Breaking Bad


Musty Nester
Jesse is too much of a fuck up to be able to make the blue. I know they showed him almost do it back with Gus... but there's been a lot of brain cells dying between then and now.

Maybe that's how it goes. But honestly, at this point, Jesse is just too much of a fuckup. Maybe todd figures it out with info he beats out of Jesse.


<Bronze Donator>
wtf, astro made a cogent post?

Only flaw is that Walt cannot be sure they have Jesse cooking, or Meth Damon finally worked out all the kinks.


The blue stuff ISN'T flooding the market .... in fact they aren't even making it blue any more and who knows if Jesse will pull it off, he isn't the best cook in the world. All their meth is going out of country anyways.


I don't buy avenging Hank as the reason he comes back. He blames Jesse and Hank himself. I mean ffs they shook hands. His ego has been his weakness many times so far.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The blue stuff ISN'T flooding the market .... in fact they aren't even making it blue any more and who knows if Jesse will pull it off, he isn't the best cook in the world. All their meth is going out of country anyways.
Jesse was able to get over 90% purity at the Cartels lab. Way better than what they're currently doing.

EDIT: In fact, 96.2%



I don't buy avenging Hank as the reason he comes back. He blames Jesse and Hank himself. I mean ffs they shook hands. His ego has been his weakness many times so far.
He shook hands because he realizes Hank was right and that if he didn't shake his hand he was going to get a bullet in the back of the head .....


Millie's Staff Member
The blue stuff ISN'T flooding the market .... in fact they aren't even making it blue any more and who knows if Jesse will pull it off, he isn't the best cook in the world. All their meth is going out of country anyways.
they did not make it blue because meth damon is a fuckup. worse fuckup than jesse. because eventully jesse learned his cook method and was able to actually match walt in purity. walts blue was like 99 something percent. i think jesse's was 96 something percent. meth damon worked with walt a good long time making up those final batches all over town and he was sober and he still cant exceed 70% purity. he needs jesse to cook, to please lydia and he needs lydia. with a 24/7 meth cooking slave, they can sell their stuff to lydia and supply the ABQ area. Saul will let walt know whats going down and thats when heisenberg rides again one last time.


Jesse was able to get over 90% purity at the Cartels lab. Way better than what they're currently doing.
That was while he was cooking it actively, how long since he has? While all messed up with only one eye? Come on now.

1.) OK let us say that Jesse makes some amazing blue meth that is only sold in the Czech Republic. How is Walt going to notice this?
2.) Walt gave them the recipe and said go for it. He doesn't care about the meth.
3.) How is he supposed to hear about this blue meth flooding the market? Is he going to open[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */and get an anonymous email?

Come on now people, cui bono. Vince Gilligan is not a moron and he isn't going to waste an episode explaining a whole new plot.


Nope. There will be revenge, it's just not that that will bring it about. If it is, I will be disappointed. Not saying he's going to rescue Jesse. He may let him go free at the end.


Jesse can't cook better than Walt

Citation -

?Walter White can cook a 99.1% pure meth
?Jesse Pinkman can cook a 96.2% pure meth
?Todd Alquist can cook a 76% pure meth
?Declan's Cook can cook a 68% pure meth
?Gale Boetticher can cook a 96% pure meth

You are forgetting that their meth isn't being sold in ABQ and once again Walt doesn't care if it is. Not his deal any more.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
If this whole thing breaks and becomes a local ABQ news story, he'll be able to follow it from afar via the net. School teacher turned meth cook who is involved in killing his brother-in-law DEA agent in the process of building an international drug ring before making like a fart in the wind is the sort of story that would get worked hard by your typical local media.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
What are the chances that there is actually a lab gizmo that you can put a piece of meth in and it reads out "92 percent pure!"?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
There's little doubt in my mind that Jesse has the knowledge to "make the blue". The reality is that following a specific chemical synthesis actually requires very little knowledge of chemistry, particularly if you are following a straight up abstract and aren't trying to scale up or anything. Where the academic knowledge comes into play is understanding the terminology and procedures written in said abstract. If a step calls for distilling a liquid at a certain temperature and pressure, well then you need to know how to operate a vacuum pump, assemble a distillation apparatus, and have experience in the process from having the whole thing boiling over into your collection flask. The academics allow you to implement what is in the abstract, and the experience of doing it multiple times will usually result in higher quality yields as you get better at understanding the process. It's really no different than an advance form of cooking, and just like baking a cake 50 times, your 50th will likely be better than your first. Where the actual chemistry education comes into play is when/if something goes wrong, or doesn't look right, you have the ability to actually figure it out and/or correct it. Jesse/Todd are basically just replicating everything they've seen without any understanding of the process, which will work fine as long as their observations were accurate and nothing strays off course. Todd is basically making a minor error at one step, resulting in a lower yield. Assuming Jesse is familiar with this step, that's all it will take to get the Blue.

This might be overanalyzing things, but so far I've been quite surprised concerning the show's accuracy when it comes to the laboratory and chemistry aspects.


Millie's Staff Member
a_skeleton_03, do you really think they are going to continue to only make meth for lydia now that they have their own pocket walter white clone? when walt was working for gus or himself, he only worked a few hours every day, nowthey have a slave that will work as much as they tell him to work and they can create an ocean of blue meth. this is why uncle jack has not retired with walt's 70 mil. he is setting himself up an empire. not a czech republic empire either., he wants to be gus, he wants to cover the country with his slave blue. and the great thing is nobody will suspect its him, they will think its heisenberg probably working with the mexican cartels. the only ones who will know different is walt and saul.


It's a TV show
Meth is sloppy as is. Why couldn't they be making just straight up amphetamine after a certain point *shrug*.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
They could definitely do assay on the methampethamine purity, especially if they have an HPLC machine or the like, which is likely considering all the high-end stuff in the big labs.