Brave Frontier

Started a jpg account for fun. My first three honor summons are Lord tree, breaker lucca (5star), and an anima Darv... I think the game is telling me I need to learn Japanese.


<WoW Guild Officer>
made two of the top end snow spheres. Fuck that sucked. Did nothing but dailies and running lvl 3 and lvl 4. back to grinding out quest stuff for amanos and leveling BBs (and getting my eventual water and earth and light and dark teams ready for the vortex arenas).

My dark team is gonna be 3 Elzas Grahdens, and Magress I think.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So my Girlfriend decided to convince me to use my summoning ticket and 5 gems from all the crap going on recently today. Reason? It was my birthday.

Reason I knew I shouldn't? Have every unit except Lucca.

Not listening to her ever again :p

Rowgen L (Have Anima)
Zelnite G (Have Breaker/Lord)



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Rowgen(L). OK. Was hoping for Zelnite but whatevs.

I've had more crashes and connection bullshit in this game than anything else I've played. It's obnoxious.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah the game is all kinds of fucked right now. Lost my login bonus a few days ago because it refused to bring up the reward selection. Now the rarity bar is stuck at two points and won't go up anymore; it's been there for three days now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's impressive how bad the servers are. Once a day burst frog dungeons are up for the next couple of days.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Giving JPBF a go on new phone. Sucked on my iphone. Starter Selena cheese here I go!


Edea A 4*
Zephyr A 4*
Borgeus G 5*
Balgeos L 5*
Ragshelm G 5*

Free Unit: Edea A 4*

O_O crazy dupe already. I think I got some pretty awesome rolls though, all 5* 3 of the newer units.
Have to say playing on the jpg server is the way to go. Oodles more content, getting showered in gems every time you log in, and the summing rates seem much better. As in I'm actually pulling the featured stuff and getting multiple five star summons. N global I've never pulled a five star. For out and about play all the buttons are in the same place so I can quest, level, and evolve without a problem. For the other content I just pull up the translations on reddit. Much more enjoyable experience. I have to say I love the basically free daily burst frog, Crystal, imp, sphere frog dungeons. First day playing I pull a five star shera and already have her imped out with a rank ten bb and level eighty.


First six summons

Five star Lucca
Five star shera
Four star tree
Four star Elza
Four star Darv
Five star jp water healing guy


<WoW Guild Officer>
Did the two dungeons, managed a sphere frog one one of them

God damn the Global/American versions of the japanese mobile games just seem to be ass (PAD/BF/etc).


Mr. Poopybutthole
You had much better luck than I did. My first dozen+ summons were terrible. It wasn't until recently that I finally got decent units. Still no mitigator.

I've mostly given up on JP because it takes too much effort; there's just too much to do. Plus I can never remember what time the daily dungeons switch and always miss the evo mats.

If anyone wants to add me though, I'm running a 6* Borgeous right now, which will be a Rosetta when i get a metal mimic. 18390354


Connection issues today, so I cut the cord and uninstalled. This game just got too frustrating and just wasn't fun anymore.


Pretty close to quitting also, but I have 12ish summons left. I wanted to throw them at the second half of the new batch, just for the hell of it...

Earth summons. Really.



Yeah they are gonna do an earth vortex arena now... starting Jan 8th... prepare for more connection errors, and probably points not counting, only so you can get fucked over when they 'calculate' the scores the day before they send out rewards. Can't wait.


Don't know if anyone is going to participate or not, still deciding myself, but I was theory crafting my earth team, with the goal of getting SBB Nalmika on turn 2, with a backup plan if she doesnt.

So far I got this:

(L)Zelnite (Leader), Lexida, Sol Creator. (he has 26 drop checks, the highest of all my earth units, maybe the highest of any earth unit?)
(L)Darvan, Hallowed Skull. (Would love a Lucca to put in place of him, but I don't have that unit).
(A)Nalmika, Leomurg. (Leomurg gives her about 5 BC's for free after she attacks round 1 to help get her to SBB. With Anima typing she also has almost 9k hp, pretty beefy.)
(L)Ophelia, Amanohabaken (Backup plan for turn 2 kill)
(B)Ophelia, Amanohabaken (Backup plan for turn 2 kill)

Could also make one of the Ophelia's lead for 65% dmg on everyone, if Nalmika is a bust. Gonna be testing both leads between her and Zelnite.

On the bench but could sub in maybe?

Twins, Edea, Lance, Luly, Miku, Lugina.

Also have an Oracle 4* Zelnite, but I don't think i'll be able to level him in time unless they open up Totem/Evo dungeons or something.

I was thinking Edea in place of Darvan cuase she has a higher drop check, but her single target BB is no good, also she is type 2 arena AI, making her even worse. Zelnite, Ophelia, Darvan, and Nalmika are all type 3, so they need no special order except for Zelnite being at the top cuase of the nature of his BB.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm sure I can wade through this thread to find it but can someone point me to JP iOS install instructions?


<Prior Amod>
all evo mat dungeons are open.

also anyone got rarity bar screwed? all 4 of accounts between me and wife reset to 1, and yes we force close everyday cuz we know how fucked this game is. 1 out of 4 came back to max rarity today.

game sucks so that i don't give a shit, green arena! wow! so fucking stupid.

it's just gonna be a bunch of zelnites/dilma/ophelia and whatever dups or stragglers, wow much strategy.


Mr. Poopybutthole
game sucks so that i don't give a shit, green arena! wow! so fucking stupid.

it's just gonna be a bunch of zelnites/dilma/ophelia and whatever dups or stragglers, wow much strategy.
Yeah, not sure why anyone cares about these arenas. They literally break the servers and the rewards are god awful. The rewards would have been terrible back in the summer when they were supposed to run. I'll run it to get whatever the highest burst frog or gem is, but that's about it. I don't need garbage earth element spheres and a crap unit. That said, I'm going Zelnite/Zelnite/Dilma/Lucca/Gravion.

The differences with JP are insane. On global I just today finished my 2nd unit (Maxwell and Zelnite done). On JP? I'm lvl 61 and my Rosetta is maxed. Had I not wasted imps on other stuff, I'd likely have 2 maxed out units there too. I've also got almost as many units sphere frogged on JP as I do global.