

For anyone experienced with them, someone give me the scoop on animal pens. Im raising husbandry so I cant make my own but I placed a sheep pen I bought off the AH. I understand from the tooltip that they may occasionally need repairing but Ive been using the thing for days now without incident, never seeing any indication it needing repairs (it always read as Thriving Sheep Pen). I go to bed last night with a couple hours left before they're ready to be sheared again and wake up to a collapsed pen that's useless.

Do these things have a finite lifespan or is the window to do repairs so small that I missed it in the few hours I was asleep?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Tahyang got one. I think you need 55 fragments and they are selling for ~200 gold.

We could get one if we wanted, but it's just not worth it. Even if we pooled together 55 fragments that we farmed off mobs it'd still be more useful to spend that on more cutters or even gear. Besides that we're focused on getting ready for whenever the castle patch hits.
I'm assuming you found a way to take advantage of some arbitrage and convert, say, raw stone to stone bricks. Now and then I hear of someone finding a 30%+ profit on an easily convertible resource, but those can often be short lived because a raw resource has the advantage that someone can use it to get XP.
I did this for awhile with Raw Stone. It was stupid easy to make 5-6g even after AH since you could get Raw Stone for 15g for 300 and Stone Brick sold for 23-24g. Worked out well while I was leveling, but the market has died off a bit and now you can only make 1-2g occasionally and that's not a useful Gold/labor ratio.

Can you do across sea tradepack runs with only two people? I desperately want stabilizers but it seems so risky. Guild times for doing runs in annoying but I don't know if the husband and I can do them alone.
It's possible. I did 4 runs in under an hour from Solis -> Two Crowns this morning solo. On my last run into 2C, one random dude shot an arrow at me as I ran him over with my clipper. This was around 8am EDT on Kyrios and each run netted me 9 Charcoal Stabilizers @ a cost of ~2.5g per pack. I hear that the Halycona -> Solis is better money though, gonna try that this PM.

For those who leveled with Battlerage. Is the 7 pt passive noticeable? (Reset cooldown on parry, I have a 3% parry chance without the passive).
Yes, it's definitely noticable. Getting the reset on both Precision Strike and Charge are great for added dps and gap closers (which melee always need). It's even better if you have Triple Slash since you can chain Trips using Charge -> TS each reset.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Started fishing last night, sport fishing is pretty fun and got a clean 8g off a marlin before we had our first duel night. It seems like every night we, MH and Death Law have a few fishing boats trawling the seas looking for fish and dropping chum. 60+ people all fishing in one area is pretty fun, especially when some troll drives his clipper right in the middle of us and gets PK'd!


Started fishing last night, sport fishing is pretty fun and got a clean 8g off a marlin before we had our first duel night. It seems like every night we, MH and Death Law have a few fishing boats trawling the seas looking for fish and dropping chum. 60+ people all fishing in one area is pretty fun, especially when some troll drives his clipper right in the middle of us and gets PK'd!
I dragged Tuco out yesterday, was my first day sport fishing as well. I'm at 31k proficiency, made 230ish gold in 8 hours. Not sure if good or bad.


For anyone experienced with them, someone give me the scoop on animal pens. Im raising husbandry so I cant make my own but I placed a sheep pen I bought off the AH. I understand from the tooltip that they may occasionally need repairing but Ive been using the thing for days now without incident, never seeing any indication it needing repairs (it always read as Thriving Sheep Pen). I go to bed last night with a couple hours left before they're ready to be sheared again and wake up to a collapsed pen that's useless.

Do these things have a finite lifespan or is the window to do repairs so small that I missed it in the few hours I was asleep?
I'd like to know about this as well. My neighbor has chicken and duck pens that always seem to be in perfect working order. Thinking about getting some for myself since I've started adding a lot of animals to my farm.


Dunno, I only have a small garden and all that stuff needs a farmer's workshop. I thought I'd be smart and make the workshop on an alt (it consumes the garden plans) but it wouldn't let me place it. Ok no problem I'll just sell the small farm to my alt... oh wait I can't. Well in that case I'll just deconstruct my small farm and let my alt place it.... but I consumed my small garden plan in making the workshop...

They also won't let you use one owned by a family member and marked as family.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think what annoys me the most about the land situation is there are 2 unfinished properties right next to my small little farm (they haven't even been started and will go overdue either today or tomorrow), would be perfect to place my house there but I know I have a very very small chance of claiming either one without paying out the ass for it, even assuming whoever gets it first sells it. I've pretty much accepted that if I do get a piece of land it more than likely isn't going to be on my terms where I would prefer but every day I log in I got to stare at these two unfinished houses just thinking what I'd do if I had that land.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For anyone experienced with them, someone give me the scoop on animal pens. Im raising husbandry so I cant make my own but I placed a sheep pen I bought off the AH. I understand from the tooltip that they may occasionally need repairing but Ive been using the thing for days now without incident, never seeing any indication it needing repairs (it always read as Thriving Sheep Pen). I go to bed last night with a couple hours left before they're ready to be sheared again and wake up to a collapsed pen that's useless.

Do these things have a finite lifespan or is the window to do repairs so small that I missed it in the few hours I was asleep?
It's % chance. I had chicken coops for a week or so and during that time, of the 6 I had planted, 2 broke(had to be replaced completely) and 3 had to be repaired(just took some bamboo). You can have Collapsed(has to be destroyed) or Cracked(has to be repaired).

I dragged Tuco out yesterday, was my first day sport fishing as well. I'm at 31k proficiency, made 230ish gold in 8 hours. Not sure if good or bad.
Seems pretty low. With 31k skill are you concentrating on medium/large fish only?


Maintenance is 4 hours today, here's hoping all cheaters will be banned, all the property stolen by hacks will be destroyed and returned to the wild, and all the loopholes will be fixed and closed!


I actually saw a gold farmer running through Lilyut yesterday with a debuff on him that said the character was flagged for suspicious activity and would be banned unless proven otherwise. I thought that was pretty cool that they make it totally obvious when they do catch someone. The issue now is if they can catch the people botting/hacking for those farms. Gold farmers are easily detectable, but are botters?


It's % chance. I had chicken coops for a week or so and during that time, of the 6 I had planted, 2 broke(had to be replaced completely) and 3 had to be repaired(just took some bamboo). You can have Collapsed(has to be destroyed) or Cracked(has to be repaired).
Appreciate the reply. I googled a bit this morning when work slowed down and finally turned up something on reddit that mirrors what you said. Apparently when the recovery time is up on a pen or coop there's a chance it will be fine, broken, or collapsed. I assume that the percentage to collapse goes up with repeated uses but there was nothing concrete stated to that effect. I sheared the sheep a couple times a day for 3-4 days so I guess I got my moneys worth out of it. Too bad my husbandry is too low to make my own, not sure I can afford to buy new pens when the old one breaks.

Need a good way to power husbandry up like you can making sleeves for tailoring.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I actually saw a gold farmer running through Lilyut yesterday with a debuff on him that said the character was flagged for suspicious activity and would be banned unless proven otherwise. I thought that was pretty cool that they make it totally obvious when they do catch someone. The issue now is if they can catch the people botting/hacking for those farms. Gold farmers are easily detectable, but are botters?
Botters/hackers dont even try to hide it. In a perfect world all these gaming companies would have people in game monitoring areas. But that's in a perfect world , these days game companies seem to try as much as possible to not have a in-game presence.

Which is very odd, if there is one thing that can provide goodwill and amazing word of mouth for your game is players actually seeing GMs in-game and taking care of business. Imagine in this game, you actually see GMs in game taking out botters/hackers and maybe even announcing in zone chat( /shout "Hacker Xxy has been smited from these lands!"). Yes you will never really get rid of the problem, but the image you would give to players and media alike is well worth it imo.


Golden Squire
I'm leveling Brage/Aura/Vit to 50 (leveling speed is fine) and plan on labor leveling defense at that point. Mainly talking about the level 50 play experience. Thanks.
Ahh sorry. I am pretty fresh to 50 so not a lot of experience. I am using a very low offense healer build which has amazing survivability but can't kill shit. You could definitely splash more defense (shield slam/ bull rush) to gain a reliable stun/ trip combo and some dps since that combos with aura shield.

In group play they are much more stand out though. I have not done any large scale PvP at 50 yet but in small group (2-10 people) they are hard to beat due to being able to pretty much make themselves cc immune for long periods while providing excellent support through healing and solid cc / enemy control - grouping up foes for your aoe. Talents like immunity mean you can wade right into the thick of it which is a nice change from most WoW type healing.

The nice part about them is there really isn't a 100% cookie cutter spec. There are some core 'must haves' but there is a decent amount of flexibity beyond those depending on you preferred playstyle.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think what annoys me the most about the land situation is there are 2 unfinished properties right next to my small little farm (they haven't even been started and will go overdue either today or tomorrow), would be perfect to place my house there but I know I have a very very small chance of claiming either one without paying out the ass for it, even assuming whoever gets it first sells it. I've pretty much accepted that if I do get a piece of land it more than likely isn't going to be on my terms where I would prefer but every day I log in I got to stare at these two unfinished houses just thinking what I'd do if I had that land.
Yeah seeing all the undeveloped PRX properties really pissed me offf for a while, but I think almost all our props are built now.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I just hate the fact that hackers win almost every house going up for demo. If I lost against other people that's fine, but those hacking programs make it just worthless to try.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm working on new skillset for my main now.

Replaced all 3 original ones that were 50 with 3 new ones, almost 40 on those now.

Just started Ynestere questing, so tons of quest XP remains to be gained should make it somewhat easy to get these and the next set of 3 to 50.

I like titles, I want the one for having all skillset at 50. That's my goal presently.