Breaking Bad


I wonder if Walt is going to take out Gray Matter before he dies...
When Skylar asked Walt 'How big does this pile need to be?', my first thought was back to when Walt told Jessie how much Grey Matter was worth.

What if the pile has to get big enough to take the money through Madrigal to purchase GreyMatter and have Walt use the chemical products company as a cover for the biggest drug operation in the world.


Millie's Staff Member
nah. that doesnt fit walt. he just wants what was "owed" him. he said heis done cooking, he cut off the madrigal chick.


Potato del Grande
Did anyone else notice Walt and Skyler wearing beige last episode? Because that is what rich people do (party in first season)


Millie's Staff Member
Did anyone notice the air these guys are breathing? its the same air as all the guys walt killed breathed in. thats a bad omen. :/


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If tonight's episode features a family meeting with both Walt and Hank's family in Walt's House, with Hank being told Walter was paying for his treatment thus cockblocking him to any further legal action against Walt, some assistant writer is gonna have a hell of a hard time for the next decade (more leak drama on Monday).


Ssraeszha Raider
If tonight's episode features a family meeting with both Walt and Hank's family in Walt's House, with Hank being told Walter was paying for his treatment thus cockblocking him to any further legal action against Walt, some assistant writer is gonna have a hell of a hard time for the next decade (more leak drama on Monday).
Not much of a "leak". Sounds like something that has to happen at some point


Ssraeszha Raider
I read it right the first time. Do you think they're not going to bring that up until the end of the finale? It's pretty damn important to the whole Hank angle and they're not just going to sit on it for a few weeks.

My point is i'd give that a 80-90% chance of happening this week and don't see how anyone could see taking a safe bet like that as "proof" of a leak


Ssraeszha Raider

And I'm curious about all the people who are rooting against Walt now, as that seems to be just about everyone.

It seems like I'm the only one still rooting for Walt. Everyone he's killed has deserved it, except for Gayle. That was an either kill him or be killed so can't fault him too much for that. Mike was going to kill Walt multiple times, so can't blame him for that one either (even though I liked Mike).

I don't think he intended to kill Brock, just make him sick. If he wanted him dead he would have just given him the ricin instead of the less potent plant. It was also part of saving him and his family's lives. Jane OD'd on her own and had just threatened to ruin Walt's life so I wouldn't have saved the bitch either.

And for Drew Sharp, it's probably the most legit reason to be against him. But Walt didn't kill him and it didn't appear he was happy about it. Definitely cemented him as cold and calloused, though


Potato del Grande
Jane didn't OD, she threw up and choked on it because she was on her back. Didn't Walt turn her from her side onto her back to wake her up? If so he actually did kill her.


Trump's Staff
Jane killed herself (I guess Jesse could also be blamed). Walt witnessing it does not make him the murderer.


Buzzfeed Editor

And I'm curious about all the people who are rooting against Walt now, as that seems to be just about everyone.
I'm not rooting against Walt. I see Walt as a natural byproduct if an unjust society. He's an evil man, yes, but his very existence is the product of a lot of other ills in society. You reap what you sew, and if people want to keep draconian drug laws, absurd inequality in spheres of public good (Healthcare) and thousands of back doors which allow for those "connected" to get out of taxes, prosecution and even blame (Which criminals also exploit)--then Walt is what society asks for.

I actually wish they'd have him win, and have the final shot be him on a throne somewhere, counting his millions. I'd like to see a show writer with the balls to make a social commentary on the scale of injustice still present in the U.S.. The Chase (Sopranos) kind of wanted to do that, but compromised with people who still have this juvenile notion of justice. But yeah, I want to see the bad guy win.

However, I DO think he's a bad man. Yeah, everyone he killed was in on the drug business, but some of them were lawyers, or just money men--people that essentially never hurt anyone, but they knew too much. And as I said above, I don't regard drugs themselves as inherently evil, so I can't justify their murders by Walt. I, however, want to see him win for the other reasons stated. (Obviously I'm under no delusion he will win--I'm actually waiting for the ham fisted "super evil" act that turns even the last of us.)


Millie's Staff Member
im still totally rooting for walt. never stopped. TV shows and movies always play up a villain and for some goddamned reason have to give them a downfall before the end. there used to be an actual rule called the hayes act that said they must do this. there is no more hayes act and they do not need to have walt go down like a 2 dimensional mustache twirling bad guy. i guess they figured that people are used to seeing the bad person get their just desserts that they keep enforcing that stupid trope. hopefully gilligan gives walt a happy ending(and not the massage parlour happy ending either


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm rooting for Walt because he got from "man I need to cook meth to care for my poor family when I'm gone" to "go fuck yourself twice if you're in my powermongering path, I am Heisenberg, King of Meth, Emperor of deceipt, fear my might fools!". I also like when we're always reminded Walt isn't a straight fight guy, when Hank hits him he acts like a little bitch, but as soon as he gets his shit together he threatens him like a true villain. In my opinion Walt hasn't become a sociopath like Tony Soprano for example, he just stopped being delusional. He didn't have crime flowing into his veins, he just tasted it and enjoyed it so much he couldn't stop sucking it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Jane didn't OD, she threw up and choked on it because she was on her back. Didn't Walt turn her from her side onto her back to wake her up? If so he actually did kill her.
Jane killed herself (I guess Jesse could also be blamed). Walt witnessing it does not make him the murderer.
Walt did turn her from her side onto her back. There was even a scene previously where Jane instructed Jesse on how to properly lay and put a blanket/tower behind you to ensure you were always on your side. Walt came in, turned her on her back and when she started choking he just let her lay there. I always thought it was kind of unbelievable that he'd turn her on her back and immediately she starts choking to death but I guess it doesn't matter much.

I'm not rooting for Walt. I hope he dies in a poetic and surprising way. I do, however, like his character and enjoy seeing him.