Autonomous Systems

Would you ever own an autonomous vehicle?

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  • Fuck you! I'll keep my Indepenence

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Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
Yes, that's roughly what it does.

There's different ways to not only calculate a final result (in this case distance to vehicle in front of us) but additionally calculate the likelihood that our vehicle distance is true. Additionally there are systems that calculate the amount of error from each input source. So if we had a car with 2 forward facing cameras, two radar and a lidar all looking at the car in front of us (common setup) we'd have five independent sources of information that could feed an estimation engine with data.

If one radar started wigging out (Because for example the terrain on one side of the road was unstable), a lidar started wigging out (because the sun reflected off a bumper into it) or a monocular camera started wigging out (because the car started blending in with the semi-truck in front of it) those systems would detect that discrepancy and start trusting them less.

A good example of that is:
Kalman filter - Wikipedia
Damn machines is getting too smart, we need to destroy them before they kill us all and ferment us into methanol for fuel!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Damn machines is getting too smart, we need to destroy them before they kill us all and ferment us into methanol for fuel!
I wouldn't worry too much. Improving AI is like improving anything else. Progress gets really logarithmic really quickly. Going from the above system to something that can dynamically learn and take in less direct inputs is really really hard.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>


ResetEra Staff Member
So thinking about this a bit more this morning... Quantum computing could be where strong AI actually becomes possible and that's pretty much here. Maybe the fear of AI that people like Elon Musk have rambled on about is fair.

Some form of machine learning against database indexes with some weird manipulation of superposition/entanglement kind of sounds like a brain to me.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Sometimes, xkcd has the right tone:

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Murder Apologist
Man, that movie wouldn’t have been as memorable If Skynet was actually Uber and terminators just drove everyone off cliffs and bridges.
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Phank 2002
"Then on Sunday night, an autonomous car operated by Uber — and with an emergency backup driver behind the wheel — struck and killed a woman on a street in Tempe, Ariz."

Haha, bet the emergency driver was texting or playing candy crush..

(sucks some one died)


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I guess Uber should have done a better job of stealing Google's IP.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Someone around here who was an “authority” on self-driving commercial vehicles said we weren’t gonna see them deployed in public for at least ten years.

How are they killing people already?

The thought in the industry is that Uber's taking these huge risks because they are a pretty tempestuous company. They don't have the resources or time of Google, Ford, GM, etc. Who all have huge R&D centers running day and night to perfect their versions of this technology.

Uber is all. Fuck it, we're doing it live! If we just have some dude behind the wheel while testing we can gather more data and get beat the Big Three to the markets. This is the only way they secure long(er) term stability and security. I mean it's speculation on my part but it makes sense when you compare Uber to their competition. GM hired 1500 people and a huge research facility in Silicon Valley for the explicit purpose of refining auto-driving technology.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The thought in the industry is that Uber's taking these huge risks because they are a pretty tempestuous company. They don't have the resources or time of Google, Ford, GM, etc. Who all have huge R&D centers running day and night to perfect their versions of this technology.

Uber is all. Fuck it, we're doing it live! If we just have some dude behind the wheel while testing we can gather more data and get beat the Big Three to the markets. This is the only way they secure long(er) term stability and security. I mean it's speculation on my part but it makes sense when you compare Uber to their competition. GM hired 1500 people and a huge research facility in Silicon Valley for the explicit purpose of refining auto-driving technology.
And Tesla is pretty bold compared to ford/google too. I'm genuinely surprised (and glad) they haven't iced anyone yet.
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