Breaking Bad


Molten Core Raider
Jessie assumed it was ricin, but it was lilly of the valley. Thats what the kid almost died of, and at the end of season 4 they clearly show the name of the plant and walt getting rid of it.


Buzzfeed Editor
Jessie assumed it was ricin, but it was lilly of the valley. Thats what the kid almost died of, and at the end of season 4 they clearly show the name of the plant and walt getting rid of it.
Bro, they made the ricin in the lab to poison Gus with. We saw it.


Buzzfeed Editor
Jessie assumed it was ricin, but it was lilly of the valley. Thats what the kid almost died of, and at the end of season 4 they clearly show the name of the plant and walt getting rid of it.
Chaos is right. That Ricin Jessie thought it was, wasactuallyRicin. Walt stole that off of Jessie using Saul's security guard to take his cigarettes and replaced it with another pack, to make Jessie think he lost the Ricin. Then Walt poisoned the kid with Lily of the Valley.

In season 5, Jessie is still freaked out by losing the Ricin, so Walt creates a ruse where they both search his home and Walt "finds" it. Walt pretends to destroy it, but ends up putting it behind the socket.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cranston posted a fundraiser/art contest thing on Reddit where the winner would get to ride to the premier with them in the RV. Then he chose 2 winners and announced that Vince and Aaron would be in the RV well. Then Anna Gunn and Bob Oedinkirk ended up in there as well. Fuuuuuck, that would be dope.

In the RV

The winning entries.



And the rest


Molten Core Raider
Jessie was not there when walt made the poison for gus in the lab. I'll admit I'm due for a re-watch before season 5 ends, but I dont recall walt ever saying outright that what he made was ricin. Jessie assumed it was the same stuff they made to kill tuco(ricin). Its possible that he made 2 poisions, but we dont see walt make 2 and if I remember correctly the amount of poison in the vial is less when he puts it into the wall socket than when he gave it to jessie.


Musty Nester
After the kid is given the antidote for lily of the valley we do see walt sitting out by his pool drinking a beer -- and behind him is a lily of the valley.

We never see Walt making that poison because if we had been an entire stretch of about 5 episodes would have been boring as shit. But we are shown that he made it. The "big reveal" is that Walt did make it -- he's fallen that low and he can anticipate and manipulate Jesse that well. We're not shown him making it in a flashback because that would just be so hamfisted.

Basically, Walt is an artisan poisoner as well as a master level meth cooker. He's just an all around apothecary kind of guy!

We also see that he pulls another con on jesse and hides the ricin in the wall of his house. One thing that I think is hamfisted about THAT is that Walt has been cooking a lot of meth for years. Walt has a lot of cash. Would it really be SO hard for him to destroy the ricin he has and then just make MORE?

They're kinda treating it like this one shot silver bullet, and that's just dumb. Even within the context of the story that's just dumb.


Musty Nester
Walt will wind up being killed by his own ricin or something. It will be the "symbol" of his "self-destruction". Making that ricin marks the point at which he was no longer cooking a little bit of meth just for the money for his treatment, making that ricin marks the point at which Walt accepted this as his new life. Even after killing that dude in the basement, walt still could have walked away.

His commentary with (Walt / Skylar) / (Hank / Cleptopatra) is really very, very shallow and ultimately just cheap. And maybe that's even his point. A lot of the talk surrouding these sorts of issues is shallow and cheap.

But that's why Jesse saves the show. There is some substance to Jesse.

That's why Gus was a great adversary, he had that depth that Jesse has. That's why Saul and Mike were such great support characters. They're both utterly one dimensional and they fully embrace it. It's really bizzare, his main characters are his weakest characters.

Cranston is a good enough actor to pull it off. Skylar, Hank, and Marie really just aren't. A lot of that is the lines they're given.


Trump's Staff
Well the weight gain was due to her being pregnant. The lip injections were due to her being retarded.


Tranny Chaser
Well Seasons 1-4 take place in one calendar year. There is even a beat of an in-joke when they talk about how a year has gone by and that it seemed so much longer.