Breaking Bad


Really liked the ending, but I was kind of hoping that he'd look at the latest batch that Jesse cooked and see that the purity was 99.2%. Could've given Walt a slight bit of satisfaction right before he died that he not only taught Jesse chemistry, but that Jesse had passed him.


The thing that made that scene even more poignant was seeing how Skyler and her children were basically fine. From the very beginning, Walt convinced himself that his death would leave his family completely destitute, which lead to him calculating exactly how much money he needed to raise so they would be taken care of. Yet, here they are, several months later, Walt gone from their lives and without a cent of his money, and somehow they've managed. Not only that, but they've been able to manage in much worse circumstances than had Walt dropped dead immediately after his cancer diagnosis.
In what way were they fine? Did you expect to see them on the street, huddling around a barrel fire?


<Prior Amod>
The thing that made that scene even more poignant was seeing how Skyler and her children were basically fine. From the very beginning, Walt convinced himself that his death would leave his family completely destitute, which lead to him calculating exactly how much money he needed to raise so they would be taken care of. Yet, here they are, several months later, Walt gone from their lives and without a cent of his money, and somehow they've managed. Not only that, but they've been able to manage in much worse circumstances than had Walt dropped dead immediately after his cancer diagnosis.
isn't this cuz the gov't basically had to step in and do something? either assistance or whatever. Wasn't that house on mortgage? i'm assuming it was since most mortgages in the real world are like 20-30 years and breakfast walt wasn't 16 yet, so he was probably just thinking about how is she gonna pay for bills, omg she gonna loose the house and blah blah. I mean the gov't set them up in an apt which is way more managable for a single earner (skylar being a taxi dispatcher) to keep up with supporting a 16 yr old and a 1yr old. It was even said that the neighbor watches the kid when skylar works, that is far from the life he envisioned for them, remember b4 the cancer he was working 2 jobs to keep that comfortable lifestyle for his family.

so i believe we have 3 instances of walt + brain = badass.

1. white methbomb at tuco's place
2. wheelchair ring ding bomb
3. m60 sentry gun

call me nostalgic but white methbomb is still my favorite.

is it explained anywhere, how he obtained the location of skylar and how he suddenly has ninja skills to sneak into a house to say hi?

the gretchen scenes were great, it basically cemented that walt truly had the last laugh, they personally knew walt, and i'm sure they've seen his bevy of emotions, they know how bad they wronged him (we still don't) and how angry he can be. Now he is basically heisenberg, the meth kingpin that has admitted to killing his own brother in law a 15year long relationship.

also if we think really far back, i don't think that money is even clean, it hasn't been laundered at all since skylar says she couldn't do anything with it, so he's getting grey matter to clean his money too.

i found it ironic that the only 2 known associates he could trust and work with were skinny pete and badger, which were jesse's best friends and distribution partners. But i guess they served a lot of purposes, such as street intel (blue meth is on the street and good) and information about jessie. which i also believe is a blooper. badger said "i thought he went to alaska" but that was supposed to be a secret between jessie/saul and the cleaner. Remember right before the euridite took the dope and after saul gave him the hello kitty phone, he's like where do you want to go? florida sounds nice and jessie says... how about alaska?


Millie's Staff Member
yeah, skyler is by no means fine. she is poor and facing prison. those gps coords may help her some, but honestly i cant see her bargaining that for any kind of deal. if she knows where 2 dead DEA agents are buried and is trying to leverage herself out of trouble with that knowledge, i can see that seriously backfire on her.


Millie's Staff Member
he never said they would not survive, he just knew with his income gone skyler would be forced to sell the house and live on very meager means. no college for walt jr and holly either.


<Prior Amod>
They're billionaires. They don't need to launder $9 million
but that's how billionaires launder 9million, they just dump it into their bank account and no one bat's an eye cuz it's 1% of their net worth. and they'll happily do it cuz they fear heisenberg


I don't think he was really wronged by his former associates. He left Gretchen because her family was wealthy and he felt like an outsider and then sold his share of the company.


Unelected Mod
Yeah, I wasn't left with the impression that they wronged him at all. It was always his own pride getting in the way.


<Prior Amod>
working so hard and down to the last cent that you only eat 10c ramen and only getting 5k for your stake in the company? i say they did some kind of rich white person fucking over to walt.


Unelected Mod
im sure walt felt wronged, his bff and gf hooked up and it rubbed walt raw, cant say i blame him.
Sure, he FELT wronged but that doesn't mean he was.

And yeah, we know Walt worked hard but he then cashed out before they were successful. Sucks but it is very clear he also refused any help from them.


Ssraeszha Raider
A ricochet would explain how he got hit in a prone position in the first place.

Lydia could still live possibly. Some of the ricin may have denatured being stuck in an unair-conditioned Arizona house wall for a long time. If that tea was near boiling (212 degrees Fahrenheit) it could have denatured a lot of the ricin which starts deactivating around 176 degrees Fahrenheit. She could have between 3-5 day if there was a lethal dose, with medical attention and a clear diagnosis of ricin poisoning she might live.

There is going to be more demand for these after this show I suppose...
Remote Controlled Weapons Systems | Remote Weapons Station
Uh that is ridiculously hot and would cause 3rd degree burns. No way that tea was over 176, over 140 and you're screaming the second it touches your tongue.

And the ricin could have been an extremely high dose. 30mg is usually fatal. No reason there couldn't have been a gram or more in that vial.


Ssraeszha Raider
but that's how billionaires launder 9million, they just dump it into their bank account and no one bat's an eye cuz it's 1% of their net worth. and they'll happily do it cuz they fear heisenberg
That was my point. Someone mentioned that the 9 mil hadn't been laundered yet. They were missing the point. If it had been laundered it wouldnt have had to go through them in the first place


Unelected Mod
Hell, the smartest thing they would do is just burn the 9mil anyway, if its only 1% of your money no reason to take any risk in trying to launder it.


Millie's Staff Member
gretchen and elliot only offered help when they found out walt was dying. its pity driven by guilt. same shit they pulled wwith their 28 million donation to meth rehab. they would not have done either of those things on their own. they are a couple of assholes who both betrayed walt.