Avengers: Age of Ultron


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think protagonist is the wrong word. More like point of view character. Like watching terminator from the view of arnie


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't know how you could make a movie with Thanos being the protagonist...
You know protagonist doesn't mean good guy right?

Protagonist_sl said:
the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.
All they would have to do is reverse things for the first movie and show it from his perspective as people try to keep him from assembling the infinity gems.


Molten Core Raider
Thanos has comic stories where he's the protag, and he's fantastic. Of course they all take place in space and he has a guy named Pip the Troll that teleports him places, so it would be pretty dumb on film.


Trakanon Raider
Well the 90s The Thanos Quest would make kick ass movie. Doesn't have a shitty ass troll named Pip.


Saw it. Thought it wasn't as good as the first Avengers, but was still pretty damn good. I'd give the first a 9.5 and this one a 9.

It might not have been in the review vid linked earlier, but one thing that reviewer said that I agree with is that I think they're going to have a lot of problems with making Thanos relatable. Loki was so good because he's a human (well, Asgardian). Ultron has the weight of James Spader behind him, but it lost something whenever they zoomed in on his face. I can't remember if Thanos was CG or prosthetics in Guardians of the Galaxy, but I hope they go with prosthetics.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
My only gripe is that in some of the action scenes, especially the opening the CGI was so apparent that it took me out of the movie. Almost looked like Matrix 2 cartoon people grphics.
I honestly thought they were in some sort of simulation at first thus meant to be that way, to my disappointment.


Registered Hutt
Yea, I had a moment where I thought they were in a Stark version of the danger room. And while I was deciding whether Thor would bother to show up to something like that the idea was undone by the Hydra agents.


Tranny Chaser
Cool movie. Bored with Ultron as main bad guy. The man in the machine, or reverse, is getting old. At least Loke was a funny bad guy. Ultron just lacks charm.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The more I think about I still like the movie but it does seem unnessary in the larger MU dialog. Nothing lasting happened. Only places affected were shit hole 3rd world Cities. No one of consequence dies. And everyone will come back like nothing happens in the next one. Only plot thing was adding the vision which I feel could have been done in one of the other movies.


I saw it as more of a character building movie. Where else are you going to get Black Widow + Banner and Hawkeye as the only 'normal' Avenger?

Plus Thor's visions are a good set up for the longer game of Thanos + Infinity Gauntlet


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cool movie. Bored with Ultron as main bad guy. The man in the machine, or reverse, is getting old. At least Loke was a funny bad guy. Ultron just lacks charm.
Ultron really grew on me as the movie went on and he started to act more and more human. I got the sense that he was battling with himself to reconcile his plan with his humanity.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The more I think about I still like the movie but it does seem unnessary in the larger MU dialog. Nothing lasting happened. Only places affected were shit hole 3rd world Cities. No one of consequence dies. And everyone will come back like nothing happens in the next one. Only plot thing was adding the vision which I feel could have been done in one of the other movies.
Shit I said months ago. And thats the problem with these movies. Bad guy dies and nothing else with a lasting impact happens. I mean hell what happened between the end of IM3 and Ultron? Didnt Stark say fuck it im giving up the suits to have a stable life with Pepper?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I don't see how "nothing else with a lasting impact" happened. I think this movie set up a few important things that will affect the future films:
- A real re-emergence of SHIELD as an effective force (with the helicarrier and new SHIELD/Avengers base)
- New Avengers roster with Vision, Falcon, and Scarlet Witch
- Upping the animosity between Stark and Captain America
- Popular opinion turning against the Avengers after Hulk's widescale destruction in Wakanda.
- Acknowledgement of the infinity gems, the danger of them coming together, and Thanos setting out to collect them

In fact, rather than saying that nothing with a lasting impact happened, I'd say it spent a little too much time setting up future movies. As others have mentioned in this thread already, it definitely felt like a "middle" movie, meant to build characters and set up the next films in the series moreso than be a standalone, great movie by itself (which it still was, imo).


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't see how "nothing else with a lasting impact" happened. I think this movie set up a few important things that will affect the future films:
- A real re-emergence of SHIELD as an effective force (with the helicarrier and new SHIELD/Avengers base)
- New Avengers roster with Vision, Falcon, and Scarlet Witch
- Upping the animosity between Stark and Captain America
- Popular opinion turning against the Avengers after Hulk's widescale destruction in Wakanda.
- Acknowledgement of the infinity gems, the danger of them coming together, and Thanos setting out to collect them

In fact, rather than saying that nothing with a lasting impact happened, I'd say it spent a little too much time setting up future movies. As others have mentioned in this thread already, it definitely felt like a "middle" movie, meant to build characters and set up the next films in the series moreso than be a standalone, great movie by itself (which it still was, imo).
How many buckets of popcorn do you go through in 1 movie? :p


That guy
Something I'm really wondering about at this point is how they're going to set up Civil War, unless that's what the first half of Captain America 3 actually is. Yeah we saw a little bit of it in Age of Ultron, but nothing bad enough to spark the animosity that's to come between Stark, Rogers, and others. It just doesn't seem like something that be pulled off in just one movie. Maybe Ant-Man will cover some of it but I don't really see how. Iron Man 3 should have been done between Ultron and Civil War. It really could have upped the ante with Stark continuing to dabble in automated defense robots and completely fucking something up and driving the world governments to act, with Civil War being the direct follow up to it with Rogers as the protagonist. Meh that's just my ramblings though, I mostly just want IM3 erased since it really didn't add anything to the MCU at all. This is all assuming that the (direct quote from the official synopsis for Civil War) "international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage" isn't referring to what happened in Age of Ultron, which if it is then that means the first part of Civil War will be the political happenings and people choosing sides.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Maybe Civil War ENDS with the death, instead of it happening in the middle or end.

I didn't really think about it beforehand.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why do you think they can't set up and start/do Civil War in one movie? This movie started with them retrieving a spear and within the first 45 minutes it was about a world spanning AI building an army and planning on human extinction. All they need is Tony being triggeredso hardby one bad event. Half AoU was him ignoring everyone else and doing what he decided was right, he's already set up as the guy willing to make unpopular(or wrong or stupid) decisions without regards to the rest of them. Also that he really dwells on things that went wrong.

Christ, they could just say that one single kid died in the fight with Hulk and that could be all it takes. It's a movie, not shown in real time(F U Nick of Time!), lots of ground gets covered in a very short time if they want.


Also: Movie Age of Ultron had a different plot to comic Age of Ultron, so why would movie Civil War have the same plot as comic Civil War?