Black Desert


Blackwing Lair Raider
My experience with Sorc's has been that they are horribly bursty pains in the ass, as a Musa I struggle with them, but some of that could be learn to play on my part. I've yet to really sit down and polish up on other classes for pvp purposes, so pvp in general is kind of spotty for me. I've picked up a few things, like not running into Tamers pet stun, and since I've played a Zerk I can spot a lot of their grabs and when to rush in or out on them. Hopefully Sorc's didn't get uber walloped, but from I've seen and heard, it wasn't a complete dump on them.

The increase in mob Combat and Skill xp is refreshing. On higher level mobs like Helms, Elrics, Rogues, Manes, etc it went from a couple of percent an hour, to 10 or more percent an hour. Should be able to hit 56 playing casually in a couple more nights, when before I was looking at a couple of weeks since I don't have a cohesive block of time to join a farming group at Pirates normally. Casuals should be able to hit 57 pretty easily now, and anyone trying should be 58 or higher fairly soon. Moving armor and weapon tier upgrades to Black Spirit with reform stones is another excellent change along with Cron stones to help buffer against downgrading. Still RNG as all hell, but some of the improvements and quality of life changes from Korea are starting to trickle in. All the hardcore, no lifers QQ'ing in general makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


Trump's Staff
Fishing is borked.
Making 10% at the same spot, which is a none hotspot area. Noticed all the boats moved after the patch, toon was off the boat on login. The coast shelf is now bigger. The same visual underwater markings are now WAY out from the coast. Its like they increase the map size. Which makes no sense, ppl are saying boats are moving slower, I am not sure if that is true or its now having to cover more distance to get to the same areas.

The areas have been change on what you get for those spots, my non-hotspot never gave seaweed now its the core of what I get. Testing the area on how far out I will need to go to get the same items I was getting, so far it looks to be 3x the distance I was at.
Could be related to this note:

  • The New Fishing System has been added, hotspots will now change periodically and are denoted with seagulls.

Also, they updated the notes with more stuff at the bottom. The three standouts for me were:

Witch/wizard can freely move the direction of their channeled aoes while casting like blizzard and black spirit lighting WITHOUT having to use mouse movements.

Basic Attack Skills auto-level when your character levels up

Nodes now offer mass energy investment


Blackwing Lair Raider
Basic attack auto leveling freed up enough skill points for me to reset my skill kit in a big way, and has given me a huge boost on a couple of key skills. That combined with the free skill respec items and my panties are thoroughly soaked. The mass energy investment for nodes is really nice, cuts down on energy dumping on all the alts.


Potato del Grande
The "bug fix" on dark flame was not the only thing that happened to the move. I tested it against a wizard that I did 90% to in 1 combo (that means 1 use of dark flame, aka the fucking cooldown 100% crit was not a part of it) the day before the patch. After the patch the same combo (tested spaced out so that dark flame would still have crit effect) did barely 20%. That has nothing to do with people who spammed dark flame constantly and crit all the time with it. Sorc damage went in to the shitter big time.

Awakenings are 2+ months away, saying that sorcs should wait for them before complaining is just silly.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Ya I have been tracking the fishing node thing. Seagulls that dont last worth a flip. But this was something else, very odd. In any case, the standard areas are screwed on normal drops from what I see. I will keep testing the areas to see what I can get but so far its bleak.
Sort note, finally got my processing completed. That almost got me a lvl.

I can see stones going up in price, someone(s) put up a ton of fishing boats. I got a few at double the prise from last week. Checked again later in the day and its sold out again. Think there were something like 15 on the market. Those sold quick. With the hotspots moving, I can see boats pricing going up.


Basic attack auto leveling freed up enough skill points for me to reset my skill kit in a big way, and has given me a huge boost on a couple of key skills. That combined with the free skill respec items and my panties are thoroughly soaked.The mass energy investment for nodes is really nice, cuts down on energy dumping on all the alts.
Confused by this, is there a way to now dump all of your alt energy without switching between characters? I thought it was just a popup that allowed you to select "max" number of investments instead of clicking repeatedly, but for a single character.

Also, I have a decent number of contribution points and I'd like to make some money. Having trouble finding anything worth crafting that would net a good profit. I've heard people mention they're making 20mil / day with workers / crafting but I have no idea what they're making. Am I missing something? Boats and wagons don't seem worth it for the amount of materials, for example.


Golden Squire
Well, they're making a lot of things, basically spreading out their interests into several markets. They're not kidding around when it comes to their worker empire. Best bet is to find something that can be crafted at a crafting house that has low presence on the market while showing good movement (high # of listings, low # actually available) and start there. Then expand as you get one operation working smoothly. Think of it like being a BDO version of Amazon.

And no, no way to dump energy unless you switch to a character. I think it was just praise for the mass dump since if you have 300 energy like some people manually clicking 30 times for 8 toons gets tedious.


Trump's Staff
What is the point of these node wars that started? Is it purely a benefit for guilds? Do members get anything? What are the rewards for taking a node and what's the difference between the levels (tax levels)? I thought the big node war stuff would come with taking towns cause you would get a portion of marketplace profits/tax...


Blackwing Lair Raider
I honestly don't know what the reward system is at all for Node Wars. What I can tell you is they are a hell of a lot of fun. That hwacha though! Get in on the hwacha while people don't know what they do. Click a button, kill 10+ people. Some lulz shit right there son.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
From my understanding, your guild gets to tax the node. From there, its only fair that your contract actually pay you a portion of said tax. Its basically payment for your work.


Golden Squire
There's some magical behind the scenes formula that generates income for your guild if you own a node. It's supposed to be based on the Tier of the node and some reports from people back it up (a T3 owner reported 33m income after a day, a T1 had 13m). I'm not sure how it works past that, I think the guild leader has the ability to send out that income to all the guild members. A guy who played in a competitive siege guild in Korea said one week his payout was 83m, even had a screenshot to back it up. So it's beneficial to a guild to participate in sieges and the current rules really make it worth your while to try if you have the force for it.


Trump's Staff
Time to take a 6 month break for me. Ended my casual few months of play at level 53, full +15, with a bit over 300 Energy and 200 contribution. Will be interesting to see the game with Valencia, Awakening weaps, etc when I play again in Jan or Feb 2017!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Time to take a 6 month break for me. Ended my casual few months of play at level 53, full +15, with a bit over 300 Energy and 200 contribution. Will be interesting to see the game with Valencia, Awakening weaps, etc when I play again in Jan or Feb 2017!
I havent played in a week either. The game is beautiful and I enjoy playing in the world - but the lack of grouping in even a remotely traditional form, classes that dont really compliment each other in a group setting, and the insane RNG that has no rival has really just kind of made me ask myself the question of why Im just playing a never ending single player game with shitty loot. The "future" changes to the game look like they are headed in the right direction with this for "my tastes" but until then..

In ending though, the game is still very much worth the $35.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sigh, I hope RL stops fucking me over so i can play again. All I have time for atm is a couple hours of overwatch here and there. WTB my life 2 months ago when I could sit down for 10 hours and play. I am missing so much and in this game missing time just puts you further and further behind, which just makes you less inclined to play and if you do log in, log out in frustration.


<Bronze Donator>
every other week it seems they drop a major content patch/expansion and add even more catch up mechanisms. Soft cap is like 56 now and you can solo to 55 blindfolded, mobs hit like limp noodles and give 300% of the exp they did in march.