Brave Frontier


Trakanon Raider
Guess I gotta keep trying.
It is not like PAD where the good summons start at 5 or 6* and that is the only way you can get them. As far as I know, all of the best units can come in 3* or 4* form, so getting a 5* at the start just saves you an evolution or two at the cost of having a wildly impractical team cost at the start.

Check the evo charts for each one you get, the gimpest looking 3* can turn into the best units in non obvious ways. For example, leviathan turns into felneas eventually.


Trakanon Raider
Doh, forgot 6* came out today. Well, he's a solid #2 and well worth the space on your team if you don't have an Elimo.
Indeed, I got double Elimo so far. One is Oracle and the other is guardian......but I still have a soft spot for phoenix to boot.


All this morning has been nothing but connection issues. Are the servers not up yet? Seems weird I was able to play for a bit earlier, but can't connect now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Big update this morning that added lots of stuff I guess. Was only in for a little bit earlier but saw the addition of daily quest type stuff, like "fuse X things" to earn "Brave Points". Which stuff like gems with. Couldn't tell if it was a currency or if you just get rewards at certain points.

I'm talking about just in general with the connection shit. For the long as I've played the game, it's been doing it.


Golden Squire
Their maintenance is very MMO-like. You really really really don't want to try to log in while it's going on, and if you do somehow manage to connect, anything you do won't save. It's best to keep an eye on their Facebook page.

Maintenance was extended, by the way. "We will be extending maintenance until approximately 5:00 PST"

I really need to put together a spreadsheet to track my evolutions and what I need for them. Running Pot and Idol dungeons yesterday I inevitably end up with shit I don't need but I don't have a good way to tell what I need overall.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Even when there isn't a connection problem getting that pop up is annoying as shit.

Learn to fucking scale MMO companies, seriously!


Doh, forgot 6* came out today. Well, he's a solid #2 and well worth the space on your team if you don't have an Elimo.
From what I understood is that she was even the best as a 5 star but whatever.

As for the friends list thing, I go through it about once a week or every other and delete any friends on there that haven't logged in over 5 days. That usually helps clean things up. When I have a chance I will do the same so make room for the new people in here. I would help if all you new players put "RR" or something in your player profile box so I know where you are coming from instead of just denying you because your low level / not what I need.


Golden Squire
The tree's ability to cleanse status ailments is what gave it a boost. It's also something of a defensive beast, with about 200 extra defense across the board and 7-800 more HP when comparing both at 6* max level. I think it could go either way really.

Game is up.


Tree with a Guardian typing is just a monster. Elmio is probably a better overall healer and her SBB will be significantly better as we get into harder and harder content, but 6* Tree just saves so much hassle with his cleanse ailments and 3 rounds of immunity from SBB.


So besides the new 6 stars and some random (really hard) red "hidden" areas, like behind the waterfall in one, they also introduced daily quests which earn you BP that allows you to trade in for stuff. You bastards......(shakes fist)


Sorry guys I didn't know you need ID to add people - my ID is 82149106

Add me up and send me a msg on here if you're a low level and i'll add ya back


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Taking a moment to bitch.. got my 6* Douglass up to 9/10... have thrown ~60 sacrifices at him and still don't have that last point. *shakes fist*

I'm finding Kagan Desert: Bandits of the Desert in Morgan is a great place to farm for attack BBs right now since it's 1/2 cost for the next couple days ( 3-4 drops per go @ 3 energy).

On the other hand, I kinda like the update. The "quest" system looks like it'll be a source of ~70 BP per day with a summon ticket at 1500 BP. That should be a nice change for the FTP players, essentially a free summon every 3 weeks (as well as 7 free gems on the way to your first 2000 BP).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Holy fuck, just got a Dark Crystal from the Metal Parade. Is there anywhere I can find out what the max exp requirement on units is? I'm afraid I'll waste a bunch of it by fusing (gives like 220k) to a unit too close to max.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Has anyone else had crappy performance in battles since the patch? My N4 never had any issues before, but even dialing down the graphics options to minimum I now get a bunch of stuttering during fights.


Golden Squire
Holy fuck, just got a Dark Crystal from the Metal Parade. Is there anywhere I can find out what the max exp requirement on units is? I'm afraid I'll waste a bunch of it by fusing (gives like 220k) to a unit too close to max.
Always fun.

Taking a moment to bitch.. got my 6* Douglass up to 9/10... have thrown ~60 sacrifices at him and still don't have that last point. *shakes fist*
Random chance is random. If you can clear one of the new side dungeons you'll get a Burst Frog if you're desperate. I had two laying around from the last Frontier Hunter and once I had my 6* Vargas at 8/10 I burned them. He's now 5/10 on SBB and I think I burned 100 units on him before it went up from 4. Worth it though.

Has anyone else had crappy performance in battles since the patch? My N4 never had any issues before, but even dialing down the graphics options to minimum I now get a bunch of stuttering during fights.
I don't seem to be having any issues currently but it was that way for me for a while. Then one day things got better.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is there some indication what trash stuff will skill up something after you choose what to fuse?

