Bioshock Infinite


Lord Nagafen Raider

Really loved these promos forBioshock: Infinite, so I'm glad to see them being continued for the DLC.

The fact that they reference a woman who lived in Rapture but escaped to New York makes me wonder if the Bioshock novel is considered to be canon and will tie-in with the DLC.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
That joystick video said a few hours... maybe... on the length of content in the DLC. I guess the dude that was talking was bashful about it because Irrational is selling the DLC individually for $15, but I'm hard pressed to recall a DLC that added more than a few hours of gameplay to anything I've ever played.

Besides, the season pass is $20 and would include both Burial at Sea DLCs.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>

Really loved these promos forBioshock: Infinite, so I'm glad to see them being continued for the DLC.

The fact that they reference a woman who lived in Rapture but escaped to New York makes me wonder if the Bioshock novel is considered to be canon and will tie-in with the DLC.
They totally ripped this off from the LOST promos.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>

that was dumb. 3/10.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
allow me to just sum this up for you.

Episode One is a condensed version of Bioshock Infinite. Formula is the same. Person A/B shows up, gives mission (pay the debt), find Person B and redeem himself, slowly finds out who they are, Protagonist realizes who he is and what he did wrong, and at the end, the Protagonist gets struck by X and the audience is left in awe.

Problem: I wasn't left in awe. Not even fucking close BECAUSE THE SURPRISE WASN'T REALLY IMPRESSIVE AT ALL. We all know what constant and variable is. Different universe is no longer fascinating. It's fucking boring. I'VE SEEN THIS SHIT BEFORE. MAKE SOMETHING NEW.

One would imagine a defense to this would be, "It's constants and variables! It's okay! It'sSUPPOSEDto be the same!" Nope. It's just a built-in self-defense against a major criticism. That speaks volume about this fucking DLC.

Just imagine yourself playing a game that was meant for 10 hours but you only get to play 2 hours of it. The DLC not only loses major points in execution, it's fucking pointless.

DLC should have added to the existing universe. This is a fucking major cop out.

Ken Levine should shoot himself for making this abomination.


Molten Core Raider
I thought it was very clever. 9/10 I think Trollface missed the most important part. Booker redeemed himself. That was what Infinite was about.

You are Comstock. You escaped your thread and tried to assume the identity of Booker. Bookers debt is paid. Comstock still has to pay his. All of the Comstocks. Elizabeth is working with the Luteces' to clean up the threads in order to save the redeemed Booker(?). When she refuses to call you Booker is the first big hint. Lots of mindfucks left to be explained. Especially Cohen.

Kind of predicted this months ago.
The Lutece's are/were/will be the main characters when you really think about it

Or is that Luteces'

Not sure I'm right, but maybe I will be...or was. Or am. Bioshock gives me a headache now. If I have to be negative about this, it's not really worth 15$ on it's own, just get the Season pass for 20 or you'll end up spending 30+ just on these 2 eps. It's about 2 hours if you take your time.


Golden Squire
Thought it was great too but can't believe they spent all the time and effort remaking Rapture for just 3 hours of gameplay, bizarre.


Molten Core Raider
There's still another one coming. I think this story is trying to tell us the Bioshock events are separate. As much as we'd like to kill Cohen or be a major factor in Bioshock 1's story, that isn't going to happen.

That being said, we still have Elizabeth's story in Rapture coming up next. And I suspect it will be a doozy that may very well have some minor significance on Bioshock 1, but wont change the story in any way. I personally think it will be a setup for the next chapter of Bioshock which being a billion dollar idea, I suspect may continue the story of the Lutece and Booker with Elizabeth. But first Booker needs to consolidate his threads and I really think that's what these dlc's are going to be all about.


Molten Core Raider
You didn't have to kill him in the original
Pretty sure anyway.

And ok I'll amend that to I want to kill him