Best PC RPGS of the last decade


Silver Knight of the Realm
Name a single FPS RPG better than Fallout 3 made in the last decade?
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is definitely better in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, FO3 is a good game, but to me it feels like a politically correct version of the previous Fallout games squeezed into the Oblivion engine.


Trakanon Raider
I know it's often hard to detect sarcasm on the internet but I really hope you're not serious.
Yeah, that game fell apart at launch if you looked at it funny. Mostly fixed and expanded thanks to the mods. Old World Blues is one of the best DLCs ever.


Goonsquad Officer
Dark Souls
I wanted to play and enjoy that on my PC with keyboard and mouse, but I'll be damned if the game doesn't want to punish me for trying. The hot key tips are in controller language, and my mouse keeps minimizing the game.

Is there a mod i can get that translates the shortcuts and keys into key board language instead of controller language?

On topic though. I liked:

Dragon Age Origin
Mass effect series
alpha protocol
Deus Ex
deadspace (if we can count other shit as an rpg, i'm going to say deadspace. you get your mans more numbers right? it really is a story on the hardest kind of rails though)
dishonored...did sneaking pretty good? not as much an RPG

I kind of thought both fallout games were fun to play(when played with no vats, on hard(core) mode), but the challenge drops off and the stories are kind of okay. the settings felt kind of ramshackle. I don't use mods much. but after playing both of them I came away with a 'meh' feeling. both 'epic' stories are kind of dorky and non-significant. the place didn't feel like the same world as fallout 1-2 at all. anyway not bashing the game. I just don't think of the 3d fallouts as one of the great RPG's of the decade.

I liked stalker when viewed as a sytem of progressions.

man. the decade of RPG's feels hollow now that i look at it. where are my Final Fantasy Tacticses, Phantasy Star IV's, secret of mana and chronotriggers. Man why did square start making nothing but androgynous interactive Cutscene Movies

is it weird that I thought Bastion's story and presentation was more interesting than the story from most other games that have come out in a LONG time o_O


Avatar of War Slayer
I wanted to play and enjoy that on my PC with keyboard and mouse, but I'll be damned if the game doesn't want to punish me for trying. The hot key tips are in controller language, and my mouse keeps minimizing the game.

Is there a mod i can get that translates the shortcuts and keys into key board language instead of controller language?

On topic though. I liked:

Dragon Age Origin
Mass effect series
alpha protocol
Deus Ex
deadspace (if we can count other shit as an rpg, i'm going to say deadspace. you get your mans more numbers right? it really is a story on the hardest kind of rails though)
dishonored...did sneaking pretty good? not as much an RPG

I kind of thought both fallout games were fun to play(when played with no vats, on hard(core) mode), but the challenge drops off and the stories are kind of okay. the settings felt kind of ramshackle. I don't use mods much. but after playing both of them I came away with a 'meh' feeling. both 'epic' stories are kind of dorky and non-significant. the place didn't feel like the same world as fallout 1-2 at all. anyway not bashing the game. I just don't think of the 3d fallouts as one of the great RPG's of the decade.

I liked stalker when viewed as a sytem of progressions.

man. the decade of RPG's feels hollow now that i look at it. where are my Final Fantasy Tacticses, Phantasy Star IV's, secret of mana and chronotriggers. Man why did square start making nothing but androgynous interactive Cutscene Movies

is it weird that I thought Bastion's story and presentation was more interesting than the story from most other games that have come out in a LONG time o_O
Indies. handhelds. mostly.
And playstation3.
NIS and Atlus doing their thing.

3ds/ds. mario and luigi series still going. the world ends with you.
Wii has a few too. Fire emblem, the last story.

EDIT: found a good list. But yeah. across all systems. psp, ds, wii, Xbox360 and ps3.

Indies. the pennyarcade ep3 are old school rpgs made by the Cthulu saves the world/breath of death guy. All 3 of these are... ok. not a super fan.
Recettear is certainly worth a play for any rpg lover. although not really a typical rpg at all. some zeldaish style gameplay. Store management.
Probably lost more I am just totally forgetting about atm.
Costumequest is kindof an rpg and very worth it.

South park upcoming is rpg I think?

Honestly there are good RPGmaker games out there. worst case. Buy RPG maker. Make your own game. come back here and share it mother fucker.



Molten Core Raider
Yeah I played through BG 1 & 2 again last year. They're great if you grab the wide-screen mod so you don't have to play in a tiny ass 800x600 window. The hand-drawn graphics still look pretty damn good when you can see a full 1920x1080 or whatever.


Vyemm Raider
Indies. handhelds. mostly.
And playstation3.
NIS and Atlus doing their thing.
Atlus went out of business a couple months back. Also, don't forget Level-5. Ni No Kuni renewed my love of jrpg's.

I just finished Mass Effect 3 and was looking for something else to play, especially sci-fi
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is the best computer RPG of the last decade. Patch it before you play it.

Check out Skyrim if you haven't played it.

As far as Sci-Fi, it's been pretty thin the last decade. Most sci-fi games are more shooter oriented even though they have rpg elements. Like Mass Effect.


Trump's Staff
Amazingly cool game. It's like a bioware rpg done proper as far as the dialogue system goes.
Obsidian is the best out there at writing plots and creating worlds, but unfortunately they can't design a game engine for shit and as a result most of their releases are stupidly buggy pieces of crap. Alpha Protocol certainly was. When they're not burdened with making the engine the game will end up being amazing, like New Vegas and the NWN 2 expansions were. KOTOR 2 would also have been incredible if Lucasarts hadn't forced them to ship a year early, it was still pretty damn good despite that because again, they already had the engine.


Avatar of War Slayer
Obsidian is the best out there at writing plots and creating worlds, but unfortunately they can't design a game engine for shit and as a result most of their releases are stupidly buggy pieces of crap. Alpha Protocol certainly was. When they're not burdened with making the engine the game will end up being amazing, like New Vegas and the NWN 2 expansions were. KOTOR 2 would also have been incredible if Lucasarts hadn't forced them to ship a year early, it was still pretty damn good despite that because again, they already had the engine.
now you mention it. NWN 2 is totally within the "decade" marker. at 2006. Avellone worked on that.
Mask of the Betrayer is pretty great.
Storm of Zehir was pretty enjoyable imho.
And again, there are definitely some good modules out there. (harp and chrysanthemum, is the only one I remember by name atm.) although, none were as good as NWN1 player mondules imho.


Molten Core Raider
Dark Souls has enough rpg elements to make it an "action RPG," however it is through and through a console game. The pc port needs to be modded to support 1080p, to get out of 30fps cap (doing this makes the platforming elements buggy,) and I'd assume to make a keyboard somewhat bearable.

The rpg elements don't even have anything to do with what makes Dark Souls a great game- it's the balanced, deep, and challenging action combat. A game with just a handful of dialogue that needs a controller to be enjoyed just doesn't belong in a thread about pc rpgs.


Trakanon Raider
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is one of the best RPGs to date. The sequel isn't bad but not nearly as good as the first. And they regularly go on sale on Steam for around $2.49 each.

I'm not sure I'd want to play Dark Souls on the PC. It definitely seems that it was designed with a console in mind. It's a fantastic game though.

I've had Vampire on my Steam account since a sale awhile back. I might have to install it and actually play the games I've paid for.

They're a bit older (90's) but the old Sierra Quest For Glory games are tremendous fun. You'll need DOSBox to get them to work though. 5 was a bit weak but it did wrap up the series. 4 (Shadows of Darkness) is probably my favorite when it works correctly.


Molten Core Raider
Motioninjoy + Dark Souls = PC game just fine. And definitely one of the most unique RPGs ever; mostly because of its evocative (rather than literal, hand-holding) narrative, deep but simply communicated characterization, difficulty, and just plain oddness. Fallout New Vegas, NWN, KOTOR, and absolutely Witcher series. I never really could get into Gothic but a lot of people love that for PC.


Avatar of War Slayer
Dark Souls has enough rpg elements to make it an "action RPG," however it is through and through a console game. The pc port needs to be modded to support 1080p, to get out of 30fps cap (doing this makes the platforming elements buggy,) and I'd assume to make a keyboard somewhat bearable.

The rpg elements don't even have anything to do with what makes Dark Souls a great game- it's the balanced, deep, and challenging action combat. A game with just a handful of dialogue that needs a controller to be enjoyed just doesn't belong in a thread about pc rpgs.
I don't know. The problem is just "rpg" is a meaningless term these days. Zelda is an action rpg. Path of exile and Diablo are also action rpgs. But even there, two WILDLY different kinds of action rpgs. we have sand box RPGS. we have jrpgs. We have tactical rpgs. we have interactive story rpgs like deus ex 3, Mass effect2/3, and DA2.. we have fps rpgs...

So when someone says, "I want an rpg" thats just not that helpful in really narrowing down what to suggest. Even the "needs a controller" thing. I dont know. There are some indie games that are work better or just as well. Bastion mentioned for example. I just can't see that as a real issue for being a "PC" rpg. classic JRPG style games on the PC are better with controllers usually.

For the future. Divinity guys are keeping it strong.
Isometric tactical rpg on the way.

Dragon commander just came out.
RTS/RPG? yeah, I have no idea. have not had a chance to play it yet.

And Divinity 2 is pretty great. VERY tongue in cheek 3rd person rpg.


Vyemm Raider
Atlus literally just released Dragons crown like 2 weeks ago.
Atlus was merged into Index Corporation back in 2010. In June, Index Corporation filed for bankruptcy, and last month their stocks were delisted from the Osaka Securities Exchange.

I read it wrong. They haven't been closed down yet, but their parent company is in deep shit.


I thought what you guys said about fo3 was totally and completely ridiculous but then I realized I don't remember playing fo3 without tons of mods that made the game extremely challenging to even survive in.
100% guaranteed they didn't play it on Very Hard either unless they had the Chinese Stealth Suit or used ~.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't know. The problem is just "rpg" is a meaningless term these days. Zelda is an action rpg. Path of exile and Diablo are also action rpgs. But even there, two WILDLY different kinds of action rpgs. we have sand box RPGS. we have jrpgs. We have tactical rpgs. we have interactive story rpgs like deus ex 3, Mass effect2/3, and DA2.. we have fps rpgs...
I think the problem is that as long as a game has some tiny RPG element in it the creators tend to tick the RPG-box because it can't really hurt. But in reality they are RPGs as much as Saints Row is a flight simulator (hey, you can fly planes in it!).


Avatar of War Slayer
I think the problem is that as long as a game has some tiny RPG element in it the creators tend to tick the RPG-box because it can't really hurt. But in reality they are RPGs as much as Saints Row is a flight simulator (hey, you can fly planes in it!).
yeah. I am not going to pretend I know the answer. what makes an rpg an rpg? I dont think there is one.
You would be hard pressed to find a game these days without a few rpg systems. levels or items. But even those do not define rpgs. Zeldas dont have levels, and Final fantasy has been doing away with items.

using the arpg example.
Zelda is an action rpg that focuses on exploration and puzzles.
Path of exile and Diablo are action rpgs that focus on combat and itemization.
Secret of mana series are actin rpgs that focus on storytelling, and classic jrpg plot progression.
again, 3 wildly different games. that hardly should be even described as the genre.

Step Diablo back to its predecessor. Gauntlet and it has a bit more in common with the legend of zelda1. step Secret of mana back.. Crysalis? ok. not too much in common there.


Mask of the Betrayer expansion for NWN2 is easily one of the *best* things I've ever played. Period. If you like DND elements, and you went through NWN2, it's immensely satisfying. Challenging in some areas (though by the end I was rolling with about 26d6 pts of sneak attack dmg and the feat to allow at least half of it to still hit things immune to it, so everything exploded) and the story is just fantastic. Had a really nice twist too, and many, many endings, as well as all sorts of different things you could do that actually changed the story somewhat for you. (IE, recruiting evil types meant you couldn't recruit good, or certain people might not give you the ability to bypass things, etc.)

KOTOR was also really good. I love stories with crazy twists, and maybe I was naive going into it but I didn't see the twist coming. Mind blown.

Planescape: Torment is my favorite RPG of all time. If you know Chris Avellone (and love him) this is one of his most well known projects. It's amazing. The story is fucking phenomenal.

Also yea, as people said, DA:O was awesome because it was very nostalgic; hell even the sound effects were right out of the forgotten realms games. If you didn't play it on PC though, you lost something. I remember my boyfriend playing it for the first time and getting clobbered because he was trying to play it like an action game, and after the 20th time of him cursing, I went in and told him he was playing it wrong. You gotta pause in that game, man.

It wasn't planescape: torment, but it's definitely up there as far as RPGs.

If you're just looking for any RPGs, hit up indie games on steam. Defender's Quest, Bastion, Rogue Legacy are all amazing projects, and fairly cheap for the amount of play I got out of them.