Misc Refugee Thread

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Guys, go enjoy the rest of the forum, if those asshats really start shitting up threads they will get Rickshawed for a few days/weeks/months and then banned. It has happened before and it will happen again.
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Bald Brah

Bronze Knight of the Realm
Almost like it's a cult

Hey good to see everybody again. Has anyone started a dating thread yet?
If you clink on the 3 bars up top and hit "new posts" you see all the active topics. One is a dating thread of some sort.

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Lord of the Underworld
Guys, go enjoy the rest of the forum, if those asshats really start shitting up threads they will get Rickshawed for a few days/weeks/months and then banned. It has happened before and it will happen again.
This. Just down vote and don’t reply.
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Molten Core Raider
lmfao nice gyno and you're a confirmed manlet

You should just cut your dick off and play to your strengths, manboobs.


Were you the retard who had the avi in front of cleaning chemicals? LMFAOOOOOO POVERTYCEL
Libtard getting unhinged and lying, how shocking.

You're in your 30s, move out of your parents house and get a job, loser.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I see another pile of trash needs to be taken out.

This is a no Wincel zone.

EDIT: Can I get a full list of all these pieces of shit so I can just disallow them from registering in the first place? Thanks in advance.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Sorry buddy, I have to work my normal job so that our government can funnel my money to you.
You seem to have confused me with Sean or something which is one of the worst insults imaginable and is why I would take sincere joy if you were murdered in an Israeli air strike. Also you might be surprised how much weight someone loses when they're basically chained to a hospital bed for an extended period of time because of the jungle of IV ports sticking out of their jugular, or when the giant syringes of antibiotics they have to shove into their arm three times a day for a month and a half kills their appetite.

Rest assured that if I ever do end up on disability I will find the most trivial, self-indulgent, degenerate trash to spend that money on, thoroughly document every second of it, and assemble it into a video dedicated to you.
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<Gold Donor>
You seem to fail to understand that a counterexample invalidates an absolute claim. You're seeking collective punishment, which is irrational.

If you don't understand why one would label a person who praises Hitler, espouses bigotry, and glorifies nationalism as a "nazi", then you just don't seem to understand words. I can't help you. You're going to have to learn to read.

My sociopolitical identity is unique to me.

The statement "All prime numbers are odd." is false simply because the number 2 exists. Yes. Why not qualify your claim? Also, if your objection is specifically to Zionism or even more specifically, to the Israeli government's behavior, why not qualify that? The Iranians make it clear that when they say "death to the Jews" and "death to America", they do not mean ALL jews or ALL Americans. They make clear what specific aspects they oppose.

In your case, is it the fictitious "race" of jews that you oppose? Is it the religion? Is it the idea of Zionism? Is it the state of Israel? In each case, you should qualify it and be specific about what you mean.

I suspect that for you, "jew" is a nebulous term encompassing a race, religion, and basically anyone you or Hitler do not like. Ironically, you are guilty of the very thing you accuse me of. Meanwhile, my definitions were consistent and are outlined in any history text.

You should probably go ahead and define what a jew is and why you oppose that then, just so we are on the same page.

I also want to point out that one can oppose the religion while still not condemning all followers, since not all followers are extremists and take the religion literally.

Basically, you seem to illogically generalize without accounting for exceptions or counterexamples. In doing so, you are the one being inconsistent.


Your argument hinges on the assumption that labeling individuals as "fascists" or "nazis" is a simple process, but it's not. You've accused me of failing to understand the nuance of counterexamples, yet you seem to be applying labels without acknowledging the differences within groups. On one hand, you argue that not all Jews or Americans are the same, yet you readily apply broad labels like "fascist" or "nazi" to individuals based on certain behaviors or beliefs. This seems contradictory, right? What position are you trying to argue for?

Regarding your mention of the most vocal critics of Israel being Jews, no substantial evidence has been provided to support this claim. However, this doesn't diminish the significant support for Israel among Jews, particularly in the United States. Dismissing this support as irrational or driven by emotion oversimplifies the issue.

The use of emotional rhetoric, such as telling me to 'grow a thicker skin' or calling people 'subhumans,' contradicts your claim of having unemotional views. This approach undermines the credibility of your arguments and suggests a reluctance to engage in rational discussion. Resorting to ad hominem attacks when challenged is at odds with your stated goal of opposing fascist ethnostates and bigotry. The inconsistency between your claimed rationality and your actual discourse makes it hard for anyone to ever take you seriously.

You accuse me of being unable to understand words, yet you freely admit to calling anyone anything you want without reservation or further justification. This seems contradictory, right? How can you expect others to engage with you seriously if you don't adhere to the very standards of clarity and consistency that you demand from them? Don't you see a pattern here?
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
God these motherfuckers are the biggest safe-space needing bitches I have ever seen on the internet, ever. If even one person comes in here with a dissenting opinion they melt down and squeal like angry children.

It's honestly pissening. Please stay and rustle the fuck out of them. It is hilarious.

Dissenting opinion my ass, dissenting opinions are actually welcomed. If you wanted to have an informed debate there are many who would be more than happy to engage in any topic, if you brought facts and insight to a discussion people would be happy to listen.

Instead you are simply DISRUPTIVE, your whole shtick is attention seeking American Inventor faggotry. That’s why you got removed. You aren’t adding anything to any conversation aside from lying bullshit. If you provided any value at all the mods would allow you to continue. Regardless of your bullshit it takes a lot of get mods to actually remove anyone, and it typically requires a majority decision to even come to that.
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Molten Core Raider
I see another pile of trash needs to be taken out.

This is a no Wincel zone.

EDIT: Can I get a full list of all these pieces of shit so I can just disallow them from registering in the first place? Thanks in advance.
Heywood is wincel. He'll stop at nothing to make alts to keep posting. He's 90% of the mods workload. He's created thousands of alts over the years to evade bans and Mods have to work around the clock to keep banning him

Bodhy, enough said.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
mods are ban bets ever allowed? In 2020 a bb mod made a poll and who ever voted for the loser would simply be banned for 1 month. There was rep betting too at one time. All in 🤩

We more often engage in avatar bets. Winner decides the users avatar pic, but there have been some level of rickshaw bets in the past.
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<Gold Donor>
I see another pile of trash needs to be taken out.

This is a no Wincel zone.

EDIT: Can I get a full list of all these pieces of shit so I can just disallow them from registering in the first place? Thanks in advance.

There aren't many, Bodhy & Wincel are pretty much top of the ladder in terms of forum disruptions, spam, and assburger autism.
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