Australian in U.S. on baseball scholarship murdered by teens because they were bored


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
89-year-old WWII veteran BEATEN TO DEATH by two black teens in Spokane, WA




"Delbert Belton was 89 years-old, waiting in the parking lot of his lodge at 8PM. "

You where in the wrong place at the wrong time old man.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
If Obama had a son.... lol =(

RIP Shorty. Our country is such a fucking embarrassment. Wonder when/if/how Obama/Jackson/Sharpton/Others like them will comment.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
If Obama had a son.... lol =(

RIP Shorty. Our country is such a fucking embarrassment. Wonder when/if/how Obama/Jackson/Sharpton/Others like them will comment.
That's why it was insane that Obama said something to begin with, a publicist would have said that was stupid thing to do because every case you don't comment makes you look like a hypocrit.


That is a very disturbing story. Hope they catch the guys that did it.


Millie's Staff Member
All these children of Obama running around killing white people are just misunderstood because when they get looked at as thug pieces of shit they just really wanted a hug. A hug dadbama never gave them


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Really nice write up on not to ignore the race factor of this.. from Time magazine, no less. I agree with it, completely. Has the Obama administration admitted that they have actually "heard of" this story yet? Last I heard, they were "not familiar" with it, while every single other person in the civilized world was grieving.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
White, black or purple, I imagine living in a home with a bunch of people you aren't related to and don't know in a serious manner for longer than a few weeks is the closest thing to hell a man can find on Earth.
Whoa man youve been deployed to a warzone too?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
There's No 'Reverse Trayon' in Christopher Lane Killing

"These complaints-which, at this point, are ubiquitous on the right-stem from a common assumption: that race, a white man killing a black boy, was the only thing that mattered for supporters of Trayvon Martin. And if that were true, Beck and Limbaugh would have a point. But it isn't, and they don't.

In Sanford, Fla., there was no action from police. Weeks passed before the city began an investigation into Martin's death and filed charges against Zimmerman. Indeed, without the activism of Al Sharpton-and others-there wouldn't have been a trial. If Trayvon Martin became a household name, it's because people perceived a miscarriage of justice, one that harkened back to Jim Crow.
There was no dereliction of duty in Duncan, Okla. In short order, police arrested the teens who killed Christopher Lane, and brought them to justice. Now, they'll be tried for their crimes. Lane's death is awful, but there's no misconduct to focus on. The system worked.

Not that this will change the narrative in conservative media. If Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Fox News sell anything, it's white anger and racial resentment. And for them, Christopher Lane isn't a person as much as he's a product."

the premise that this article fails on is that, the police did their job originally in letting zimmerman go because there was no evidence of a crime, he was only charged with a crime after the white house paid al sharpton to go to florida and muck rake up anguish to the point that the state feared rioting so to appease the rioters they bypassed a judicial procedure that would have prevented the case from entering the courts. The daily beasts article forgets the concept that you are presumed innocent until proven guilty and that zimmerman was, they are basically saying mob justice was ok there.