

I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Competition is an awkward thing in this game because the #1 goal for a large guild is a castle, and right now I feel like if I had thirty good men I could defeat basically anything another large guild could throw at us. If the sieges were more balanced you might see guilds vying for power and competing more but right now even if we wanted to heavily focus on a certain guild there's no real way for us to do so. The other large goal is to kill world bosses like Kraken or Morpheus, but the benefits of doing so are more limited. It's not like WoW or EQ where there are N bosses you can cycle through every week and you can only get great gear from killing those bosses. A lot of bosses simply aren't worth the effort.

All we can do is enjoy the game, keep earning gold for regrades, do some organized PvP or PvE every night and engage in random PvP whenever it happens.

For most of us, stuff like this is fun and engaging:

It could be better, more meaningful and more frequent, but it's good enough.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Competition is an awkward thing in this game because the #1 goal for a large guild is a castle, and right now I feel like if I had thirty good men I could defeat basically anything another large guild could throw at us. If the sieges were more balanced you might see guilds vying for power and competing more but right now even if we wanted to heavily focus on a certain guild there's no real way for us to do so. The other large goal is to kill world bosses like Kraken or Morpheus, but the benefits of doing so are more limited. It's not like WoW or EQ where there are N bosses you can cycle through every week and you can only get great gear from killing those bosses. A lot of bosses simply aren't worth the effort.

All we can do is enjoy the game, keep earning gold for regrades, do some organized PvP or PvE every night and engage in random PvP whenever it happens.

For most of us, stuff like this is fun and engaging:

It could be better, more meaningful and more frequent, but it's good enough.
Interesting but I get the impression from this post that it wouldn't take much (from a PvP standpoint) that if another game came along with better goals/endgame PRX would bail. I'm guessing it's like that for many guilds. There isn't anything 'better' (which perhaps says more about this particular subgenre than anything else) or else this game would be abandoned by now.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Well there's no other games on the horizon so it's a bit of a moot point. We'll be playing the next PvP game and the next ten after that, but right now the newest world PvP game is ArcheAge and we're having a lot of fun in it!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well there's no other games on the horizon so it's a bit of a moot point. We'll be playing the next PvP game and the next ten after that, but right now the newest world PvP game is ArcheAge and we're having a lot of fun in it!
You mean the ones that remain are still having a lot of fun. A lot of people got tired of how terrible it is.


Golden Squire
Game is good. Service is terrible. RNG moneysink aspects are ultimately what killed my desire to keep going. It did remind me a lot of old school EQ with the time commitment necessary to accomplish just about everything. It's too bad I really don't have it in me to keep at it for the long haul.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You mean the ones that remain are still having a lot of fun. A lot of people got tired of how terrible it is.
Yes, the people who are currently playing have fun. That's a bit tautological I know. We get 80+ people on at primetime.


Vyemm Raider
Competition is an awkward thing in this game because the #1 goal for a large guild is a castle, and right now I feel like if I had thirty good men I could defeat basically anything another large guild could throw at us. If the sieges were more balanced you might see guilds vying for power and competing more but right now even if we wanted to heavily focus on a certain guild there's no real way for us to do so. The other large goal is to kill world bosses like Kraken or Morpheus, but the benefits of doing so are more limited. It's not like WoW or EQ where there are N bosses you can cycle through every week and you can only get great gear from killing those bosses. A lot of bosses simply aren't worth the effort.
Uh, Kraken loot is Delphi quality heroic items plus a ton of gold in tentacles... if you have the 9-10 gallies, you should be keeping him on lockdown. Also once you get geared you should start exploiting Serpentis and then attempting Anthalon.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Sorry for the confusing message. When I said that the world bosses have limited benefit I meant that even if you kill all the bosses when they spawn you are aren't generating much loot compared to wow or eq.

We killed the hounds and the hasla dog tonight and that's fine but 95% of the gear we get will come from crafting.

We were part of the first kyrios kraken kill but on kyrios he is non trivial. There are several groups that can do him and several more who don't mind spending their evening stopping anyone from doing it.

And the people we have doing serpentis have better gear already haha.


Vyemm Raider
The Hasla dogs are worthless. Make sure that you're killing the Hounds in Sungold Fields because that's how you spawn Anthalon.


Trakanon Raider
Game is good. Service is terrible.
And on that point, how does one go about getting a bot banned these days? 300 meters from my farm there are several adjacent 16x16's that have patron automated farmers 24/7 farming and since the majority of planted crops only cost 1 labor with the occasional labor pot they can farm like this indefinitely. They are well known on my server, get reported almost nightly, and remove the debuff when the owner (who himself bots traderuns at night in safezones) idles for the night and before he (I assume) leaves for work/school each day. There is another cluster of similar bots on adjacent farms (no idea if related or not) at Dewstone, and another apparently somewhere else. I'm not even going to bother listing the dozens of bots in auroria 24/7 farming or the ones I see everyday still doing traderuns.

We've been reporting them for over a month to no avail and I have support ticketsovertwo months old that they haven't even looked at yet. The official forums are starting to fill up with various threads from all servers bitching about bots again.

I've played a lot of pretty horrendous MMO's over the years, including more than my fair share of experimental f2p crap, and I'm not sure I've ever seen support in any of those games as bad as this before. Over 2 months and haven't even looked at my ticket? Did Trion finally say fuck it and stop caring completely?

I can get over bots as long as they are eventually banned in a reasonable time frame, but 1-2+ months with them owning land in high-trafficked areas in plain sight of everyone 24/7 farming away with max report status is really killing my will to log in.


Pay to play forum
Uh, Kraken loot is Delphi quality heroic items plus a ton of gold in tentacles... if you have the 9-10 gallies, you should be keeping him on lockdown. Also once you get geared you should start exploiting Serpentis and then attempting Anthalon.
What do you understand under exploiting Serpentis? The Protective wing and imprison chains?


Servers coming down in 60 minutes! Oh oops I guess it was 60 seconds.

Thunderstruck tree prices just about doubled overnight, but I think it is just a speculation thing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Scapes posted over a month ago that the Rumbling Saplings were going bye-bye for now once the next gamble boxes were released. Since this patch gets rid of the racing boxes and adds the xmas boxes, then the saplings are leaving the game for now. Expect TS tree, rumbling sapling, and archeum crystal prices to explode now.


Vyemm Raider
What do you understand under exploiting Serpentis? The Protective wing and imprison chains?
Room 1: Have everyone stack in the NW corner minus the the tank for the west mob and someone with Defense and Shadowplay on the east mob. Have the tank pull the west mob and your Defense/Shadowplay person pull the east mob simultaneously. Have both tanks pop invuln, and make sure no other raid members do any healing or DPS yet. Your guy who pulled the east mob needs to Back Drop away from his mob in between its attacks and then stealth. If you did it right, the second mob will disengage and your entire raid can focus on taking down the first mob by itself. Kill it, then pull and kill the second mob.

Room 2: There are three possibilities for this room: fire boss, red ring event, and green ring event. If you get the fire boss (blue room), reroll the instance. If you get the red room ring event, I believe you can Imprison stall to clear it. If you get the green room ring event, just zerg it because it's broken and doesn't reset when you die.

Room 3: Have everyone in your raid with level 50 Auramancy and rotate Protective Wings. No melee.

Room 4: Three posibilities again. Don't remember all of the possibilities specifically, but one of them is a broken ring event like in the second room (there might be two, actually).

Room 5: Three possibilities here, you'll get a warrior boss, mage boss, or archer boss. The warrior boss will cast a raid-wide Telekinesis that drops you to 10% health, but if you're stealthed when she does it, it won't hit you. Get a timer for her TK (it's like 45 seconds or so) then stealth through every single one (sans the tank, of course). The mage boss is pretty easy and I don't think you need to exploit him. If you get the archer boss, reroll the instance. (This is the first room that actually drops usable loot.)

Room 6: Don't need to exploit here, he doesn't hit too hard so just do the strat. He's a big bullet sponge. Grab some snacks and get ready for a 15+ minute encounter. Some guilds like to tank him with a Bastion for the extra DPS, but you need good gear to hold aggro as one.

Scapes posted over a month ago that the Rumbling Saplings were going bye-bye for now once the next gamble boxes were released. Since this patch gets rid of the racing boxes and adds the xmas boxes, then the saplings are leaving the game for now. Expect TS tree, rumbling sapling, and archeum crystal prices to explode now.
Excellent! If any of you are playing on Aranzeb, I'm selling them $15 a pop. Act fast while they're still cheap!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Scapes posted over a month ago that the Rumbling Saplings were going bye-bye for now once the next gamble boxes were released. Since this patch gets rid of the racing boxes and adds the xmas boxes, then the saplings are leaving the game for now. Expect TS tree, rumbling sapling, and archeum crystal prices to explode now.
Wait, what? They still have the fucking boxes in for those? Trion is more ridiculous than I thought. I guess they figured since they already fucked the economy, why not just go at it full bore?

I'll never play another Trion game again. This one pretty much destroyed any temptation I might ever have.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Looking back at it, even as a guy who had multiple large farms pumping out cedar for tstrucks and losing a lot of money from the tstruck boxes, I'm glad they did something to reduce the value of the tstrucks. Back in those days some 80% of farms were cedar/pine, now there's a more even balance.

Plus getting a fishing boat / farm wagon was something you'd have to save up for a month to get, where as after tstrucks started going for 250g it became a week of saving instead.

So yeah, if they get rid of tstrucks in the cash shop I hope they do something else to reduce their value.


I think they are coming back in the loyalty area later. I'm 4 short on my car, but I'm averaging about 1 rubber a day from 70ish trees. I've got about 30 rubber to go, and about 30 days of gilda star dailies, so I might get another strike or two in that time.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I've been saving up my loyalty since release, so if I cna exchange that for more than I can get with labor pots that's good for me!

Kriptini, the other aspect you have to consider with us is that we wouldn't do any kind of exploiting to win fights. Some of those tactics are pretty grey.


Pay to play forum
Why are these tactics in the grey area? I always treated dropback+stealth as a feign death and nothing wrong with protective wing and imprison chains. Only one a bit shady is stealth on the last boss.

I am ignoring the rerolling the instance until a bugged one spawns though. I think we are able to beat most of them.


Vyemm Raider
Kriptini, the other aspect you have to consider with us is that we wouldn't do any kind of exploiting to win fights. Some of those tactics are pretty grey.
Most guilds can't even get past the first room without exploiting it. Again, the fight is scaled to level 55; it assumes that the raid force would have two level 55 tanks, each with two level 55 healers, and four level 55 DPS. But since that's impossible for NA/EU, you either have to clear that room by exploiting or you need good gear. And good luck trying to beat the third boss without Wings spam.

See, generally, I would agree that exploiting raids ruins the fun of them. But then I realized that ArcheAge has the worst PvE content I have ever experienced in an MMORPG and it does not deserve any ounce of my effort. The mechanics are all garbage and the tuning is completely out of whack.

Why are these tactics in the grey area? I always treated dropback+stealth as a feign death and nothing wrong with protective wing and imprison chains. Only one a bit shady is stealth on the last boss.

I am ignoring the rerolling the instance until a bugged one spawns though. I think we are able to beat most of them.
On Aranzeb, I'm 90% sure that the top two guilds had cleared all of the variations of all the rooms before I quit, save for the archer boss in the 5th room.