

El Presidente
Archer season 5 was definitely the low point of the series. Still plenty of funny moments, but the consistency just wasn't there. First 2 seasons are still some of the best television I've ever seen. Current season is quite good.


Log Wizard
So...anyone going to mention shark jumping? I mean I know it has robots and shit, but even those are ALMOST plausible in today's world. Shrinkification...maybe not.

Though I'm kind of wondering if this is all a huge April Fool's prank by the CIA. If it was I want a goddamn title.


Log Wizard
So none of the stuff that Krieger has done is jumping the shark for you?
No. He's their mad scientist and all the shit he's done is more or less in the realm of possibility. Well, maybe not his hologram wife leaving his van and flying around Archer's apartment building.


FPS noob
I've never read Fantastic Voyage or seen the movie (TV show?) so kept thinking they were going in a Honey I Shrunk the Kids parody direction, this episode really went back hard into the 70s well. I have no idea who the fuck Michael Gray is either, I guess he was the star of a 70s comic book TV show
Shazam! (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I assume the dude in the leotard was a throwback to Frisky Dingo? Good episode but seems like you'd get more out of it if you grew up in the 70s.

Cyril's little speech to Ray and all of Krieger's weird phrenology stuff was awesome, can't wait to see part 2.


Log Wizard
I've never read Fantastic Voyage or seen the movie (TV show?) so kept thinking they were going in a Honey I Shrunk the Kids parody direction, this episode really went back hard into the 70s well. I have no idea who the fuck Michael Gray is either, I guess he was the star of a 70s comic book TV show
Shazam! (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I assume the dude in the leotard was a throwback to Frisky Dingo? Good episode but seems like you'd get more out of it if you grew up in the 70s.

Cyril's little speech to Ray and all of Krieger's weird phrenology stuff was awesome, can't wait to see part 2.
No Frisky Dingo reference. Just more 70's references to this guy I guess:

Slim Goodbody - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


<Gold Donor>
When I was like 6 I religiously got up at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning to watch the Shazam and Isis hour. And later in the day Electro Woman and Dyna Girl were on. Isis and those two made me feel funny in my pants before I even knew what that was all about.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Now let's create a little debate - Community Season 4 or Archer Season 5 - which was more disappointing? [I'd say Archer personally]
Absolutely, 100% Community S4. Archer S5 was a pretty low point for a series which started out amazing and otherwise managed to keep it together mostly, but Community S4 was show destroying. There's no recovering from what they've done to that show. As has been said, it was like watching a completely different show, and they've never recovered.

I'd put Archer S5 on par with Community S3 - a huge dip in quality, but still a decent moment here and there.


Log Wizard
I think Community could have recovered, but they lost Chevy (who wasn't that important but was a great instigator) and Donald Glover who's character was probably the best out of all of them. If they were still around I have no doubt it'd be 70-90% what it was season 2-3. Honestly the biggest thing that bothered me is the way the changed cinematography. Pisses me off.


The Scientific Shitlord
So...anyone going to mention shark jumping? I mean I know it has robots and shit, but even those are ALMOST plausible in today's world. Shrinkification...maybe not.

Though I'm kind of wondering if this is all a huge April Fool's prank by the CIA. If it was I want a goddamn title.
That was my first thought. The giant flash of light dropped them down into some stunt room.


Musty Nester
So...anyone going to mention shark jumping? I mean I know it has robots and shit, but even those are ALMOST plausible in today's world. Shrinkification...maybe not.

Though I'm kind of wondering if this is all a huge April Fool's prank by the CIA. If it was I want a goddamn title.
I mean I would. But a show like this jumps the shark on the first episode. So it's sorta hard to get too horn rimmed glasses over it.


Silver Baron of the Realm
I'm getting tired of Archer always being a retard on and off of missions now. That and the entire cast doing their obligatory trademark shticks on cue. I know its a comedy and all but you can only do something so often and in the same ways before it stops being funny.


Log Wizard
I'm getting tired of Archer always being a retard on and off of missions now. That and the entire cast doing their obligatory trademark shticks on cue. I know its a comedy and all but you can only do something so often and in the same ways before it stops being funny.
I actually kind of agree with this. The only things that really make me laugh on this are when Archer has debates about cultural sensitivity or ancient roman politics or something random, usually while in a gunfight. Otherwise it all feels a bit worn down. I think that's why I much prefer Frisky Dingo. It was incredibly linear with a major plot and only had two seasons. From the way season 2 ended if they had a season 3 it could've been really good or really, really bad.


A nice asshole.
I'm getting tired of Archer always being a retard on and off of missions now. That and the entire cast doing their obligatory trademark shticks on cue. I know its a comedy and all but you can only do something so often and in the same ways before it stops being funny.
Disagree! They tried this shit last season and it wasn't as good, let them be who they are for the 7 or so minutes they are each on screen. Archer being a retard and then showing incredible skill and or insight at key moments is what makes him one of my favorite characters, he treats Pam like a friend now and he will clearly do anything when his kid is involved all while being a jackass.

He is the jackass that gets the team through while punching Cyril in the face.


Silver Baron of the Realm
Disagree! They tried this shit last season and it wasn't as good, let them be who they are for the 7 or so minutes they are each on screen. Archer being a retard and then showing incredible skill and or insight at key moments is what makes him one of my favorite characters, he treats Pam like a friend now and he will clearly do anything when his kid is involved all while being a jackass.

He is the jackass that gets the team through while punching Cyril in the face.
Tried what? I didn't suggest anything. All I said was I am tired of how they are doing things.

Last season was complete shit because they tried to one up themselves on the goofball nonsense scale while adopting an inferior show premise. If I had any suggestion it would be for more moments of seriousness interspersed between the frequent storms of flip nonsense. That's just me though.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You can't even fault Archer for the airlock debacle. Shouldn't you mention that ahead of time?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I think Community could have recovered, but they lost Chevy (who wasn't that important but was a great instigator) and Donald Glover who's character was probably the best out of all of them. If they were still around I have no doubt it'd be 70-90% what it was season 2-3. Honestly the biggest thing that bothered me is the way the changed cinematography. Pisses me off.
Yeah it's possible if they'd kept the original group together it could have recovered to a degree, but honestly, the show dove off the deep end with the whole Chang takeover plotline in S3. They lost me when they went from "quirky but mostly realistic for a TV show" to a straight up weird fantasy world where shit that would never in a million years happen in the real world happens every day and is just taken in stride. Like everyone loved the Paintball episode, so they decided to make an entire season of Paintball episodes, and in the echochamber of the rabid reddit fanbase this was all awesome so they just drifted into some weird fucked up alternate reality. They also killed the character development to just keep the show going the moment Jeff left Greendale then came back. I wonder if the new writers didn't have him leave at the end of S4 on purpose just to spite whoever followed them by making it impossible to keep the characters developing and the story flowing if they got fired. Things would have worked out a lot better if whatshisface hadn't let all the jerking off from his fanbase on reddit go to his head, between S2 & 3, had run with a 4 year story arch and quit while he was ahead.

But this isn't the Community thread. I need to catch up on Archer.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lots of good laughs in the finale.

Also in case anyone was curious, that voice was actually TV's Michael Grey. Who played Billy Batson on the Marvel and Isis hour. And hasn't been inANYTHINGsince that in 1976...