Blood Bowl


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Shit, I think a fresh time might be better than a lot of existing teams based on the injuries that are out there.
Yeah, it's gonna be fine for S2. And as the seasons go on, people will fall into their natural ability level division and you'll see things start to even out. Then if you want to reroll, you'll know that either your team was completely devastated, or it's worth giving up for a new team with a different skillset.

We just can't be having an open league elf team pop in with dodge across the board when there's 2 guys in the league with Tackle. The teams in a division need to be allowed to adjust themselves and compensate for the teams that are there with them. Like us guys in D1 consistently chat about who from D2 is likely to be moving up next season and that influences the skillset we take on our guys now. Just having random 1200 TV teams pop just lends itself to people open league farming up the counter to their division. I know I'd love to have a 1200 TV chaos team with block across the board, but in order for me to have that, I should have to eat the losses that come with those first dozen games. It's just the fair thing to do for everyone.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I know I'd love to have a 1200 TV chaos team with block across the board, but in order for me to have that, I should have to eat the losses that come with those first dozen games. It's just the fair thing to do for everyone.
It's not a fun road to take :x


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Looking for one more player for the Stunty league, since Khalan will be on vacation for the next 2+ weeks and he'll be missing a few games here. First game will be vs me, toss me a PM and app to the league if you're interested.

I would say that this is not entirely noob friendly..if you don't know the mechanics of the game, it could be a bit frustrating for you. It's pretty fun for anyone who does though, it's an entirely different take on how the game normally plays.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Stunty league is awesome. The absurdity of the matches is just so much fun.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
I might be interested in the spot, could use the experience.
Ack, fuck...I dunno how I missed this. I bumped the thread and forgot about posting here.

Thankfully Waxed beat you by 5 minutes in the other thread or I'd feel like total shit. You're next on the list for any other issues with the stunty league, Kyougou, and don't let me forget it.


<Gold Donor>
No worries, I saw the developments on the competitive thread. Its cool, he is a lot more of a challenge for you guys anyway.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
This is a great time to get in, too. The board's league is about to start season 2 and we've got quite a few spots in the newbie division available.


Trakanon Raider
Finally got someone to Level 7.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I can only imagine this has the ability to make so many people hate each other. Even against bots, losing one of your star players to a horrible roll was maddening.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Pretty sure the only person anyone hates by now is me.

It's just that it's pretty consistent amongst everyone


Trakanon Raider
I can only imagine this has the ability to make so many people hate each other. Even against bots, losing one of your star players to a horrible roll was maddening.
Yeah, bots won't go after your stars like people will. It's why I took the AV upgrade on my Yhetee in our league where as I probably would have passed on it with my Campaign team. Totally different strategies.
And I don't hate Cutlery...he just needs to play a non-ezmode team.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I temporarily hate everyone (including myself) during 99% of my blood bowl matches. Fortunately it subsides shortly after the match ends.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, bots won't go after your stars like people will. It's why I took the AV upgrade on my Yhetee in our league where as I probably would have passed on it with my Campaign team. Totally different strategies.
And I don't hate Cutlery...he just needs to play a non-ezmode team.
My choice came down to orcs or chaos, and chaos starts off really slow. I didn't know how long we'd be going on this, and I'm surprised we've gone as long as we have, honestly. I certainly didn't want to get all my guys to level 2 and then have the league implode.

It was based mostly on being most comfortable with the team as most of my SP time was spent with them, there was the least amount of things I'd need to remember about them (such as "oh shit, that guy's 7 av, not 8" kinda stuff). After playing some open league games with my DE team, I'm now fairly confident I could play them at a competitive level too, I'd just be running up the score more than now, which would just make everyone hate playing me in a different way.

I will say this, there are ways to deal with orcs, and a couple of people now have done a fantastic job of frustrating me to no end. I also spend a great deal of time more than most people prepping for my next game. I've seen almost everyone in this league play multiple games now, so I can tell you exactly why almost everyone wins and loses when they do. For example, certain people play very aggressively (and by that I mean blocking a lot, GFI'ing a lot, and playing the ball alot). When they win, they win because they play aggressively, and when they lose, they lose because they play aggressively. The dice are only your friend as long as you're rolling 6's/pows. Other people play too conservative, they won't take the risk that enables them to break away from the pack and get the TD. I know what to expect from people and am rarely surprised at how the game turns out. I've got a plan, I usually stick to it, and I let the dice take the game where they may.

In any case, I'll freely admit orcs are a noob team, but they're not omnipotent, quite a bit of work goes into my games on my end. The day will come when I lose my thrower, get a -str on a black orc, and get a couple of BH's and I'll be forced to reroll into a different team. It's just a matter of time.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
D2 is also relatively non bashy. We got one chaos guy and a Khemri, but honestly the most brutal dick puncher is Funkor with his Dark Elves and I think he came down from the rapefest of bash that is D1.

Honestly, it is interesting seeing the same dynamic play out in this league as I saw in certain Tabletop ones. The difference is most TT leagues are free form, so the bash guys will just play more games to rack up the killer roster and then squeak into the playoffs later. Having an actual set number of games is a pretty descent leveling factor. I think that its better when bash is the minority, because if a league ends up with nothing but crippled rosters people tend to lose interest really fast, but TT tends to be more gentile than online as a general rule.