Azrayne's drug geek thread


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I would assume because you as a professional probably know what dilaudid contains when someone mentions it. As a recreational user, you are more likely to recognize what hydromorphone is, or is related to from the generic name than brand name x.

Also, mail me some k.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
As a licensed medical provider of anesthesia I thought this thread was entertaining. Azrayne, when the day comes that you need surgery request a Dexmedetomidine infusion, it really helps the drug/alcohol user wake up more relaxed and in less pain from the opioid-induced hyperalgesia. I do have a question for the users, why do you refer to drugs in their generic name; hydromorphone, acetaminophen, diphenhydramine? Where as medical professionals, the people who give the stuff almost always use the trade names; dilaudid, Tylenol, benadryl.

Pro tip- if you take a benzo with PCP you will reduce/eliminate bad trips.
Never heard of dexmedetomidine, I'll look into it though, thanks for the heads up.

As for the names, it helps prevent confusion, especially online. There are usually 3+ brand variations of any given pharmaceutical in any given country, and generally at least one or two are specific to that country - some drugs aren't available in other countries at all. If I'm on a forum talking about pills which aren't sold outside Australia, or even just aren't sold in the US (Mogadon, Jurnista, Kapanol, etc), 90% of the people there won't know what I'm talking about, but if I use the generic name (Nitrazepam, Hydromorphone, Morphine), then they do, or can at least look it up.

In person it's generally either slang or specific brand names, or slang for specific brand names, since people have a preference based on the dose/formulation. One thing I find funny is that brand names have carried over here to Aus as slang when they aren't even sold here - diazepam is always referred to as valium, even though that isn't one of the brands available here. Same with alprazolam/xanax (the 2mg bars are sold as Kalma in the chemist, but on the street they're just xannies/bars).

Also, mail me some k.
Hah, I can barely get any myself these days, it seems to have dried up in a big way. I had to shop around for a week to get a single gram about a month ago when I decided I wanted to chill out for a night. Pretty shitty, since it's one of the few drugs I both enjoy and can consume these days, but I guess it's probably for the best in terms of my health and productivity.

On a side note: I ended up getting my hands on some DMT as well. I'm not normally big on psychedelics, but DMT is by all accounts a unique experience, and I've been meaning to try it for years but never gotten around to it. A friend called me out of the blue and offered me some at a significant discount, and I had the spare cash so I grabbed it up.

So uh, anyone wanting to throw in some advice on first time DMT experiences, fill me in. I know the usual set/setting stuff (which is why I haven't smoked it yet, I'm having a stressful month, waiting till I'm a bit more relaxed), and was told that the best way to dose it is to layer it between weed/tobacco, light those up and then let the heat from the burning plant matter vaporize the DMT. I don't enjoy weed and don't want the taste of tobacco in my mouth during the trip, so I figured I'd get one of the more or less inert herbal smoking blends they sell at a head shop here (actualherbal blends, not plant matter sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids) and use that.

I'm debating bong v. pipe (bong seems pretty likely to be dropped and break if I lose control of my body, but apparently the smoke is pretty harsh when unfiltered). My mate said 50mg was the "blast off" dose, so I figured I'd start with 20mg to get a feel for it, wait an hour, then go again at 50mg to get the full experience. I figure I'll go with my usual K-hole set up (quiet room, dim lights, chilled out music, bit of incense) for the setting - I'd like to try it outdoors, but my friend pointed out quite rightly that a familiar setting is probably best for the first experience.

Thoughts? Either way it should be interesting, this is my final psychoactive frontier, the last tick on my chemical bucket list. Honestly, I'm kinda nervous, my last psychedelic experience wasn't great (a shitty combination of LSD and DOI in a really shitty setting), and it's been a long time since I've taken my head somewhere completely new.


<Bronze Donator>
who needs to hunt down K when you can just order MXE from the internet?

the best way to smoke DMT in my experience is in a meth style bulb pipe. i've never smoked meth, bought that bulb specifically for DMT. worked great. took a few attempts to get the heating technique down, though -- you've got to get DMT to just the right temperature. it vapes quick when it vapes, but overheating will cause it to become inert.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah I've had a fair bit of fun with MXE, but it's a very different drug to K. Good for watching movies with mates or going out, but sometimes you just want to lie down in bed with some music on and dive into the floaty black k-hole place, which you can't do with MXE. And the tweaky comedown is a bitch.

It's also very hard to get actual MXE ever since it was banned in the UK. Mate of mine is hugely into it, and maybe 1/4 of the batches he orders are actual MXE. The rest are (methoxy)diphenidine, which is similar to MXE but even tweakier and with massive amnesia thrown in on top (literally "have a shot then come to 3 hours later not realizing what you've been doing the entire time" level amnesia). Pretty shitty.


<Bronze Donator>
damn he needs better sources if they're really trying to pass off 2-MeO-diphenidine as MXE.

i've also fucked around with 3-MeO-PCP. which is also awesome IMO but yeah can't really get to the hole with it. too stimulating.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Could be a source issue, but he's been doing this a long time and he orders samples from basically every half-respectable vendor which pops up. Usually he'll get a good batch or two from a vendor, then they'll start sending him crap or they'll shut down and he's back to square one.

I skipped out on 3-meo-pcp, personally. I've heard good things and bad things, but I'm mostly just not really keen on anything that lasts more than 3 or 4 hours anymore.

Oh yeah with the DMT - what did the stuff you were smoking look like? Was talking about it with a friend and I figured that maybe that has an impact on which smoking method works best, since this stuff is more rocky than crystalline (and not water soluble, which I know because I'm responsible and definitely didn't attempt to mix it into a shot of K). I figure it has something to do with the extraction method and level of impurities left in the final product, but I haven't done a ton of reading on the subject.


<Bronze Donator>
mine was yellowish waxy crystals. wasn't very fine crystallization, i think whoever extracted it didn't do part of the extraction right. can't remember if it would be the acid portion or the base portion of the extraction, whichever would leave behind fatty material from the plant you're extracting from.

have you ever heard of changa? i think if i had a decent amount of DMT around i would end up making my own pseudochanga.... using syrian rue extract.
Azrayne;1161633 said:
Never heard of dexmedetomidine, I'll look into it though, thanks for the heads up.

Dexmedetomidine is also called Precedex. Its a centrally acting (works on da brain/spinal cord) Alpha-2 agonist adrenergic receptor. Alpha receptors in the periphery control the tightness of your arteries and veins ( increases blood pressure ) in the brain and spinal cord alpha receptors affect arousal and pain transmission. In short it; relaxes, sedates, lowers bp/heart rate, lowers pain on all patients. It is especially useful on people who are chronic drug or alcohol users. It is Clonidine's bigger badder better brother. I use it on all chronic drug/alcohol users, they literally give me the thumbs up after waking up from major surgery, the stuff is crazy good. The downside is its price, about $200-$400 per vial. It offers no euphoric effects just natural sedation and pain control. If Michael Jackson used this instead of Propofol (Diprivan) he would be well rested and alive.

Pro-tip 2
Ketamine increases your respiratory drive, heart rate and swell your brain ( possibly cause seizures) so if mixed with an opioid (morphine, heroin, dilaudid) you have a decreased risk of not breathing (apnea). I woulds recommend no more than 50mg of ketamine, and lower the amount of opioid you use, ketamine has a strong synergistic effect with it. On its own Ketamine will induce mild to severe psychosis which is why I recommend a strong benzodiazapine with it. You will also drool uncontrollably and possibly choke to death on your own spittle ( no joke ) so an antisialagogue is a good idea (robinul) but that will further increase your heart rate and possibly cause a heart attack if given in to much quantity when mixed with ketamine. Max dose on robinul should be 0.2 mg for maximal beneficial effect.

Pro-tip 3
If you are a chronic cocaine user and need to have surgery, DO NOT LIE!!! Cocaine = stimulant and chronic uses of a stimulant causes your body to not produce its naturally occurring chemicals that maintain your blood pressure. If you do lie and go have surgery, once I put you to sleep your blood pressure will go to 0 and none of the medications that can be given to increase your blood pressure will have any effect. Epinephrine is now as effective as water ( utterly useless). I have heard of a number of young people dying on anesthesia providers because they decided to snort a bit of cocaine right before their surgery. I repeat if you use cocaine on a regular basis you have a massively increased risk of dying when having anesthesia for surgery.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm


<Bronze Donator>
sometimes i like to take tramadol just to remind myself how lame it is

300mg and meh

idk how my friends get hooked on this shit


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I've heard it can be ok if you throw it on top of other opiates, but I've never bothered actually getting any to find out.

And yeah after all my agonizing over set and setting, I ended up getting trashed on cheap wine, then more trashed on GHB, smoking the DMT with a friend until 5am and then repeating the process when we woke up the next afternoon.

The experience itself was... wow. Not even gonna try to articulate it because I don't have the patience for several-thousand-word trip reports any more (especially since they won't make sense to anyone who hasn't done it, and those who've done it don't need the trip report), but it was definitely unique, which I guess is what I was after.

Guess I'm done with drugs now? Eaten enough MDMA for one lifetime (with the possible exception clause of taking it with a girl next time I get into a deep relationship), meth isn't worth the comedown, don't even want to think about what would happen if I jumped on the opiate train again, and I don't think there's anything on the hallucinogen side of things that will top K/DMT. I've even decided to axe booze for the time being, the calories and the hangovers are fucking with my whole healthy living thing I'm trying to get going and I never liked it all that much by itself anyway. Guess everything comes full circle yada yada - responsible adulthood inc?


ill read thru this thead shortly. but in case it hasn't been asked. What's the fascination with Hydrocodine?
My third time on it for a broken foot and I dont get it. Alleviates pain and that's about it. What am I missing?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
have you smoked salvia?
No, but I've never heard anything about it which makes it sound worth the effort - it's usually described as a pretty uncomfortable trip, from memory, and it's not easy to get in Aus.

ill read thru this thead shortly. but in case it hasn't been asked. What's the fascination with Hydrocodine?
My third time on it for a broken foot and I dont get it. Alleviates pain and that's about it. What am I missing?
Opiates are a bit of an acquired taste for a lot of people - Do yourself a favor and don't acquire it.

DMT is beyond amazing.
It's... yeah. I dunno. Still hard to explain. I really enjoyed it, but it didn't feel as mindblowing as a k-hole for some reason. I mean I got it on with the machine elves and everything (nowthatwas a unique experience, worth the price of entry alone), and I was eager for another toke as soon as I could stand up, but once I ran out I was happy to just crash, and I woke up without a driving desire to dive back into that particular part of my consciousness again. I was very content with the experience, whereas K (which I think is probably the closest comparison in terms of "blast you completely out of reality" type drugs) always leaves me wanting to dive back in. Maybe personal preference, although compared to psychedelics, dissociatives are notoriously fiendish.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
ill read thru this thead shortly. but in case it hasn't been asked. What's the fascination with Hydrocodine?
My third time on it for a broken foot and I dont get it. Alleviates pain and that's about it. What am I missing?
I had hydrocodone for a really bad cough. When I stopped taking it I went through nasty sweats. Full body gross.


Bronze Squire
I need a drug name to English dictionary.

I can't drink more than a couple beers, and no more pot because it fucks with my heart rhythms. I do have some good pain meds, though.
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