black islamist beheads British soldier in London


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm not blaming the average citizen walking down the street for being unarmed at all...but why are there sworn London police officers that do not carry? Like, unarmed cop in one of the world's largest cities.
To be fair, they tried. Official video of British cops confronting the maniac.

(btw, before any brits get offended--I think the method of policing in Britain is superior to the U.S., Police should not be soldiers. Just poking some fun :p)


As a card carrying, hippy liberal faggot, I think I'm at the point where I'm totally OK with completely wiping any trace of Islam off the face of the planet. Think of the children.
yep my toleration meter is at a all time low as well.
Not to say this man is a soldier, but what about people who caused the deaths of innocents in say, the Middle East, as one example. Are those people maniacs as well, or do we have the absolute monopoly on who gets to kill whom?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Mixing religion and politics rarely ends well. Fortunately, Christianity has very little political power in most western countries these days. Islam on the other hand seems to be at a point where it is much more likely to get mixed up in politics. I for one have no desire to replace our Christian overlords of the past with our Muslim masters of the future.
Mixing religion and politics rarely ends well. Fortunately, Christianity has very little political power in most western countries these days. Islam on the other hand seems to be at a point where it is much more likely to get mixed up in politics. I for one have no desire to replace our Christian overlords of the past with our Muslim masters of the future.
Nor would I, but writing angry people off that happen to be religious as crazy maniacs, kind of seems disingenuous. Everything a person has to say can't be written off as loony because one part of what he's saying involves a swear to a god. He wasn't speaking of jihad, he wasn't raving. He was evenly stating that people who live in predominately muslim nations face this level of violence on a daily basis, and that a lot of it is influenced by Western dealings in those nations. Is that false because he believes in his god? I see everyday American politicians thanking god and swearing to god and in god we trust this, etc. Should we abandon everything these people have to say and write it off immediately? They vote and influence more death in the past 10 years than the Islamic jihad has (drug war/war on terror).


A Mod Real Quick
Let's say im walking down the street and I see this dude with a meat cleaver and knife with bloody hands as well as a decapitated body in the street. Last thing I am going to do is walk directly in front of the guy with weapons. What the fuck were those two black women in the video thinking exactly? There's nowhere you need to be badly enough to come within inches of some dude who just killed someone.


Lord Nagafen Raider
people who live in predominately muslim nations face this level of violence on a daily basis, and that a lot of it is influenced by Western dealings in those nations.
You had a level of legitimacy going, then you wrote that and lost it. Muslims and Muslim countries have a far more robust history of perpetrating terrible acts of mass violence on their own than any other religious group in the world. You of all people should know this.
You had a level of legitimacy going, then you wrote that and lost it. Muslims and Muslim countries have a far more robust history of perpetrating terrible acts of mass violence on their own than any other religious group in the world. You of all people should know this.
I remember my teachers telling us that the Islamic revolution was a direct response to the United States' illegal backing of the Shah's regime (that we and Britain installed after they democratically elected Mosaddegh) in an effort to maintain control over the oil reserves in that nation. Western involvement goes back much further in the Middle East than most people are willing to see or acknowledge. You of all people should know that I do know what I'm talking about. Also, Crusades. The West has been fucking our name up in the Middle East since ever we found out we could.

We gave weapons to Saddam, we gave weapons to Osama. We create all of our own problems over there and keep trying to use force when they won't listen. What else do we expect in response?


Let's say im walking down the street and I see this dude with a meat cleaver and knife with bloody hands as well as a decapitated body in the street. Last thing I am going to do is walk directly in front of the guy with weapons. What the fuck were those two black women in the video thinking exactly? There's nowhere you need to be badly enough to come within inches of some dude who just killed someone.
Both they and the other woman pictured tried to help the soldier, found he was dead and then tried talking the assaiiants into giving up their weapons. The circumstances around this entire incident are nuts.

They literally ran the guy over, hacked him up and then just stood around waiting for the police. The "leader" (for want of a better term) was shouting for people to photograph and film him and then started his little speech you've no doubt seen on the news or in the clips above. The only time they made a threatening gesture again was when the armed police turned up, the leader ran at them and the other guy raised his gun and they were shot pretty much as soon as the police got out of their vehicle.

Read that again, they killed the guy then basically turned it into a two man street demonstration. Certainly a first in this country and I hope to god it doesn't give other fuckwits the same idea.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I remember my teachers telling us that the Islamic revolution was a direct response to the United States' illegal backing of the Shah's regime (that we and Britain installed after they democratically elected Mosaddegh) in an effort to maintain control over the oil reserves in that nation. Western involvement goes back much further in the Middle East than most people are willing to see or acknowledge. You of all people should know that I do know what I'm talking about. Also, Crusades. The West has been fucking our name up in the Middle East since ever we found out we could.

We gave weapons to Saddam, we gave weapons to Osama. We create all of our own problems over there and keep trying to use force when they won't listen. What else do we expect in response?
We gave them means to more effectively do what they were already doing to each other. It didn't matter which side we backed. I will readily admit our meddling is and always has been extremely ill-advised, but that doesn't alter Islam's history of self devouring violence.

I did have to giggle when you mentioned the crusades. All that did was give all Muslims a common enemy to come together against, only to immediately return to killing each other between each Christian foray.