Best movie of the decade ?


Tranny Chaser
As a special mention I feel like The Ritual was a horror film made for me personally and that is such a nice thing to come across from time to time.
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<Gold Donor>
I re watched Dredd and Fury Road when reading this thread over the break, both great movies. Two thumbs up.

I also enjoyed the Martian and Blade Runner as well though, and of course John Wick, tough call on what is the best. The whole marvel thing was ok I guess for super hero shit, but honestly those superhero movies got old towards the end. But out of all of the superhero movies I think I enjoyed the latest Thor Ragnarock? and Guardians of the Galaxy. I thought they were both funny takes. But not something I would say was best in decade.


Got something right about marriage
I haven’t seen this film since I was about 7 years old but if my memory from that time is to be trusted then it’s the greatest film of all time.



When you can predict the future with a SEGA game gear how could you possibly not think it's the GOAT.

Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
Jesus, your list made me remember how fucking good Spotlight and Prisoners were. Tense and uncomfortable the whole way through. Wind River and Hell or High Water are great also, but both pretty sobering looks at believeable real world misery.
Wind River and Hell or High Water have the same writer/director. The deputy from Sons of Anarchy. He also does Yellowstone.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
I will say this past decade did bring two of if not the worst movies I've ever seen in my life: The Last Jedi and Captain Marvel. So I guess it has that going for it. There was also a whole fuck load of wasted or unrealized ideas that were really half of what they should have been, like Arrival, Annihilation, Looper...
I saw Wing Commander. Calling those two movies possibly 'the worst ever' is just silly in comparison. Didn't see Battlefield Earth, but I think that's another good example of what 'worst ever' really means.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Mad Max for me. Lots of great movies in the last ten years but that’s immediately my thought when I think of “what movie would you just stop and watch right now”. I’ve seen it many times too. Doesn’t get old.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
I don't understand why Endgame gets as much hate as it does. I think IW has a case for being a stronger movie, but it's almost just from the design standpoint of having Thanos be such a central figure in that one and having him done so well with his viewpoint for why he is going to eliminate half of everyone. Also with Endgame being handed the almost impossible way of pulling all the previous movies including IW into some tidy finish that was pleasing in every way, with the need for multiple "endings" for some of the bigger characters, I think they did about as well as they possibly could have with it.

Picking one for the decade is hard.

Mad Max
Infinity WAR
John Wick
The Martian

If they had made the original version of Interstellar, it might have been on the list.
On this forum a lot of endgame hate was anti SJWs argle bargling it trying to bring it down, like they do with any movie they perceive as slanted toward SJW in the slightest bit.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
On this forum a lot of endgame hate was anti SJWs argle bargling it trying to bring it down, like they do with any movie they perceive as slanted toward SJW in the slightest bit.

The SJW trash is a small, but noticable, reason and one of many why Endgame isn't universally loved. Chaos already expanded on why, but the TLDR is that Infinity War was incredible and Endgame not only had to follow it but also wrap up the entire Marvel Universe to that point. Team Girl Squad just added insult to the injury of it's mediocrity.
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That guy
IW is just a superior movie in every way. It's Empire Strikes back vs Return of the Jedi.
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<Bronze Donator>
On this forum a lot of endgame hate was anti SJWs argle bargling it trying to bring it down, like they do with any movie they perceive as slanted toward SJW in the slightest bit.

Or because it dragged.

It's The Dark Knight Rises to Infinity War's, Dark Knight.. Just not as good as the Dark Knight trilogy stuff, but yeah.
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<Gold Donor>
Since so many of you loved Mad Max I got you covered for Halloween this year, well your girl at least.



Life's a Dream
I see this thread on the main Forum page (latest post), but I can't find it when actually browsing the real Movie forum.


<Gold Donor>
I see this thread on the main Forum page (latest post), but I can't find it when actually browsing the real Movie forum.
It is there, just hard to due to lack of large icon like all the TMDB started threads.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I have a lot of love for both Interstellar and Blade Runner 2049 but Fury Road is going to be a movie that people will still be talking about for the next decade.
I can't understand people who liked Interstellar more than The Martian.

Interstellar was a just okay movie that could have been so much better.

The Martian achieved what it was trying to do perfectly and is just a super fun movie to watch.

A movie that's not showing up much in this thread but was excellent is Gone Girl.
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<Gold Donor>
I can't understand people who liked Interstellar more than The Martian.

Interstellar was a just okay movie that could have been so much better.

The Martian achieved what it was trying to do perfectly and is just a super fun movie to watch.
The ending for the Martian was better in the book. But Hollywood gotta Hollywood.
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Uncle Tanya
This thread is the reason I DL'd Fury Road. It's really good but I can't relate to why many of you think it's the best of the decade to be blunt.

Also, how many stuntmen died filming that movie? LoL... I was just imagining the logistical difficulties of getting some of those amazing shots and wrecks because I feel like they went practical effects on a lot of the film, yes? HOW they made the film impressed me more than the film itself because Max and Furiosa were emotionally flat imo and the plot was extremely basic. Go to green place. Green place not there. Kill bad guy. Make old home new green place. Tada!

Curious just to hear y'alls take on why it's one of the best films ever.
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Mist Mist To reuse a comparison I made for the pretty flawed The Tree of Life : Perfectly jumping over a chair is less impressive than attempting to jump over the moon and almost making it. That said, I much prefer the Martian over Interstellar. And I also prefer The Tree of Life over both so my little comparison is the silver bullet.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This thread is the reason I DL'd Fury Road. It's really good but I can't relate to why many of you think it's the best of the decade to be blunt.
Cool story, awesome pacing, almost no wasted time, and the best practical effects maybe ever?
I feel like they went practical effects on a lot of the film, yes?
The only digital effects were recoloring and the firestorm, basically.


Uncle Tanya
Cool story
Go to green place. Green place not there. Kill bad guy. Make old home new green place. Tada!
The rest of your post I agree with and it's strong suit is most certainly the over the top action which is top shelf and visual wow-factor of the shots/cinematography. I like how the film made me almost feel thirsty in the early parts. That's impressive to do... to elicit a physical response to the viewer heh.