

Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Kuats are awesome but expensive. If you're just looking for a trunk rack that won't break the bank and you can count on, Saris Bones 2.


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the suggestions. Roof rack is out because I live in a condo with garage parking. Damn garage door is too low.

Saris Bones 2 looks good. I also got that recommendation from someone.


Egg Nazi
Fuck all you Kang bicyclists that ride on roads and don't stop at stop signs or obey any fucking traffic laws.
This. Its right and proper that this made it onto the first page. +1

Hypothetically speaking when I have a psychotic break and go on a killing spree, itll be because of some douchebag that rides a childrens toy in traffic because its "good exercise" but then refuses to stop at stop signs because "its too hard to start up again".
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Registered Hutt
I about hit a car yesterday. Yes, I phrased that right. I felt very silly. I was driving through cross traffic and had aYUGE gap after this guy that I was planning to sail through, but wasn't paying as much attention as I should, and had to brake a bit to avoid him. I'm sure the driver was annoyed I came so close to being roflstomped.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I can't wait to have you guys read about my upcoming alleycat race.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Well my post got deleted. What I meant to say was that I don't appreciate you street bike riding folks ride where there is no shoulder. Especially on curvy mountain roads and such. It's really a bummer. Hope this works amod.
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I try to avoid climbing the busier mountain roads, but cyclists have every right to enjoy epic canyon/mountain rides just as you do. Don't drive dangerously around blind corners (you shouldn't do this anyway lest you want to risk crashing into a lane crosser,) and you won't come close to hitting a cyclist. Give them a wide berth and gun it when the opposite lane is clear. Don't honk at them, don't pass within 3 feet, just cross the lane unless it's a double yellow.

I do descend the busier roads. When they have a -5% grade or better I can hit 50+ mph unless there is a headwind or crosswind.

For example HWY 84 east of Skyline here in the Bay Area? A dozen cyclists might climb that a day whereas 100 cyclists might descend it. 70-90 cyclists ascend Old La Honda every day, which is right next to it. Most cyclists taking to these roads are quite experienced, and not stupid. I'd also wager a higher percentage of weekend drivers drive beyond their skill/practice level than these riders. Shit, just look at this channel: RNickeyMouse

Specifically this video:

Just saying, generally calling out cyclists who aren't breaking laws gets old, especially when they are very few and far between compared to cars.

Another example from that channel:

Are the cyclists really to blame? What if that was a broken down car or one of the many pro photographers that line "The Snake?" No, the person who crashed into them was at fault and no one else. Cyclists also get hit on quiet suburban streets or in supposedly bike friendly facilities like Golden Gate Park.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
This. Its right and proper that this made it onto the first page. +1

Hypothetically speaking when I have a psychotic break and go on a killing spree, itll be because of some douchebag that rides a childrens toy in traffic because its "good exercise" but then refuses to stop at stop signs because "its too hard to start up again".

get a load of this fucking guy. Children's toy lol.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've logged saddle time on country roads as well as full on urban environments. Yes, cyclists will roll stops at times but if a stop is necessitated we nearly always do. I think drivers mostly get mad because a rider goes through a light while they are still waiting, not because anything actually unsafe happened. Vast majority of the dumb shit I've seen personally (riding 4k+ miles a year) has been on drivers.

So many people get impatient and angry while driving. Just look at the rustled jimmies thread, its always been at least 50% or more people bitching about driving. People are commonly frustrated while driving, impatient, and get in a mindset like they are sitting on a couch watching a video screen they interact with rather than piloting thousands of pound of metal with hundreds of horsepower. Add to this the modern problem of distracted driving....I don't see much texting and cycling.

The fact of the matter is that cyclists have every right to take up the entire lane if they want on most roads, highspeed with shoulder or actual highways excluded of course. If one is in your way, believe it or not angry driver person, you are supposed to slow down until it is safe to pass them, no matter how long that takes. They are under no obligation to attempt to clear the lane, but most of us would if its possible.
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Egg Nazi
I'm envious of you guys who live in areas where cyclists regularly obey the laws. I'll take your word for it.

Here in Oregon, cyclists dont even slow down at stop signs. I've literally watched a 60+ couple follow each other trhough a 4 way stop without slowing, and a parent towing their child in a bike stroller do the same thing at the same intersection. Its insane -- you're made out of meat and my car is made out of metal. Perhaps you should drive at least as cautiously as cars, rather than ignoring safety altogether.

Famm said:
The fact of the matter is that cyclist have every right to take up the entire lane if they want on most roads
Yes, as long as they are driving the speed limit. Otherwise they need to move over right away just like any other vehicle that cant drive the speed limit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You realize the speed limit is actually a MAXIMUM right? Its the limit, not "everyone must go at least this fast or I'm allowed to get really mad".

I'm pretty sure every single state has safe passing laws too. Here's yours:

Oregon requires that the driver of a motor vehicle pass a person operating a bicycle by driving to the left of the bicycle at a safe distance (a distance that is sufficient to prevent contact with the person operating the bicycle if the person were to fall into the driver's lane of traffic) and returning to the lane of travel once the motor vehicle is safely clear of the overtaken bicycle.

This requirement does not apply to a driver operating a motor vehicle:

  • In a lane that is separate from and adjacent to a designated bicycle lane;
  • At a speed not greater than 35 miles per hour; or
  • When the driver is passing a person operating a bicycle on the person's right side and the person operating the bicycle is turning left.

I don't see anything about the cyclist needing to maintain a certain speed to qualify for your courtesy. If its not safe to pass you wait until it is, just as you would for any other slow moving vehicle. Its nice of a slow moving vehicle to get out of the way if they can on that road, and most will, but if they can't or simply don't, then you're required to wait until its safe to pass.

As far as running stops and shit, I don't know but the west coast may be a different animal in many ways too. Whenever I've visited the bay area I'm absolutely shocked how people just assume the whole world will defer to them in crosswalks. On the east coast your ass would get honked at, cussed the fuck out and probably eventually hit trying some of the bold moves I've seen pedestrians make out there.


Trakanon Raider
Incorrect, they only need to pull over when there is safe passage.

AO, we just had a nikebike ( our new bike share) alleycat, that was absolutely hilarious and wish I had video so I could rustle all these jimmies.


I love it when people dictate the law and get it wrong. Many cops don't even know what rights cyclists have.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Catching the road race from Rio this morning finally after work...holy crap what a course, its like the mad scientist version of the perfect asskicker course.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
btw, have we ever had the discussion that this thread could be logically moved to the sports forum?


There's a bit of overlap in topical discussions about professional cycling and people that ride hard, so I wouldn't mind a combined thread in the sports section.