Black Desert


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I have no idea what server i'm on or anything....but can i get a guild invite?

Family Name- Lightmarch
Zerker name- TouchingSteve (Thought i was just going to try out the zerker, ended up liking him)
Check the original post of this thread if you're on Edan and want to play with us. We're more focused on hardcore gameplay but we do have a casual guild for people.


<Silver Donator>
Looks like i'm on the Uno server.
I'm definitely casual and can't get into the hardcore stuff, but i'll start a character on Edan.

Thanks Tuco


Outlaw rings feel every bit as rare as a MoS to me if not even more rare. I've done level 52-54.5 almost 100% at elrics (node level 6 when I started, 8 now), and I didn't see a single outlaw ring until today. Then a 2nd one dropped 15 minutes later. RNG is funny like that I guess. I definitely think the hybrid ap/dp accessories are better for berserkers than pure AP stuff. But outlaw rings have always been way underpriced on the market and perma sold out as a result, there is no reason for them to cost 10 million less than a MoS with comparable rarity, especially in the current state of the game when silver is raining from the sky.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, I gotta say I have never seen a game go south as quickly for me as BDO. So much potential ruined by hackers and farming/AH bots. I think it is time to put the MMO genre to rest for me.


Potato del Grande
I don't understand all the crying about market bots. I've literally had zero problems buying any item I want if I'm tryingoing to buy it. What exactly do you think the "bots" do that ruins the market? Just because you are slow at the market doesn't mean there are bots buying every item as it comes up so nobody gets them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have tried to get over 20 items on the AH and I always get a fail to purchase message. Right now, any Grunil over +10, tree spirit belts, +15 steel daggers seem to be gone instantly. It has happened too many times to be a coincidence. I have set alerts for the items I want, and when one comes up, I spam the refresh until it appears then hit purchase and enter the number. However, it is always gone. I have over 70m in the bank, but can't buy shit.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You can farm the treant belt. Treant Forest is ultimately, very dead. The drop rate on it is abysmal and I can surely see why anyone would snipe that belt as soon as they see it. Complaining that you cant buy a +15 Steel Dagger makes me roll my eyes because you wont spend the 20 minutes it takes to just safe enchant it yourself. Bots can do a lot of things, true. But they have almost 0 impact on you and your play style in THIS game. A bot off by itself farming some random mobs has about as much consequence on you as what a bear in the woods shit out this morning. Sucks that you're quitting and Im not sure why this was your place to vent about the perceived bots and their terrorist ways! But I hope you find an MMO that you like better!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have over 70m in the bank, but can't buy shit.
Buy more Boss armor, Witch Earrings and Mark Of Shadows ? Anyway it's safe to assume there's people abusing the system, especially regarding Liverto weapons getting sniped at lightspeed. It's not like their captcha is hard to bypass.


Trump's Staff
I am level 30 and have about 10 black stones of each type now. Should I bother upgrading my stuff yet or do I wait until I can get better gear? My bow ATM I think is Bastere.


<Bronze Donator>
put weapon stones in your main/offhand until +7, armor stones in armor until +5. you can always get the stones back as long as you don't go over that amount.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm not sure which bow is best for the ranger, which i guess is what you're playing? But you can get the base weapon that you can use up to liverto or Yuria and upgrade that to 15. Pretty sure it would be Bares as you level. Dump all your weapon stones into that until you have the money to buy or farm up a +15 liverto. Then get your kzarka (wish!).


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The AH bots really hurt this game. It's hard for classes that don't do well vs bosses (ex: Melee) to get liverto weapons, and when they can't buy them it's a real progression block. The game is supposed to be wealth and market driven, but players who don't use AH cheats can't participate in high end items.

I think a better solution would be to remove the stupid price setting and let the market determine the price.

What I don't understand is what the AH botters are doing with the items. There can't be that many people using it, and you can't do much except put it up for auction, right?


Golden Squire
What I don't understand is what the AH botters are doing with the items. There can't be that many people using it, and you can't do much except put it up for auction, right?
This is what I wonder as well. Livertos go for max price, and the marketplace takes a good chunk out of that so it's a net negative no matter how you spin it. Same goes for almost every in-demand item.

Was perusing the quest database this morning and saw a bunch of repeatable quests with [Party] Stronger <mob> in them (example). Kill "augmented" mobs and get Black Seals. 100 seals and you get a Liverto Bundle. I imagine that's currently KR only as a catch-up mechanic but given that these exist it's not out of the realm of possibility that they'll make their way over here at some point. Especially with the speed in which they're expanding the world to catch up to KR.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The AH bots really hurt this game. It's hard for classes that don't do well vs bosses (ex: Melee) to get liverto weapons, and when they can't buy them it's a real progression block. The game is supposed to be wealth and market driven, but players who don't use AH cheats can't participate in high end items.

I think a better solution would be to remove the stupid price setting and let the market determine the price.

What I don't understand is what the AH botters are doing with the items. There can't be that many people using it, and you can't do much except put it up for auction, right?
If you take down the filter in BDO and look at the spam messages from Chinese Farmers you see that they are selling items. How they are doing it is beyond me, though.


Potato del Grande
High end guilds buy stuff like liverto a and kzarka to stop others from competing. Keep in mind you aren't the only person on the server who wants liver to either. Every time you go to buy one there are hundreds trying to do the same. Doubly so for rarer things like tree belt.

Failed to purchase doesn't mean a bot instantly bought the item, by the way. Big items do a bid phase of sorts and that is where you getting that message.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I have to imagine that all high end guilds are in roughly the same position: trying to get top end gear for their players. If they have people running AH bots sniping it to destroy, they hurt their players at a great cost.

I can, however, imagine some guilds are proliferating AH bots within their membership. It somehow seems less offensive to have a AH bot vs a gold-farming bot. Using it would be an instant kick from PRX, but the idea of other guilds using bots sniping livertos from our players pisses me off.


Potato del Grande
Liverto items all have a bid phase...

The only things I could see maybe possibly being sniped by bots would be mats like savageries or items like outlaw rings which don't have a bid phase and for some reason have a retardedly low market price for how good they are.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In some EU guilds it's tolerated to run AH bot programs to get your Liverto, since "you can't have it the legit way anyway".