Border Issue


While qualifying for WIC? No way. He pays sales tax and a few misc. fees/taxes on his utilities and car registration, but that's it. He is the prime example of "the taker".
Ya gotta just laugh at Liberals rallying for the 99%, unless they have a different political ideology, then its FUCK THEM! Ya got me! We both have jobs, and are full time college students, but fuck us if we get $200 a month in government support, then we are just TAKERS! This is why everyone laughs at liberals. Can you say, hypocrite?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Ya gotta just laugh at Liberals rallying for the 99%, unless they have a different political ideology, then its FUCK THEM!
Notice no one here is saying "fuck them". No one here is begrudging the assistance you receive. We're simply pointing out what an ungrateful hypocritical POS you are. You take our money and spit in our face.


Notice no one here is saying "fuck them". No one here is begrudging the assistance you receive. We're simply pointing out what an ungrateful hypocritical POS you are. You take our money and spit in our face.
YOUR money? Bitch its the taxpayers money, not YOUR money. Every single voting base pays for it, not just liberals. We give nations that hate our guts billions a year and I'm supposed to feel guilty over the $200 a month I get? Eat shit with that.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ya gotta just laugh at Liberals rallying for the 99%, unless they have a different political ideology, then its FUCK THEM! Ya got me! We both have jobs, and are full time college students, but fuck us if we get $200 a month in government support, then we are just TAKERS! This is why everyone laughs at liberals. Can you say, hypocrite?
You don't seem to understand what hypocrisy is... "only taking $1" is still taking - you rally against support either directly in many cases or indirectly for talking about reducing project funding or revenue generation to supply it.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
No. Its our money. The taxpayer money. I probably paid more in taxes last year than you have in your entire life. Its also the money of other Americans who prop up your irresponsible and ignorant ass


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No. Its our money. The taxpayer money. I probably paid more in taxes last year than you have in your entire life. Its also the money of other Americans who prop up your irresponsible and ignorant ass
Yeah lets see some tax returns Merlin, show us how you aren't one of those takers, getting refunds every year and then also getting food stamps.


Yeah lets see some tax returns Merlin, show us how you aren't one of those takers, getting refunds every year and then also getting food stamps.
While I'm at it, you want me to send ya a pic of my dick to? Since your so interested in my personal life and whatnot.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
While I'm at it, you want me to send ya a pic of my dick to? Since your so interested in my personal life and whatnot.
Well, if you were making claims about your penis being X/Y/Z that might have merit if we needed backup for what you were saying on that.

For this you are claiming "you're not a taker" - thus the evidence for such would require your tax returns to verify you're telling the truth or not. More than likely you're a taker - but perhaps there's a corner case where you're not. But to evidence that, you'd need to supply tax returns.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
if we wanted to see something tiny and sad, your last bank statement should suffice.


if we wanted to see something tiny and sad, your last bank statement should suffice.
Tiny and sad? Wait till November and see how many people vote Democrat. Seven years of incompetence by Obama has made Bush look good. But you liberals fight the good fight.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
After soaking up literally tens of thousands of Federal tax payer dollars to subsidize your irresponsible lifestyle have you ever even once said 'thank you'? What kind of sociopathic person gobbles up that amount of resources and then turns around and constantly spits in the face of the people responsible for giving that aid? If you can't see what an absolute scum bag, piece of shit human being that makes you, then you should probably consider that you might be mildly retarded. Totally serious.

Why do you continue to accept the aid that you clearly don't want the govt. passing out? If you were a real man with real convictions you would refuse it and bootstrap your ass out of that trailer park. But you aren't, you are a pathetic little hypocrite that won't even be able to pass a two year community college but will not hesitate to take any and all money that the big gubmint liberals will give you to try and better yourself.

You are trash. You have absolutely no redeeming qualities and offer nothing to society.


Gunnar Durden
Your so scarey over the internet. I just shivered.

I doubt you are a full time student if you can't ever get this right. You must be failing miserably. This is why you are raising a bunch of scum bag takers who are dependant on the government to put food on the table.


Unelected Mod
After soaking up literally tens of thousands of Federal tax payer dollars to subsidize your irresponsible lifestyle have you ever even once said 'thank you'? What kind of sociopathic person gobbles up that amount of resources and then turns around and constantly spits in the face of the people responsible for giving that aid? If you can't see what an absolute scum bag, piece of shit human being that makes you, then you should probably consider that you might be mildly retarded. Totally serious.

Why do you continue to accept the aid that you clearly don't want the govt. passing out? If you were a real man with real convictions you would refuse it and bootstrap your ass out of that trailer park. But you aren't, you are a pathetic little hypocrite that won't even be able to pass a two year community college but will not hesitate to take any and all money that the big gubmint liberals will give you to try and better yourself.

You are trash. You have absolutely no redeeming qualities and offer nothing to society.
This is too long to put in my sig. Shorten it please.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ya gotta just laugh at Liberals rallying for the 99%, unless they have a different political ideology, then its FUCK THEM! Ya got me! We both have jobs, and are full time college students, but fuck us if we get $200 a month in government support, then we are just TAKERS! This is why everyone laughs at liberals. Can you say, hypocrite?
Um... I'll try to use small words so as not to confuse you. "Takers" is a term used by the Right, not the Left. I was showing that YOU are the kind of person YOU AND YOUR POLITICAL BRETHREN hate so much.

See, me? I realize that there will always be people who pay more into the system than they get in return, and there will always be people who pay less into the system than they get in return. I'm ok with this. You are the one who has the issue with it, yet which one of us is receiving public benefits?


JunkiesNetwork Donor
Lol, something about that dude just makes my skin crawl. If it's really just a troll, bravo to whoever the fuck you are.


Ssraeszha Raider
Merlin did you have 8 kids because Jesus told you to, or do you just not know how birth control works?