Babylon 5


<Gold Donor>
What I remember about babylon 5 was that it tended to have a 1 serious 1 not so serious episode rotation. So every other episode you'd go from some main story/world building into light-hearted comedy or one-off type episodes. It was a nice mix of being serious but also not being serious that worked really well for me.

In particular, I really remember liking the stuff with Londo Mollari.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Londo was light-hearted but also committed borderline genocide. So, yeah, lol. But it was really short moments or scenes with humor within each episode. War breaks out on earth, a couple of scenes later G'kar is singing cheerfully in his cell before he's released.

The only thing I haven't seen so far is artificial life. No robots, androids, AI. Found that odd.

A lot of the politics in the show feels a lot like what's going on today, or rather, has happened many times before. Governments clashing with each other, the people clashing with their government. We're on the precipice of similar conflict. Cells of organizations spying and secretly striking out separately from the Earth government and Babylon 5's. A 3rd party infiltrating the Earth's government at the highest level. Hell, there was even an episode about an outbreak and quarantine chaos.

Edit: Hahahah. Riots and curfew just started in this episode. The Military tried breaking up a gathering, resulting in fighting. Yeehaw.

Edit: The next episode where they became an independent state, they had to reset the computer's controls, which re-activated an "AI personality". Which ended up being some needy chatty Kathy that harasses Garibaldi. They end up purging it in the same episode.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>

Toy Maker from Blade Runner.


Weyoun from DS9, Brunt the Ferrangi also from DS9, Andorian from Enterprise, and a few others.


Lwaxana Troi from TNG (Majel Barret).

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
"You do not wish to know .. anything. You wish only to speak. That which you know, you ignore, because it is inconvenient. That which you do not know, you invent," Delenn.

"Not propaganda, goodfacts, as opposed to realfacts. Facts the government has endorsed." Government propaganda agent 500 years in the future.

Season 4, Episode 24.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Season 5 has so far been unfortunate.

On the episode Day of the Dead, appropriate for the season. That said, ha ha, Penn and Teller.

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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Seriously, season 5 is a big waste of excess time. They covered the breadth of the story already. It's like dragging it through the dirt. The psi war could have been a 90 minute special. The "send off" bullshit in the last episode is a lot more sentimental than it was in the last episode of DS9. But they dragged that shit through the last 3 or 4 episodes.

My God, seasons 2-4 are great. If only shows had this sort of time line to fully realize. Instead, we get a bunch of 1st and 5th season experiences.

Also, I'm starting to actually feel... old.
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That show is a curse man so many good people dead.

RIP Delenn.
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Avatar of War Slayer
that sucks.

i went to dragon con one year that focused on B5. was on the way to her panel and while in line for the escalator was mostly looking at the booklet/map to make sure was going to the right place, it was packed and there was a preson on every step, once i got on looked up at the person on the step ahead of me and made eye contact with Mira. she quickly turned around said something to her assistant, and she moved over and Mira stepped up and shared a step with her. remember just laughing out loud which probably made it more creepy for her.


that sucks.

i went to dragon con one year that focused on B5. was on the way to her panel and while in line for the escalator was mostly looking at the booklet/map to make sure was going to the right place, it was packed and there was a preson on every step, once i got on looked up at the person on the step ahead of me and made eye contact with Mira. she quickly turned around said something to her assistant, and she moved over and Mira stepped up and shared a step with her. remember just laughing out loud which probably made it more creepy for her.

creepy GIF by The Orchard Films
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Every time I come to this thread its in the hopes of an HD remaster. Every time I leave heartbroken. RIP Delenn. Thank you for helping instill an amazing sense of wonder and adventure for this young man.
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Tranny Chaser
This show is indeed cursed. Good lord so many have passed away!
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Avatar of War Slayer
i had forgotten Biggs died that long ago

Richard Biggs ... Franklin - Mar 18, 1960 - May 22, 2004 (age 44) - a tear in his aorta
Andreas Katsulas ... G'Kar - May 18, 1946 - Feb 13, 2006 (age 59) - lung cancer
Jeff Conaway ... Zack - Oct 05, 1950 - May 27, 2011 (age 60) - various causes attributable to drug overdoses
Michael O'Hare ... Sinclair - May 06, 1952 - Sep 28, 2012 (age 60) - heart attack
Jerry Doyle ... Garibaldi - Jul 16, 1956 - Jul 27, 2016 (age 60) - natural causes, with complications from chronic alcoholism
Stephen Furst ... Vir - May 08, 1954 - Jun 16, 2017 (age 63) - diabetes
Mira Furlan ... Delenn - Sep 07, 1955 - Jan 20, 2021 (age 65) - complications from West Nile Virus
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i had forgotten Biggs died that long ago

Richard Biggs ... Franklin - Mar 18, 1960 - May 22, 2004 (age 44) - a tear in his aorta
Andreas Katsulas ... G'Kar - May 18, 1946 - Feb 13, 2006 (age 59) - lung cancer
Jeff Conaway ... Zack - Oct 05, 1950 - May 27, 2011 (age 60) - various causes attributable to drug overdoses
Michael O'Hare ... Sinclair - May 06, 1952 - Sep 28, 2012 (age 60) - heart attack
Jerry Doyle ... Garibaldi - Jul 16, 1956 - Jul 27, 2016 (age 60) - natural causes, with complications from chronic alcoholism
Stephen Furst ... Vir - May 08, 1954 - Jun 16, 2017 (age 63) - diabetes
Mira Furlan ... Delenn - Sep 07, 1955 - Jan 20, 2021 (age 65) - complications from West Nile Virus

This show is easily a top 3 of all time for me.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
i had forgotten Biggs died that long ago

Richard Biggs ... Franklin - Mar 18, 1960 - May 22, 2004 (age 44) - a tear in his aorta
Andreas Katsulas ... G'Kar - May 18, 1946 - Feb 13, 2006 (age 59) - lung cancer
Jeff Conaway ... Zack - Oct 05, 1950 - May 27, 2011 (age 60) - various causes attributable to drug overdoses
Michael O'Hare ... Sinclair - May 06, 1952 - Sep 28, 2012 (age 60) - heart attack
Jerry Doyle ... Garibaldi - Jul 16, 1956 - Jul 27, 2016 (age 60) - natural causes, with complications from chronic alcoholism
Stephen Furst ... Vir - May 08, 1954 - Jun 16, 2017 (age 63) - diabetes
Mira Furlan ... Delenn - Sep 07, 1955 - Jan 20, 2021 (age 65) - complications from West Nile Virus
Fucking West Nile? That's wild. What an eclectic cause of death list.
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