Bioshock Infinite


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
This is bioshock, even on their worse day they couldnt fuck this up. That said prior drm shit that came with original and how fucking retarded devs are with DLC I will be waiting for game of the year edition unless multiplayer is the tits.
Multiplayer was scrapped, good sir.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Multiplayer was scrapped, good sir.

-edit- Wow, he is gloriously huge. My bad, but I'm leaving it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Did anyone have XCOM unlock so they can download it now on steam? It doesn't show up on my licensed game list or available to download. I've restarted steam a couple times and it's still not available to download.


Trump's Staff
Started playing this last night since it was leaked for PS3 and I'm completely underwhelmed after the first hour or so. Zero backstory about your character, zero reason why you're in the place you're in, and for me, zero motivation to keep playing. I hope this is just an extended intro sequence and you eventually get something, because right now I give zero shits.

Gorgeous game though.


Avatar of War Slayer
Did anyone have XCOM unlock so they can download it now on steam? It doesn't show up on my licensed game list or available to download. I've restarted steam a couple times and it's still not available to download.
hrm. restart worked for me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Started playing this last night since it was leaked for PS3 and I'm completely underwhelmed after the first hour or so. Zero backstory about your character, zero reason why you're in the place you're in, and for me, zero motivation to keep playing. I hope this is just an extended intro sequence and you eventually get something, because right now I give zero shits.

Gorgeous game though.
Isn't this basically how Bioshock started? You're in a plane that crashes in the ocean and you swim to the lighthouse and find the elevator or whatever down to Rapture and just start learning things as you progress.


Trump's Staff
I guess the original had more mystery to it. You were in a place basically alone, with monsters trying to kill you, and you were surviving while figuring out WTF is happening. In this one, you're dropped off at a dock by random people, you're taken up to "heaven" which is well-populated and you have to find a girl for... some reason... and some people want to kill you, some don't. It just seems confusing.


Avatar of War Slayer
didnt the intro clearly explain, you are a convict, how is given a chance at freedom, if you do a job for a guy? the job being go get the girl, and bring her back.


Trump's Staff
Guess I could have missed that part. You still ascend into what is basically heaven after 2 minutes and start drinking random potions, using magic and shit, without your character so much as batting an eyelash at the idea. Just seems like stuff at the beginning could be expanded a bit while still maintaining the mystery.

Another thought: the range at which turrets can fuck you up is way too far. A few times I was getting shot and I couldn't even see where I was being shot from. Oh, and I had enemies melee me through walls a couple of times.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It rather sounds like you don't WANT to like the game. Certainly not a fanboy, nor even just ambivalent.

Not sure what baggage you're carrying, but unless you can find a way to shed it, this will have been a wasted purchase, which, you being human, you'll blame on Irrational Games.


Trump's Staff
There's no baggage. I played both of the previous games and though I didn't finish either one, I also didn't have any real complaints. Being critical of something doesn't mean you're actively trying to dislike it. If that was the case I never even would have started the game.

I want to like the game, but saying that I felt anything other than confused/unmotivated after a bit of time playing would be disingenuous. I'm not giving up on it, I just think a little more information at the start would have been beneficial.


A nice asshole.
Didn't finish Bioshock? So you never confronted Andrew Ryan, AKA would you kindly get the fuck out sir your opinion is invalid.


Trump's Staff
I've watched the ending of the story, just didn't play it myself. Irrelevant anyway, the story lines are not related. I'm gonna play more tonight and keep an open mind; I'm sure the game will end up good, I just think so far the protagonist is far too accepting of the weird fucking situation he's been put into. It would be nice if the game explained what a glowing liquid was, or explained on some level how they work, before you drink it without question and find yourself shooting ravens out of your fingertips. Or before you grab a hook and automatically have the ability to jump 50 feet through the air and just say, "Huh. Must be magnetic."


Avatar of War Slayer
are you fucking with us right now?

You really want a 40min exposition info drop to explain all the random game physics shit?
Fuuuuuuuuck yoooooooooooou.

BS1 certainly had many problems, so, this one having its own, is very possible and likely. especially with the "troubled" development. But some crazy talk coming out of your mouth.


Trump's Staff
I don't want a 40 minute explanation. I would have like a 5 minute intro to the character before I was dropped on to a rowboat and sent up to heaven. I also understand how plasmids/vigors are supposed to work, but a new player to the series would have no clue why you can pick up a vial of hypnotic and start chucking flame grenades. The game has audio recordings scattered throughout the levels; one of those near the first vigor you find would have been more than adequate to explain the system to a new player. Maybe there was one somewhere and I missed it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In a sequel, there's always a fine line of balance between not insulting your fans who've played the previous games, and accessibility/quality of life items for players new to the franchise. I'm not defending the choice they made, but I'm also biased. I played the previous games, I understand the meta. I'm, personally, ok with Little Jimmy who picks this up without playing the others first getting fucked.

-The fact is, you've played the previous games, yet are bitching about not being told what a plasmid is/does.
-What intro the game gives, you apparently missed/ignored/fucked off through (by your own words), yet you bitch about not having a clue what's going on.
-You know damn well from past experience and watching trailers where you are (hint, not heaven), yet insist on calling it that.

You're not painting yourself in a good light. Not to mention that most of us, in this thread, ARE fans of the series, and are going to be more persnickety about stupid shit Negative Nancys try to pull.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Isn't this basically how Bioshock started? You're in a plane that crashes in the ocean and you swim to the lighthouse and find the elevator or whatever down to Rapture and just start learning things as you progress.
Yeah I would agree with this. As long as the mystery is still there, along with the atmosphere, this is cool. I still remember sort of being awestruck when that old music tune Under the Sea started playing and I was like, "Wow what the fuck is going on here?" The key to pulling this off is the atmosphere. And holy shit did Bioshock have some atmosphere. Especially in the beginning when I stumbled across that place where everyone was celebrating New Years Eve and the audio recordings were all about screaming their asses off, which added more to the "Holy shit". Also, gun in a crib.

Bioshock is one of my favorite games. Partly because it almost had a 50's twilight zone effect, but also because of the detail in the surroundings and memorable characters. Holy shit Sander Cohen was awesome, and when he came downstairs after I built my collage of dead people photos and he walked down pretty much in tears of joy like he was accepting an academy award? Holy nuts! (No pun intended) I can count on one hand memorable characters/personalities in a video game. Sander Cohen... Number 1. Number 2 would be Arthas/Lich King in Warcraft/Wow by default of character development of a hundred years
Other than that, it goes downhill fast.