Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Murder Apologist
Biology maybe. Chem degrees are still very good for well paid employment after graduation.

Edit - The biology part greatly depends on concentration. General bio degrees are meh. Imminology, neurobiology, bioinformatics, molecular biology, etc... usually all require at a minimum calc, stats and one additional math course, plus the general physics courses which utilize a decent amount of mathematics.
Biology is absolutely a productive track. If you just go with startup/private equity prospectii out there, more than half are pharma, microbiology, genetics-related life-sciences plays that are owning tech stuff. It's prolly gonna verge into BUBBLE territory in a few years.

Plus they're almost all pure US companies, unlike a lot of the shitty internet shit that are garbage Euro/rang-rang shit.

Sure they're stacked to the gills with H1B people haha, but that's our ultimate demographic hydrogen bomb anyway. If Trump gets elected and expands our H1B visa as much as he proposes, all the microbiology PhDs from China and India will all be beamed over to Boston and Boca within his first hundred days.

The H1B is like our ultimate intellectual hydrogen bomb, except we drop it on China and India about 300 times a day:



scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Shit like thisis a real problem that these tumblrinas could be focusing on, instead of their petty microaggressions and other BS.
The FBI has busted a few of the asian massage parlors for trafficking here in Dallas too. For whatever reason the local cops really do not bust those places and they amount to legal brothels... no idea how they get away with it. Everyone knows where they are and what they do, but they remain open every day. Aside from the feds busting the owners every now and then on trafficking charges they just soldier on.

I wonder what % of the women who work there are trafficked vs. working their by their own choice?


So one place I use to work (Fed building) had an Asian brothel above some restaurant that was across the street. Occasionally you'd see some familiar faces being walked out by cops when walking to lunch.


Murder Apologist
For a second there I thought he meant the johns. Feds expensing their handies on a taxpayer expense account.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
The filing, citing figures from the USSF's 2015 financial report, says that despite the women's team generating nearly $20 million more revenue last year than the U.S. men's team, the women are paid about a quarter of what the men earn.
If that figure is right, then that needs to be fixed for sure.

A professional soccer organisation that is acting shady, now that is shocking.


Buzzfeed Editor
The figure is right, but it's really disingenuous in terms of context. The women's team was in a gold cup year, the men were not. Men,on average,earn many many times the revenue duringlikeyears--for example.(And they are essentially going off American revenue/ratings, which is tiny compared to the world market.)

And while viewers made the Sunday match by far the most-watched soccer game in American TV history, little of that excitement could be seen in the tourney's marketing deals. Fox grabbed an estimated $17 million in ads from corporate sponsors of the elite women's matches - a tiny fraction compared to the$529 million ESPN pocketed in sponsorship revenue from last year's tournament in Brazil.

(For those that don't know how soccer works; the Gold Cup is played once every 4 years, the 3 off years are essentially eliminating teams and qualifying for it. So the three years before a gold cup is like the regular season of a sport in the U.S.; the gold cup year is like the play offs. In other words, the women here were comparing the play offs of their sport, to the hum drum normal games of the men's, and we're talking EARLY in the season, too, because the men just had their gold cup the year before; so the start of a season vs the play offs.).

When like for like, the difference in revenue is staggering---The fact is, the men's world cup has been played 20 times and made almost 5 billion dollars. It's a proven market. The women's cup has only been done 7 times, and on a far smaller scale.

They blame the smaller scale on less coverage and less hype, but that's ridiculous--Amateur clubs can regularly wreck national champion female clubs. There just isn't as much interest in the far less physical female clubs. (And if Ronda Rousey proves anything, it's that if you have more people watching? You'll get paid more, it doesn't matter what is between your legs.)...but the fact is, women's teams are just poor players compared to men's.

"We are the best in the world, have three World Cup championships, four Olympic championships, and the [men] get paid more to just show up than we get paid to win major championships," Solo said.

Note,the best in the world here?Lost,8-2 against the under 17 men's teamjust 3 months before the women's team went on to win gold, and it should be noted, THIS U17 U.S. male team?Wasn't even good enough to qualify for the U17 World Cup, so it's a very mediocre team globally. (The best women's team in the world, playing against a high school age male club that has trouble competing globally, loses, bad, 8-2.)

So many of the clubs that are 'great' in the women's league, tend to be so because the competition is so limited. Many countries just don't have developed female teams because there is very little interest in domestic female play (So there are few sources/clubs to draw a national team from.) So the only countries with decent national teams are usually very egalitarian countries which subsidized them to start them (And lost money while they were being built up, like the WNBA) or they are soccer nuts, like Brazil. You can see the effect of this in the size of the female world cup tournament.The number of teams for the women's world cup I believe is 24, for the men its 200(And it's only recently 24 for women, it used to be 12)---the competition isA LOT higher. Of course they make more money, and are paid more. What they are asking here is to be subsidized from a MUCH larger, and much higher profit tournament for 'equal wages'.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider