and solid gear just do not have anything to do. Should just camp the docks, also on the 40/60 split. Are the turn ins even worth it? I was thinking of dumping a ton of packs on the shore and hope someone turns them in. Is it possible to make even a tiny profit doing this? Or are the turn ins soo grimey that 40% of the split is a loss?

Just seems right now tradepacks are not really profitable but done more because you have to do them to get a mat or gilda.


Vyemm Raider
The pack split is currently 80/20. Which is where it will stay.

Also, this is not the final western version. You will be able to get Gilda from same continent trade ins, they've stated that many times. As for the crafting mats, there's no word yet, I assume because since we were gonna get 1.0 originally, and they weren't in that build, it wasn't an issue.


ah for some reason the way i read the patch notes is this is KR 1.2 (which was (60/40 )with no Trion changes from KR 1.2 in the game yet unless i missed the update.


Vyemm Raider
The patch notes were wrong about that, and a few other things. Not to mention many undocumented changes as well.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
giving serious thought to buying into this game. Are you guys still having fun and hanging together?


Golden Knight of the Realm
The pack split is currently 80/20. Which is where it will stay.

Also, this is not the final western version. You will be able to get Gilda from same continent trade ins, they've stated that many times. As for the crafting mats, there's no word yet, I assume because since we were gonna get 1.0 originally, and they weren't in that build, it wasn't an issue.
Do you have a source for the same continent thing? I swear they were saying over and over again that you will not get Gilda for same continent trade runs to encourage cross ocean trading and PvP which is what pissed off so many of the carebear farmers.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
giving serious thought to buying into this game. Are you guys still having fun and hanging together?
I kind of regret buying in. I played it to level 30 and put it aside because I want to be fresh at release. I don't want to be tired of half the game (mechanics) by the time the other half (community) is there.


<Gold Donor>
I kind of regret buying in. I played it to level 30 and put it aside because I want to be fresh at release. I don't want to be tired of half the game (mechanics) by the time the other half (community) is there.
Same here.


I kind of regret buying in. I played it to level 30 and put it aside because I want to be fresh at release. I don't want to be tired of half the game (mechanics) by the time the other half (community) is there.
I'm in a similar position, all the testing I did pre 1.2 was pretty pointless outside of maybe timing what it would take for land grabs etc.

I wish they were more clear with their release dates and stuff, at this rate we'll be lucky for this to hit beta this year at all.