Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


Took my son to see the movie last night and it was a pretty mixed bag for me. Overall i'd give it a 6.5 or 7. Was it absolutely unwatchable? nah. Did it have some cool action scenes? yeah. Am I excited for the Justice League? eh...I'm wary. To preface my review, I'm not a huge Batman or Superman fan, but I enjoyed the comics growing up some and like the Arkham batman games. I've never seen Man of Steel and wasn't a big fan of Bale's Batman. With that said...

The good

I felt Batfleck was actually a pretty good Batman. He was pretty ruthless. I felt his story was probably the best part of the movie even if we've seen it 100 times. If you're a huge batman fanboi, you probably won't like this version. I kept thinking of the Punisher to an extent. He wasn't killing people for the sake of it, but he had a goal and wasn't going to stop no matter what or let anyone get in his way. I didn't mind this version but some folks won't like it.

The action was pretty good once we got some. I felt the scope and magnetude of the powers felt pretty on point. Bats v Supes one on one, they made you feel that Batman would've been crushed like a grape if Supes wanted but batman was savvy as usual and came prepared. Same with Doomsday's power. He felt pretty scary.

The music was bad ass. Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL were a pretty good combo and I felt the music really helped out the movie.

Wonder Woman actually suprised me and felt pretty powerful. Some folks felt she didn't deliver her lines, but she didn't have much dialog and I felt she did alright. The theatre actually cheered when she came on screen in costume.

The bad

Lex Luthor was an odd villian. I guess they tried to make him the opposite of the real lex who was calm and calculated, but he just came off as trying to be too crazy, because he dad beat him?, and it felt a bit forced. He felt more Joker-ish than Luthor-ish.

Too grimdark. Comic book movies, to me, should be FUN. Comics are fun. Marvel movies are fun. This movie was not fun. I enjoyed the movie somewhat, but overall, it didn't excite me. It's fine to be more serious at times (Winter soldier did this well) but you need to have something to lift you up now and then. Take you on a ride. This film was brooding upon brooding.

Intro of the other "meta humans" was a side note. Just watching video clips of the other folks felt little wierd. Sure the Flash shows up in a Batfleck dream but that was strange and why would he show up in a dream within a dream? He was having a double dream? it was stupid and had no pay off. He said Lois is the key, but he never actively went searching for her, so what was the point? Aquaman's video was dumb too. They didn't even show him do anything at all other than bolt out of a wrecked ship. really? Cyborb's video was pretty cool but felt too isolated.

Doomsday felt too CGI. While the final fight felt like a serious threat to the world and power scale felt accurate (Marvel could learn a thing from DC on that front), the actual character looked awful to me and sort of took me out of the fight as I didn't believe they were actually fighting a thing. I'm not sure how they could've fixed it, but it was off

The ugly

Scattered plot. This beginning of this movie is so disjointed it's hard to keep up with what's going on and why. we jump from the opening credits which starts decent and ends super weird, to Bruce going to Metropolis during the MoS battle and seeing his building crumble, to the indian ocean, to africa for whatever reason, to senate hearings, to child/sex trafficking? honestly i didn't even know what that was's a jumbled mess and no real explaination. It's also so long before any good action that the dude beside me whipped out his phone to browse facebook midway through and I felt like joining him. It takes SO LONG to get where it's going, it's lost the audience

Superman dies? what? you spent all this time trying to clean up the mess of MoS only to kill him off? The redemption is him sacrificing himself? The back and forth funeral was oddly cut and made it confusing as well. I"m sure it's all a Jesus analogy since they were playing the whole God/Man card the whole movie, but Snyder might want to take a Theology 101 class if he wanted to go down the route. I'm no bible scholar, but it missed the mark with a savior analogy. Jesus sacrificed himself atone for the sins of the world, not to atone for his own sins against the world.

For the record, my 11 y/o son loved it. But he likes everything. The movie has a lot of problems, but it's not a terrible movie. It needs to be slimmed down and re-arranged and maybe it would be a little less confusing but overall it gets where it's going and opens the door to more movies. They need to get rid of snyder or some writers or something and improve. Right now, Marvel isn't threatened at all. DC needs to buckle down and learn something from the public. It's ok to be more serious, but the audience needs to breathe a little and relax and, you know, have fun!


FPS noob
looks like if you wanna save your money on theater tickets you won't have to wait long, ultimate edition B v S will be out on blu ray July 16th (pirate copies late June), will be 3 hours long (+30 mins from theatrical) nothing said about the R rated version though
DCEU Facts on Twitter: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition Blu-ray + Theatrical Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD UltraViolet Combo Pack): Movies TV



Golden Squire
this really REALLY cracked me up. I wonder if it would be anywhere near as funny to do the reverse with Charlie Cox seeing the negative rating of Batman v Superman and smiling. I mean obviously it wouldn't be the same since Cox never played Batman, but I think it would still work.
I'm actually a fan of the Director's Cut of Affleck's Daredevil. It's about 45m longer and feels like a much more complete movie than the theatrical release. It still doesn't hold up to the Netflix series but it's also not a complete trainwreck.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I didn't regret it. But you will leave the movie with a lukewarm feeling. This movie had no soul.
I'm about 3 hours away from having friends telling me that I'm crazy and that the movie was awesome.

I think a lot of my friends think that I'm just a hater when it comes to movies, but on the flip side I think some of my friends refuse to be critical and give too many movies a pass because of 'splosions and IP or Actor recognition. Kind of like the most recent SW movie...the more I think about it the less I feel like I like it, but I think they may go to the grave thinking it was as good as Ep 4-6. Still not sure if they just want to go to movies to be entertained and don't care if it's a 6/10 or a 10/10, or if deep down inside they know that a given movie was shit and they just don't want to admit it.

Green Lantern was actually bad enough to force a consensus, though, and I love bringing that shitshow of a movie up at every opportunity, LOL.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>


Mr. Poopybutthole
My sister called and told me she absolutely loved the movie, and that it was flawless. We almost never agree on anything anyway. I sometimes wonder if we were born from the same mother.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Here is the justification Snyder used for Batman to mow people down in BvS. He quoted this youtube clip in particular. What a load of crap. The video had accidental deaths. The BvS version of Batman was more like The Punisher.



Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Ehh ... more like a Netflix show critiquing a long movie. A single person review would obviously be shorter but I've found I like to hear the back and forth of people's opinions being challenged in a not so confrontational way. They confirmed my decision to pass on seeing this in the theater, in spite of their suggestions to the contrary.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I really hope this tanks on Saturday/Sunday and doesn't break the $160m+ they are hoping for. Garbage does not deserve to be rewarded.


Mr. Poopybutthole

I found myself thinking horrid, unspeakable thoughts during the screening. Thoughts like, 'come back Joel Schumacher, all is forgiven!' and 'maybe David Hasselhoff's Nick Fury wasn't so bad.' What kind of superhero movie DOES THAT to a man?
I wouldn't mind if these guys were dour depressives or psychopathic murderers as long as they didn't spend ten minutes talking about it first.
Everything is shrouded in a kind of black sludge, and frankly, it's depressing. Even the would-be iconic meeting of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman looks like it was ground out from an old Xerox copier.
Zack Snyder's production company is called Cruel and Unusual Films. Anything I say from this point on is probably redundant, but here we are.
RIDDLE me this: how do you put three of the greatest comic book superheroes of all time into one big-budget movie and still make a mess of it?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your head driven through solid rock and glass and brick walls for two and a half hours, blinding flashes of lights unceasingly forcing your eyes shut?
I'm not sure what Snyder has against these characters, why he is so determined to make them as distasteful as possible.
Affleck and Gadot are impressive in their debuts, but there really are no winners in Batman v Superman. That includes moviegoers looking for anything resembling a good time.
In the words of The Joker in a far better Batman movie: "Why so serious?"


Vyemm Raider
Waking out of the theater atm, the movie was a 6/10 with the best thing being the musical score. Somethings I really didn't like including every dam dream scene.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Took my son to see the movie last night and it was a pretty mixed bag for me. Overall i'd give it a 6.5 or 7. Was it absolutely unwatchable? nah. Did it have some cool action scenes? yeah. Am I excited for the Justice League? eh...I'm wary. To preface my review, I'm not a huge Batman or Superman fan, but I enjoyed the comics growing up some and like the Arkham batman games. I've never seen Man of Steel and wasn't a big fan of Bale's Batman. With that said...

The good

I felt Batfleck was actually a pretty good Batman. He was pretty ruthless. I felt his story was probably the best part of the movie even if we've seen it 100 times. If you're a huge batman fanboi, you probably won't like this version. I kept thinking of the Punisher to an extent. He wasn't killing people for the sake of it, but he had a goal and wasn't going to stop no matter what or let anyone get in his way. I didn't mind this version but some folks won't like it.

The action was pretty good once we got some. I felt the scope and magnetude of the powers felt pretty on point. Bats v Supes one on one, they made you feel that Batman would've been crushed like a grape if Supes wanted but batman was savvy as usual and came prepared. Same with Doomsday's power. He felt pretty scary.

The music was bad ass. Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL were a pretty good combo and I felt the music really helped out the movie.

Wonder Woman actually suprised me and felt pretty powerful. Some folks felt she didn't deliver her lines, but she didn't have much dialog and I felt she did alright. The theatre actually cheered when she came on screen in costume.

The bad

Lex Luthor was an odd villian. I guess they tried to make him the opposite of the real lex who was calm and calculated, but he just came off as trying to be too crazy, because he dad beat him?, and it felt a bit forced. He felt more Joker-ish than Luthor-ish.

Too grimdark. Comic book movies, to me, should be FUN. Comics are fun. Marvel movies are fun. This movie was not fun. I enjoyed the movie somewhat, but overall, it didn't excite me. It's fine to be more serious at times (Winter soldier did this well) but you need to have something to lift you up now and then. Take you on a ride. This film was brooding upon brooding.

Intro of the other "meta humans" was a side note. Just watching video clips of the other folks felt little wierd. Sure the Flash shows up in a Batfleck dream but that was strange and why would he show up in a dream within a dream? He was having a double dream? it was stupid and had no pay off. He said Lois is the key, but he never actively went searching for her, so what was the point? Aquaman's video was dumb too. They didn't even show him do anything at all other than bolt out of a wrecked ship. really? Cyborb's video was pretty cool but felt too isolated.

Doomsday felt too CGI. While the final fight felt like a serious threat to the world and power scale felt accurate (Marvel could learn a thing from DC on that front), the actual character looked awful to me and sort of took me out of the fight as I didn't believe they were actually fighting a thing. I'm not sure how they could've fixed it, but it was off

The ugly

Scattered plot. This beginning of this movie is so disjointed it's hard to keep up with what's going on and why. we jump from the opening credits which starts decent and ends super weird, to Bruce going to Metropolis during the MoS battle and seeing his building crumble, to the indian ocean, to africa for whatever reason, to senate hearings, to child/sex trafficking? honestly i didn't even know what that was's a jumbled mess and no real explaination. It's also so long before any good action that the dude beside me whipped out his phone to browse facebook midway through and I felt like joining him. It takes SO LONG to get where it's going, it's lost the audience

Superman dies? what? you spent all this time trying to clean up the mess of MoS only to kill him off? The redemption is him sacrificing himself? The back and forth funeral was oddly cut and made it confusing as well. I"m sure it's all a Jesus analogy since they were playing the whole God/Man card the whole movie, but Snyder might want to take a Theology 101 class if he wanted to go down the route. I'm no bible scholar, but it missed the mark with a savior analogy. Jesus sacrificed himself atone for the sins of the world, not to atone for his own sins against the world.

For the record, my 11 y/o son loved it. But he likes everything. The movie has a lot of problems, but it's not a terrible movie. It needs to be slimmed down and re-arranged and maybe it would be a little less confusing but overall it gets where it's going and opens the door to more movies. They need to get rid of snyder or some writers or something and improve. Right now, Marvel isn't threatened at all. DC needs to buckle down and learn something from the public. It's ok to be more serious, but the audience needs to breathe a little and relax and, you know, have fun!
You fuckin fanboy


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Here is the justification Snyder used for Batman to mow people down in BvS. He quoted this youtube clip in particular. What a load of crap. The video had accidental deaths. The BvS version of Batman was more like The Punisher.

Punisher style or not, Keyton's batman kills a lot of folks and nobody said a word.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They need to get rid of snyder or some writers or something and improve

- they should give Ben Affleck a shot at directing the next stand alone Batman.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
All the reviews keep talking about this Lex being different, isnt this Lex Luthor Jr?