Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
There are only two "end game" scenarios that I can see this trannies in sports going. Either they reverse course on it or limit it in some way so that biological females actually stand a chance, or the whole justification for separate male/female sports goes out the window. Either way liberals are going to be butthurt.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
That's the brilliance of that situation. Its an impossible trap for these third wavers. Either they acknowledge that choppers are really dickless dudes (and not women) or they shit on the actual women. These blue hair cunts are all for inclusiveness until it means they have to give something up themselves.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Anonymity is a good place to express feelings you feel you can't express in real life.
So basically you are confirming here that you are weak and a coward then?

And also a fat white dude, probably.....


Molten Core Raider
ITT: Quaid doesn't know what vulnerable means even after having the dictionary definition posted, and continues to misuse the term for 5 fucking pages to make some political point which has already been proven wrong repeatedly. Posts a picture of a women in a burka, the most vulnerable state a woman can be placed in, garments which strip her of all power and identity, turning her in to property which can be misused and abused at the whim of her husband, and heralds it as strength.

rickshaw this faggot for shitting up this thread
Yup, that is a good ;tldr.

I usually agree with Quaid on most things. This whole tangent has caught me off guard.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
A telemarketer called for my wife and I told them I was her. The lady argued that Mrs Adebisi is a female. I told her I was Mrs Adebisi and I identify as female. This went back and forth for about 30 seconds before she hung up.

I hope they call back.


I'm Amod too!



New defense bill passes the senate with a veto proof majority and introduces the draft for women in it. This could make for some good salt starting withthis one.
3 interesting takeaways from that article:

Some feminists are hailing it as a boon toward their cause, calling America?s history of the all-male draft discriminatory and the addition of women to selective service a huge leap for equality.
Firstly, an open acknowledgement that some feminists DO consider this a good thing, demonstrating both that not all feminists think alike and that some agree completely when men try to use "But what about the draft?" as a "Gotcha" to put feminists in their place. Of course, this is not a surprise to anyone who readthis articleI've linked a few times.

When you are not included in something that no one wants to do ? in this case, going off to war ? it?s not discrimination; it?s a privilege.
See that? She's actually checking her privilege. For all the talk about how "check your privilege" is only used to silence white males, here's an example where that is most definitely not the case.

Some say women should give up that privilege in the name of equality between men and women. But here?s the thing about equality: Men and women are not equal.
And an open acknowledgement that men and women are NOT equal, at least not on a physical level. Interestingly, the fact that women aren't as strong or able-bodied as men sounds very much like the type of argument we'd see here defending that same point of view (hasn't this come up when talking about female firefighters?).

If anything, that article seems very much like what many here seem to think a feminist should think.