Business Ethics - Companies that you refuse to do business with


Vyemm Raider
I sell business to business services for a living. I avoid box stores and do my best to try and support my clients. In my small town (about 50k pop) our local owned retailed business are struggling to keep up with Wal-Mart and Home depot. I support small business because small business supports me. I also enjoy dealing with people I know and since it is part of my business I typically only deal with the owners, who provides me with an exponentially better shopping experience than fucking Walmart high school drop outs. I am not sure if that is ethics as much as survival !


Got something right about marriage
Any examples of this happening? I'm not contesting that it did, I'd just like to read more about a specific case.
This doesn't go into detail on exactly how they keep such wide margins and high amounts in accounts payable, but I think you get the idea. They don't pay suppliers.

Here is some very iffy information but I've heard first hand accounts personally from other people. I know this is hardly convincing and very anecdotal but it's something I personally very fervently believe because of people I've talked to:

I don't really mind and don't criticize other people for shopping at Wal-Mart. Not everyone is as fortunate as I am. But I refuse to shop there.


Got something right about marriage
Oh get the fuck out of here with that liberal hippy shit. You think Target pays 5x the price their products that Wal-Mart does? You think they pay triple the wages/benefits that Wal-Mart does?
I think you're missing the point. It's not about the contracts, it's what Wal-Mart actually does pay. They very rarely pay what they promised, if ever. Take a look at the links provided above. I don't really know if Target does the same thing, but I don't shop at Target either.

Here's a very long article that basically explains "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" in regards to supplying Wal-Mart:

And another one:

And here's an article describing complaints about how Wal-Marts suppliers treat their employees, because of how Wal-Mart treats those suppliers:


Trakanon Raider
I sell business to business services for a living. I avoid box stores and do my best to try and support my clients. In my small town (about 50k pop) our local owned retailed business are struggling to keep up with Wal-Mart and Home depot. I support small business because small business supports me. I also enjoy dealing with people I know and since it is part of my business I typically only deal with the owners, who provides me with an exponentially better shopping experience than fucking Walmart high school drop outs. I am not sure if that is ethics as much as survival !
This, I don't know why you wouldn't support a local business over a corporate place. Who cares if you pay a extra ten bucks a trip. I almost always try to eat at local restaurants over fast food chains, local bike shops and the like.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I don't really black list any businesses for political reasons, only for ones that I've had a really bad experience with.

#1 in my list is the local "Green Mountain Energy" company. Those people should all be lined up, and arrested for harassment. They come to my door. They sit in front of supermarkets, and their sales pitch is that I am gleefully and intentionally destroying the earth because I am not using green energy. One of them I told "If you do not get off my property right now I am going to call the police" after I closed the door on him and he rang my doorbell repeatedly. Those guys are crooks.

I also have had 1-2 instances where a debt collector has called me in error. I have no negative credit marks in my life. It's clearly and obviously an error. I give them one single warning, and will sue them if they attempt to contact me again.

I also usually do not do business with places that attempt to swindle me - Time warner cable did that, but they ended up giving me three free months of service as a result but I'm still gone the moment there is some competition here. I was setup for Autopay, and for some reason they decided to not take the money for two months in a row and started sending me disconnection notices, threatening letters, etc. Multiple calls, was never handled. They told me "Let's just make a payment over the phone" and I said no, fucking take it out autopay, you have my payment info assholes, don't tell me I'm not paying you.

Shit like walmart, apple, etc.. really nothing against any of them /shrug. I don't shop there much though, but shit.. sometimes walmart is just cheaper so why not.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
AT&T is hands down the worst company ever. It's not even so much that they are intentionally evil, but their entire workforce is comprised of incompetent mouth breathers. If you think you've gone through hell dealing with them at the consumer level, just try dealing with them in regards to their corporate services. They are truly a criminal enterprise.


Vyemm Raider
Coors. They put up billboards all around LA for USC. Being a UCLA fan, im not going to spend money that supports USC.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I think you're missing the point. It's not about the contracts, it's what Wal-Mart actually does pay. They very rarely pay what they promised, if ever. Take a look at the links provided above. I don't really know if Target does the same thing, but I don't shop at Target either.

Here's a very long article that basically explains "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" in regards to supplying Wal-Mart:

And another one:

And here's an article describing complaints about how Wal-Marts suppliers treat their employees, because of how Wal-Mart treats those suppliers:
Listen, people hating Wal-Mart for their shitty pay or being dicks to their suppliers is literally right out of the handbook of "How To Rally The Ignorant Masses". Its nothing more than bullshit used to galvanize the mouthbreathers and fucking retards of this world so they get behind some dumbass and idiotic political cause that some dumbass and piece of shit politician is pushing. Like I said earlier, you think Target hasnt treated their employees like shit or fucked them over before or pays them much better than Wal-Mart? You honestly think Wal-Mart is alone in fucking with their suppliers? You honestly think Wal-Mart is the only store that imports a shitload of products from third world countries?

If you dont like Wal-Mart for the general atmosphere and the crowd it draws, thats very understandable and I can perfectly see why you would. Hell every time I go to my local Wal-Mart I feel less of a human after seeing the degenerates that exist and shop there. On the other hand if youre dont like Wal-Mart because they dont "pay their employes enough" or "use sweat shop labor" or something reason I have news for you, youre a moron with zero critical thinking skills.


Trakanon Raider
TheonlyWal-Mart is, is the biggest which makes them the #1 target.
And why did they become the biggest, do you figure? Because they fucked over their employees and suppliers the hardest. So it would seem being the #1 target was well earned.


Silver Knight of the Realm
There are a couple of doctors i refuse to go to in Vegas because of their bullshit wait times. I shouldn't so much bitch about their wait times as much as the front desk staff saying oh it wont be long. Fast forward a hour later and there I am still fucking waiting. I wouldn't even have a problem with that if it the front desk staff was honest or if the doc apologized but it never happened. This is for multiple appointments with same doctors. After the same thing 3 times with 2 separate doctors its time for a change. Assholes, my time is money too.


Got something right about marriage
Listen, people hating Wal-Mart for their shitty pay or being dicks to their suppliers is literally right out of the handbook of "How To Rally The Ignorant Masses". Its nothing more than bullshit used to galvanize the mouthbreathers and fucking retards of this world so they get behind some dumbass and idiotic political cause that some dumbass and piece of shit politician is pushing. Like I said earlier, you think Target hasnt treated their employees like shit or fucked them over before or pays them much better than Wal-Mart? You honestly think Wal-Mart is alone in fucking with their suppliers? You honestly think Wal-Mart is the only store that imports a shitload of products from third world countries?

If you dont like Wal-Mart for the general atmosphere and the crowd it draws, thats very understandable and I can perfectly see why you would. Hell every time I go to my local Wal-Mart I feel less of a human after seeing the degenerates that exist and shop there. On the other hand if youre dont like Wal-Mart because they dont "pay their employes enough" or "use sweat shop labor" or something reason I have news for you, youre a moron with zero critical thinking skills.
Damn dude... what the fuck kind of bullshit crusade are you on for capitalism? I mean, go ahead and shop at Wal-Mart, I really don't give a shit. But to pretend every single business on earth does what Wal-Mart does is assinine. They are head and tails worse than any other company I've heard of. And by shopping there I enable it to continue, so I just don't. I realize it doesn't make a damn bit of difference but fuck apathy.

And I never said anything about sweat shop labor or underpayed employees as my reason for not shopping, that just happens to be a side-effect so I linked an article about it. Jesus Christ read my original post. And are you seriously saying "Well a lot of other businesses do it so quit your whining", are you kidding me? You are a fucking prick.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
And why did they become the biggest, do you figure? Because they fucked over their employees and suppliers the hardest. So it would seem being the #1 target was well earned.
Probably because they where a hell of a lot more efficient than Kmart or Target? You think Kmart paid awesome wages before Wal-Mart came along?
Damn dude... what the fuck kind of bullshit crusade are you on for capitalism? I mean, go ahead and shop at Wal-Mart, I really don't give a shit. But to pretend every single business on earth does what Wal-Mart does is assinine. They are head and tails worse than any other company I've heard of. And by shopping there I enable it to continue, so I just don't. I realize it doesn't make a damn bit of difference but fuck apathy.
Actually its not a crusade for anything, just point out how manipulated you are and how youre being used as nothing more than a pawn in someones quest for power. Nothing wrong with hating someone or something, just hate for legitimate reasons.


Millie's Staff Member
I will not drink any beer thats owned by Inbev. seems the beer becomes bland as fuck when they get taken over though im sure im being paranoid. im strictly a Sam Adams, Grolsch and Sagres kind of guy.

I have no problems with walmart other than the hordes of dirty looking ghetto people in the stores and the fact that the shelves are empty as fuck because the employees jack off instead of stocking things i need to buy. i dont care about their business practice, i have no problems if they literally beat their employees like disobedient slaves as long as they get me a bargain. that being said, their prices really are not the best anymore. i find that Dollar General has better prices, better atmosphere the shelves are always stocked and i am usually in and out of there in ten minutes.

Verizon, i refuse to ever have anything to do with them. they fucked me over for decades on their phones until i said NO MORE . i am happier without them.

i will not use any big bank because they will fuck their customers over. i am with Banco Popular for the last 8 years . free checking and hot latin chick tellers.
i usually just buy where the gas is cheapest , but i will never do business with Sunoco . i once filled up from one in 1993 and my car fucking broke down right in the middle of the ghetto. car was vapor locked because of their shitgas.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Probably because they where a hell of a lot more efficient than Kmart or Target? You think Kmart paid awesome wages before Wal-Mart came along?

Actually its not a crusade for anything, just point out how manipulated you are and how youre being used as nothing more than a pawn in someones quest for power. Nothing wrong with hating someone or something, just hate for legitimate reasons.
Be careful Big Penix, you can't tell the neanderthals how incredible it is outside the cave without risking them beating you to death.


Got something right about marriage
I will not drink any beer thats owned by Inbev. seems the beer becomes bland as fuck when they get taken over though im sure im being paranoid. im strictly a Sam Adams, Grolsch and Sagres kind of guy.
I don't know. Goose Island's beer is still pretty amazing. Especially their Bourbon County Stout line.

Actually its not a crusade for anything, just point out how manipulated you are and how youre being used as nothing more than a pawn in someones quest for power. Nothing wrong with hating someone or something, just hate for legitimate reasons.
This doesn't make any sense to me. You're saying that we should all just accept business practices that are unethical and fuck over our fellow man for the almighty dollar because 'Merica and in the same breath tell me I'm being manipulated? Sounds like you're the sheep here not me. You don't agree with the reasoning I use, fine, but I cannot understand why you think it's OK that they do what they do and that I'm just a hipster for not agreeing with it.


Trakanon Raider
Actually its not a crusade for anything, just point out how manipulated you are and how youre being used as nothing more than a pawn in someones quest for power. Nothing wrong with hating someone or something, just hate for legitimate reasons.
What the fuck does this even mean? Because people question Wal-Mart's business practices, they're being manipulated and being used as "a pawn in someones quest for power"? What the fuck does that even mean? Who's quest?


Got something right about marriage
I think we're being trolled. And it's a good one.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
What the fuck does this even mean? Because people question Wal-Mart's business practices, they're being manipulated and being used as "a pawn in someones quest for power"? What the fuck does that even mean? Who's quest?
Guess I should of said dont be an idiot and parrot the whole "walmart is a terrible company because they treat their employes and business partners like shit so dont shop there" mantra. Wal-mart is no worse than anyone else in the retail business, the difference is that they are the biggest.


Trakanon Raider
Guess I should of said dont be an idiot and parrot the whole "Standard Oil is a terrible company because they treat their employes and business partners like shit so dont buy their products" mantra. Standard Oil is no worse than anyone else in the oil business, the difference is that they are the biggest.
Fixed. Now, would you agree such a statement would be colossally retarded?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing that Wal-Mart and Standard Oil are on the same level by any means. But I am saying that some companies really do have bad business practices that are negative for society as a whole. I don't know if Wal-Mart quite crosses that line, because surely consumer staple goods would be more expensive had it not come along, so of course there's some upsides to it's business model. But there's lots of negatives too, and they're well documented. You're just choosing to be ignorant of them.