Bioshock Infinite


Molten Core Raider
According to the wiki, he never attacks if you do the right things. I didn't either though. Mainly because I was a shoot first, ask questions later type of FPS player.

Sander Cohen - The BioShock Wiki - BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite, news, guides, and more

If the player chooses not to kill Cohen at Fort Frolic then Jack will encounter him later in his apartment at Mercury Suites. There, Cohen welcomes him into his home saying "Come into the light, little moth, come in. " Jack enters and sees two Houdini Splicers dancing to the music of a precariously balanced phonograph. If the player disrupts the dancers and kills them then Cohen will descend from his room upstairs and attack. However, if the player leaves the dancers alone then it is entirely possible for Cohen to survive the events of BioShock


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea, you don't have to even enter his room - but it's required for a bunch of stuff including maxing out weapon upgrades.


FPS noob
ok I just played the DLC and I'm kinda dumb, I didn't understand the ending at all
So uh I kinda forget Bioshock Infinite too, but as I recall it turns out Booker was Comstock who stole baby Elizabeth from a different version of himself from a different timeline, and she got her pinky cut off. Elizabeth kills Booker after civil war/before he becomes Comstock, erasing Comstock? I never really fully understood that shit anyways.

But what the fuck is going on here? Ok, I get Comstock tries to escape into Rapture, erase his memories, and become Detective Booker in Rapture. Is that baby being stolen again still Elizabeth, and did her head get cut off? Who is Sally? Where did this Booker/Comstock come from, if Elizabeth erased the possibility of Booker figuring out tear travel?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Either I got significantly more terrible at gaming since Infinite's release, or the beginning of this DLC is fucking hard on 1999 mode.


Molten Core Raider
Either I got significantly more terrible at gaming since Infinite's release, or the beginning of this DLC is fucking hard on 1999 mode.
I played it through on 1999.

You start off with shit for ammo. I think 3 shots? So I just lured them around to the red barrels and used a bullet on those to take out all 3 splicers. Then possessed someone in the next group before finally reaching a machine to fill up on ammo. Then it became a lot easier. Still need to utilize the "trap" button and and barrels quite a bit. And air attacks ftw.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I played it through on 1999.

You start off with shit for ammo. I think 3 shots? So I just lured them around to the red barrels and used a bullet on those to take out all 3 splicers. Then possessed someone in the next group before finally reaching a machine to fill up on ammo. Then it became a lot easier. Still need to utilize the "trap" button and and barrels quite a bit. And air attacks ftw.
I haven't finished it so I didn't want to read the spoiler. Any non-spoilery pro tips?

Edit: I couldn't help myself and I read the spoiler. It's not a spoiler. =p Thanks for the tips.


FPS noob
dayum girl

ver1sa (Vera Green) on deviantART



Blackwing Lair Raider
I just finally got around to playing the Burial at Sea DLC and I've noticed that the "take all" button when looting has been changed to "F" instead of "E" that I had it bound to when I played through the original game. I can't seem to find it in the keybinds menu although maybe I'm just being an idiot, did anyone else have this problem?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It's been so long since I played the original that it didn't occur to me that the keybinding had changed.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think I figured out what had happened. The default keybinding is "E" for switch weapons and "F" for using objects/looting. When I played the original I remapped "E" to use objects because I've played so much Half-Life that it feels weird when that isn't the use keybind. The difference seems to be that in the DLC remapping the use key doesn't also remap the loot all key whereas in the original it does. I think I'm just going to have to get used to it, oh well!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Just beat the DLC. I can see why the dude in that interview linked several posts back was bashful about the DLC's length. I almost felt cheated that I had put that much effort in exploring and finding stuff given that it's pretty likely your items won't persist into episode 2.

I knew we weren't playing as another "Booker," but I hadn't considered that we were playing as Comstock. I thought maybe they'd try to sneak in that we were actually Fontaine or whatever.

In any case, as mentioned above, this would be a very, very tough sell at $15 for the ~2 hours of Rapture. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty sweet to revisit Rapture again, and there are a few standout moments in my mind (enemies hidden in plain site next to obvious pickups). I think the moment-to-moment gameplay is top notch, but it feels like they took one DLC and split it into two. Hopefully episode 2 helps to explain why we needed to see this story instead of more Columbia.

Edit: For anyone paying attention, I was having a hard time getting the ball rolling on 1999 difficulty, but that's because I was a tard and not using possession. Possesion makes almost every encounter trivial. I only died once after I started using it (though I got very close quite a few times).

Also, am I going crazy, or did the vanilla Infinite only allow you to carry two weapons at a time? I was so confused when I couldn't swap out my weapons with no ammo left to new weapons. Then I saw a tip that said "Hold E to swap weapons" and there's a radial menu like the plasmids allowing you to select any weapon you previously acquired.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea the weapon wheel thing got me too. I was all like, wtf is wrong with this game why can't I pick up any guns? Though I don't think I was ever able to pick up the machine gun barrels you can get via tears, or are those just tommy gun ammo?

Game was hard as balls on 1999 mode, was not prepared for that after the snooze-fest that Infinite was. Also short as shit and I really wouldn't recommend paying 15$ for it (wait for a sale).


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Finally getting around to playing this (vanilla) after getting it on a steam sale.

Hugely disappointed. I had figured this would be solid given what I understood of the creator (Ken Levine?), but nope, it got AAA'd to all hell. Linear bullshit with zero meaningful choice, and the two-weapon limit can kiss my ass. Also, what the fuck is with moving to the Mass Effect (could originate elsewhere, dunno) style of "encounter-based" fighting? Even though there weren't dick-high walls to hide behind, it still felt like ME where you walk along for awhile in complete safety, and then OH GOD ENCOUNTER TIME!!! and there are 5-10 enemies to fight, music dies down, and you go back to your complete safety scavenging. Fucking Christ, I hate this planet so much.

I read a bit of this thread when it came out, and the general consensus on here seemed to be that it was a good, or even great game. But I completely disagree, and if you guys are starting to buy into this shit, when we on this board are supposed to be the last vestiges of true nerdy passionate gamers, then I'm probably just fucked from here on out, other than the occasional indie gem.



<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Finally getting around to playing this (vanilla) after getting it on a steam sale.

Hugely disappointed. I had figured this would be solid given what I understood of the creator (Ken Levine?), but nope, it got AAA'd to all hell. Linear bullshit with zero meaningful choice, and the two-weapon limit can kiss my ass. Also, what the fuck is with moving to the Mass Effect (could originate elsewhere, dunno) style of "encounter-based" fighting? Even though there weren't dick-high walls to hide behind, it still felt like ME where you walk along for awhile in complete safety, and then OH GOD ENCOUNTER TIME!!! and there are 5-10 enemies to fight, music dies down, and you go back to your complete safety scavenging. Fucking Christ, I hate this planet so much.

I read a bit of this thread when it came out, and the general consensus on here seemed to be that it was a good, or even great game. But I completely disagree, and if you guys are starting to buy into this shit, when we on this board are supposed to be the last vestiges of true nerdy passionate gamers, then I'm probably just fucked from here on out, other than the occasional indie gem.

You should check out burial at sea. It more-or-less addresses your encounter complaint. I actually felt penalized for scavenging because it spawns completely new, unavoidable encounters.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I may. But likely not, because patronizing these fucks further for another 2 hours of content is fairly counter-intuitive.
Don't know what thread you were reading Seananigans, but most of the raving was about the story and the voice acting. Most people, myself included thought the actual shooter game play was pretty vanilla.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I guess the comments weren't properly worded then, because I came away with the impression that it was still a good/solid game. There's no excuse for these modern day interactive stories or whatever you want to call this shit the industry is churning out these days. I want to play games, not be hand-held through some jackass's idea of a "compelling" story. If I wanted that, I'd watch a fucking movie. Story in games is there to enhance the game experience, andwasoften done quite well back in the day, but when there's no GAME to be had, then what's the fucking point?
