Big Brother 18


<Prior Amod>
yea from reading some summaries, it looks like helen has used her politics side to dig deep into all the alliances, which is hard to do, she broke them down.

even tho (spoiler)
aryn and kailin
were put up. i'm and read that the whole house doesn't trust 2 ppl. Spencer and Howard. Jeremy for seems controllable and is a useful asset, heck if anything at least jeremy is faithful to his alliance. who knows either one of those guys could even be mvp'd or backdoored too.

heck if i'm looking at it from the inside, i'd think how did the most muscular guy fall off the popsicles first?, he didn't even try. (don't give me that he's bigger so there's more weight, you ,know he could have tried) so he's been trying to play everyone from day one.


No way, talking engagement rings and where you want to raise your kids after two weeks is totally normal ....

Especially with someone we can't be sure is not gay.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's funny they have to air a disclaimer before the show now since it has so many racists on it. They also have a disclaimer when you first pull up the streams too.


<Prior Amod>
isn't there some 4chan group or ppl that vote on reality tv shows, but vote for the worst person as like a lolz? it'd be interesting to see aryan get mvp, either all the racists suddenly learn how to use a smartphone or 4chan'ers have fun. But i saw the disclaimers, is it a dollar to vote? how does that work exactly, and i thought it was free (probably some free online voting too)


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Do these dumb twats even know what show they're on? Where are they getting these dipshits?



<Prior Amod>
dear lord, i finally understand now how ppl say they can't watch reality tv anymore, because they're afraid it'll make them dumb... i mean not one, but TWO ppl are just as dumb.

i saw a theory from a previous winner, she says that since this season is all new cast members (no returning) the casting director tried to cast to the extreme right and left and lowered iq scores, (she says for big brother you take tests and whatnot to get on the show along with making a tape and recommendations and whatever) to rile up ppl.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Pretty sure Jeremy is done tonight. I really can't see them not doing it at this point.


Trakanon Raider
Did I just hear Julie right that she said the person chosen for mvp this week will be the third nominee?


Blackwing Lair Raider
According to my girlfriend, she explained that "America is the MVP this week" and America will get to vote on the third nominee.


Hmm, I wonder if Aaryn is going to be nominated by the public... pretty obvious.

I guess they got tired of the Brenchel fans guranteeing Elissa as MVP each week.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
CBS is retarded for introducing something like MVP and then having a house-guest who is related to a popular former house-guest.


The MVP has turned out to be a ridiculous addition because it is just a popularity contest and has little to do with actual gameplay. Maybe if all the house guests started on an equal footing it may play out differently but like mentioned already, it was bound to fail when you put someone in there that has such a strong connection to a previous player. Maybe a better implementation of it might have been to exclude previous winners for a duration of time, or entirely, from winning it again. That way the people voting might spend a little more effort on picking someone and making the choices more strategic. Another way for CBS to get the public emotionally invested in the game and possibly have an effect on the outcome.


<Prior Amod>
mvp is the stupidest twist, for 1, we all know the voting public are idiots, and it shows when elissa gets mvp... for doing nothing but having red hair. She get's so little screen time b/c she does nothing and the producers have nothing to put up. mvp should be helen, she's the only one making moves. she was working with the initial 3 girls to get out jeremy then put in nick as a tempting offer, and then campaigning for elissa, when she herself was on the block. now she took control being hoh, wrangled out every past alliance she could, backdoored her biggest physical competitor and the 2 guy threats that are left are running around scared. now she has another "safe week" to do even and we should see how she tries to exert influence now that she's off the block, and not hoh.

the only other real mvp would be aaryn, well she's cbs's mvp as that is what is raising the ratings, everyone else is boring. elissa get's mvp, doesn't even hide it, in fact that's her only saving grace is that everyone in the house knows her as the mvp, and she's too dumb to even make a decision really, her mvp choices have been made by helen or candice, she's at least smart enough to thank her sister's fans every week.

judd seems to be going after kaitlin and gm, probably for jessie payback, and they'll either backdoor and/or mvp spencer/howard. judd's best move would be to backdoor and get rid of howard. Howard has muscles and is spencers only friend, once he get's rid of howard no one in the house can bench their own weight, you'll be left with 3 lanky/slim guys and a fat guy.


From Dan, the winner of BB10

"I've gotten e-mails asking me if I can help retract their #BB15 MVP votes b/c they didn't understand votes were for a 3rd nominee. #facepalm"
It would be nice to see all those dumb fucks that keep voting Elissa MVP get her nominated and evicted. I don't think anyone considers her a real threat though and probably pretty unlikely that enough of them would vote her out.


re: MVP nomination

People are idiots. Elissa did indeed get nominated for eviction by America. /facepalm