Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


<Gold Donor>
Leaked script? It was a deleted scene. Jump to about 2:45 to skip him picking up the whore.

Hancock Deleted Scene - Mountain Top - Trailer Addict

It's an old ass joke/observation was my point initially. Every time someone mentions it with Superman they think they are being so clever, shit's been in multiple movies by now. "Hurr hurr super jizz!"
I wasn't aware of the deleted scene, but there IS a leaked script out there that was supposed to be the basis for Hancock, that they completely went away from for obvious reasons if you actually read the script. It was gritty and dark and full of despair, to be blunt. And had a similar, but much bleaker, scene to that deleted one.

And while I'm not sure if he started it or not, Larry Niven's, "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" has been around since 1971, so most of the modern stuff probably stems from that.

If anyone wants to read an article about Tonight, He Comes, which was what Hancock supposedly originated from, there is a good article here:Hancock vs. Tonight, He Comes: What Is, What Was, What Will Smith Could Have Been

The actual manuscript can be found here:

If you didn't read the article above, every known copy of the script has the second to last page as blank, which is where the climax/resolution would have happened, so if you read it, be prepared. The rest of it is definitely a serious departure from what made it onto the screen as Hancock, or any other superhero movie ever made. Worth a read if you're as into the stuff as I am.


Avatar of War Slayer
I wasn't aware of the deleted scene, but there IS a leaked script out there that was supposed to be the basis for Hancock, that they completely went away from for obvious reasons if you actually read the script. It was gritty and dark and full of despair, to be blunt. And had a similar, but much bleaker, scene to that deleted one.

And while I'm not sure if he started it or not, Larry Niven's, "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" has been around since 1971, so most of the modern stuff probably stems from that.

If anyone wants to read an article about Tonight, He Comes, which was what Hancock supposedly originated from, there is a good article here:Hancock vs. Tonight, He Comes: What Is, What Was, What Will Smith Could Have Been

The actual manuscript can be found here:

If you didn't read the article above, every known copy of the script has the second to last page as blank, which is where the climax/resolution would have happened, so if you read it, be prepared. The rest of it is definitely a serious departure from what made it onto the screen as Hancock, or any other superhero movie ever made. Worth a read if you're as into the stuff as I am.
christ that sounds awful. the studios made the right choice on that one.


Trakanon Raider
She's the one from The Fast and Furious movies ... Definitely not built right for Wonder Woman ... They needed to clone Jamie Alexander from Thor.


Vyemm Raider
Lol that has to be a joke. That's like casting Michael Cera to play Bane, or some shrimp to play Mystique after 6' Rebecca

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
DC should be done after this. Then maybe marvel can actually buy the rights to make DC movies, and in 20 years when the memory of DC's retardation is faded we can actually get some decent movies.


Vyemm Raider
I heard Sif from Thor was up for the roll, its a shame she did not get it as she looked perfect for WW imo.

Rumor has it Doomsday will also be in this movie.


Molten Core Raider
Well apparently she's 5'9".

If she trains seriously she might actually look athletic enough to pull off the physicality. Then again the women in Sucker Punch were tiny as well. So I doubt Snyder cares.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I admit I haven't been following this movie closely, but why the hell is Wonder Woman even in this? Are Superman and Batman not enough to fill a movie? Get it together, DC!


Silver Baronet of the Realm


<Gold Donor>
She never would have made it because she's an unknown, but Christian Pitre (Mary Death from Bounty Killer, my current avatar) would have been a perfect choice I felt, assuming they couldn't get Jaime Alexander of course. That Fast & Furious chick is way, way too thin to be Wonder Woman.