Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm rocking a 0.6 k/d. I just absolutely suck at this game. The vehicles are SO important and I never seem to be in one. Its actually kind of annoying how useless infantry are.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Go engineer or recon and blow the vehicles up then. I rarely jump in a vehicle, I enjoy being infantry. If tanks are owning your team, go recon and jihad jeep!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Even now that I've unlocked the rpgs, it still takes 3-4 to bring down a tank...meanwhile they kill me in one shell or lmg burst. Dunno, not having much success.


Even now that I've unlocked the rpgs, it still takes 3-4 to bring down a tank...meanwhile they kill me in one shell or lmg burst. Dunno, not having much success.
There is an option in the server filter for 'Infantry Only' if you want to avoid vehicles all together.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just keep playing and adapting. If this is your first BF, it takes a while to adjust since it is a different play style from other fps. Don't run on roads or sit in the open on flags. If vehicles just run up on you constantly, you aren't positioning yourself correctly.


FPS noob
I'm rocking a 0.6 k/d. I just absolutely suck at this game. The vehicles are SO important and I never seem to be in one. Its actually kind of annoying how useless infantry are.
as a fellow shitty player, some tips: always be moving. use spotting (spam Q key while mouselooking), free points and good for not getting suprised. Vehicles have issues with height targeting, jump into a gunner spot a few times and you will see quickly where the "anti vehicle" sweet spots are. Speed is really key when fighting against vehicles, you wanna shoot off a rocket/mine and then book it to a new spot, preferably in cover the whole time. And finally this game still really is about teamwork and not lone wolf, being part of a good squad that moves together and has full 360 visual spotting can make a huge difference.

Also spectator mode is REALLY AWESOME for learning the game, I have just spectated a few times on people who are really good and its amazing how much better they are at targeting and moving than I am.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This game has more bars to fill than any game in history. It's pretty much Cookie Clicker the FPS.


The pistol unlocks make me sad. I don't know how I'd go beyond the starting P226 since the unlocks for them are a ridiculous number of kills themselves.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The fact that they made max rank require only 8 million and change XP when score is pretty much thrown at you with no abandon makes me cringe. At this rate I'll be there in two or three weeks. What a buzzkill.

Running Dog_sl

God damn the bugs in this game are starting to become infuriating.

UPDATE #3 (Nov 4):
Fixing server crashes
New server update (R6) was rolled out across all platforms to fix the most common server crash

UPDATE (Nov 3):
Server crashes
We have identified an issue where the game server will crash and disconnect players, causing them to lose any stats gathered during that specific round. We have a fix in progress to address this issue in a server update and will let you know once it's ready to roll out


<Bronze Donator>
as a fellow shitty player, some tips: always be moving.
If you move, you will be seen and die. If you don't move, you will be shot by a sniper within .7 seconds (I think the default is 80% of opposing players MUST be snipers). Also, if you kill a player on the opposing team, start throwing random nades because you are going to die within .4 seconds of killing that other player and just maybe you will get lucky with one of your nades.

Another rule is that whenever YOU hop into a vehicle, that is when 4 or 5 enemy Engineers will all unleash their rockets. When you come across an enemy vehicle, of course, no one in your vicinity will have a rocket launcher.

What I am finding really annoying is that I have to rely upon luck to get some of my weapon attachments.


I don't know if "smooth" is the word, but it's definitely been very playable, and the game beneath is really fun.

After the first night, I've not had any crashes except on Shanghai. I've yet to complete a round there.

If you move, you will be seen and die. If you don't move, you will be shot by a sniper within .7 seconds (I think the default is 80% of opposing players MUST be snipers). Also, if you kill a player on the opposing team, start throwing random nades because you are going to die within .4 seconds of killing that other player and just maybe you will get lucky with one of your nades.

Another rule is that whenever YOU hop into a vehicle, that is when 4 or 5 enemy Engineers will all unleash their rockets. When you come across an enemy vehicle, of course, no one in your vicinity will have a rocket launcher.

What I am finding really annoying is that I have to rely upon luck to get some of my weapon attachments.
Dude, get in cover. BF is deadly. You should never expose yourself to an area you haven't already sweeped.

When advancing towards enemy, start out by sprinting to the first cover you see. Peek around corner, sweep visible areas. If no enemies, spring to next cover. Repeat.

You shouldn't have to rely on luck to get weapon attachments.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Huh? It's been fairly smooth for most people.
Smooth? Bro ive been disconnected/ctd every day, lots of stupid bugs with server browser etc. etc.

Can assault rifles not suppress or something? Cant count the number of times ive emptied half a mag a cunt hair away from a sniper only to have them headshot me.


Suppressing Fire!

No one single gameplay mechanic has been as frequently discussed as the suppression system in Battlefield 3. Suppression will return in Battlefield 4, but we're redesigning it based on your extensive feedback while keeping the intense feeling of being under fire that a system like Suppression provides.

We're increasing the suppression effect of Light Machine Guns, exclusive to the Support kit, while other weapons are less suppressive. Additionally, we've decreased suppression at close range to ensure that close quarters battles always focus sharply on player skill. Besides changing the visual effects of suppression, we're also replacing the accuracy penalty in Battlefield 3 with a scope sway effect - similar to what snipers get in Battlefield 3 while suppressed. A skilled, focused player can keep his aim on target and get hits, even while under the effects of Suppression.

Overall, we believe we have a great-performing suppression system in Battlefield 4 that doesn't interfere in close quarters combat, while at the same time allowing for skilled players of the Support kit to really make a difference. Laying down covering fire as Support means your frontline runners can gain a crucial momentum in medium-range combat and still allows you to combat the improved long-range options we've given players who prefer to stay back at long range.
TLDR; Suppression is much less effective in BF4, especially when using non-LMG weapons.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
EA/DICE really dropped the ball big time on this launch.
They drop the ball every launch. And the same shit gets repeated time after time.

"You are playing an early build of the game - quit bitching"
"It's always rough for the first 2-3 days... Give it time"

Insert ridiculous excuse here. It's an FPS for God's sake. One would think that after 24 years they would be able to figure out how to keep servers stable in a genre which has had server stability since fucking Kali for God's sake.


A nice asshole.
If you move, you will be seen and die. If you don't move, you will be shot by a sniper within .7 seconds (I think the default is 80% of opposing players MUST be snipers). Also, if you kill a player on the opposing team, start throwing random nades because you are going to die within .4 seconds of killing that other player and just maybe you will get lucky with one of your nades.

Another rule is that whenever YOU hop into a vehicle, that is when 4 or 5 enemy Engineers will all unleash their rockets. When you come across an enemy vehicle, of course, no one in your vicinity will have a rocket launcher.

What I am finding really annoying is that I have to rely upon luck to get some of my weapon attachments.
This is for everyone getting their ass handed to them:

Learning the maps takes time, as you learn the places people hide or snipe from you do a A LOT better. Go assault as the starting rifles offer the easiest kills, stay away from tanks! No shame in hiding until they give up or roll on past you. Or as Recon pre C4 the vehs near you, awesome when you hear it power up and no blue triangle over it. BOOM! Easy kill. Camp one objective in conquest, helps if you have recons mobile spawn point but if you camp one area an entire map you learn where the good and bad places are. If you don't like camping an area then follow someone! Even if you think they are retarded find the nearest guy and follow 10-30ft behind depending on the area, let him absorb the kill then you can counter etc.

Lastly join a active VOIP client and talk to each other, team work is important. One match we had two engineers one recon and one support(assault would be nice for rez but whatever). Engis mined the area closest to their base, recon marked air for the quick engi rocket kill and support just kept everyone topped up on ammo while going all Cyril Figus(SURPESSING FIIRRRRRRRRREEEE) toward any nearby infantry, it was amazing(until I crashed of course).