Misc Refugee Thread


This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
I hate to point out the obvious, but isnt it just a giant sausagefest over there with everyone's avatar showing off their body? Arent you all just looking at pics of half-naked guys?
So most of the avis that show bodies are typically 5 - 10 years old and some are even older. And then the vast majority of us are "no avi scum" whoi get shit on for not having an avi...

BRB Posting 10 year old avi to relive my glory days
BRB Misc logic
BRB Closet cases are rampant

Be right back...


This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
Wasn’t there one that was drinking his disabled girlfriend’s period blood because he thought he was a vampyre or something……………
Don't remember that but then I have only been there since 2017 and I have taken a couple of 6 month long breaks. If WuFlu lockdowns hadn't converted me to 905 WFH, I doubt that I would have stayed...


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
At what point are heterosexual men thinking about getting rammed in the butt when trolling...JFL

We do have a couple of European Avant garde posters who used to extoll the beauty of getting pegged, search for Quineloe for fun times.

Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
We do have a couple of European Avant garde posters who used to extoll the beauty of getting pegged, search for Quineloe for fun times.
What ever happened to Quinloe, did Merkel march him off a reeducation camp?
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Don't remember that but then I have only been there since 2017 and I have taken a couple of 6 month long breaks. If WuFlu lockdowns hadn't converted me to 905 WFH, I doubt that I would have stayed...

This was one of our guys, sadly. Is that the same guy who fucked Shelly? A mutant, bottle-glass wearing, droopy tit, downy gal.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Naww. It was Galiem the Energy Vampire who drank period blood, who shacked up with the physical (and mental) midget who after all of the unbelievable drama, tried to impress us by saying she could do 'advanced algebra in her head'

Fuck, I hate that I just typed that off the top of my head
  • 6Worf
  • 3Truth!
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
This was one of our guys, sadly. Is that the same guy who fucked Shelly? A mutant, bottle-glass wearing, droopy tit, downy gal.
Ah my bad - thought you were talking about some long ago retard from the misc. There's plenty of them...


Pay to play forum
Naww. It was Galiem the Energy Vampire who drank period blood, who shacked up with the physical (and mental) midget who after all of the unbelievable drama, tried to impress us by saying she could do 'advanced algebra in her head'

Fuck, I hate that I just typed that off the top of my head
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Naww. It was Galiem the Energy Vampire who drank period blood, who shacked up with the physical (and mental) midget who after all of the unbelievable drama, tried to impress us by saying she could do 'advanced algebra in her head'

Fuck, I hate that I just typed that off the top of my head
Man, this place really was awesome back in the day. Even at my lowest point, I knew I could come here and see people who reminded me that it could always be worse.
  • 8Solidarity
  • 1Worf
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I mean, what killed him? Was it the 100% fast food diet, the meth, or both?

And I mean, he came back from the dead once that I remember. Maybe he'll do it again and we can change his name to ZombieZombieWizardhawk

Now...Sam da Man...I think he legit died at some point. RIP
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