Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>


Trump's Staff
How stupid are our college educated folks gonna be in like 8-10 years. It really is the beginning of Idiocracy.
Sadly you're going to see a lot of schools doing this as a simple financial survival decision. Colleges want to maintain a high graduation rate, even the Ivy League. Top schools can do this by being selective in their applicants. However, if you can't afford to turn huge numbers of applicants away, you don't have much choice. The problem is that, statistically, "chicks can't do math" is a true statement and since more and more women are going to college you can either ditch the math classes or become more selective. (And then get accused of sexism on top of having less money.)


Trump's Staff
I wonder why there is no discussion about how girls' more positive relationships with teachers/authority figures may affect their grades outside of standardized testing, where subjectivity has more of an impact?

Interesting. Must be that dang patriarchy again.


Tranny Chaser
This article you linked talks about grades and basically nothing else so on the subject of grades - teachers give higher marks to girls than boys. Also, boys know this and perform worse because of it.

Teachers 'give higher marks to girls' - BBC News

Female Teachers Give Male Pupils Lower Marks, Claims Study

Female teachers accused of giving boys lower marks | Education News | News | The Independent

Plenty of research done on the subject.


Buzzfeed Editor
This graph shows in countries with worse education systems, who score overall much worse on the tests, girls tend to edge boys out. When the scores rise, the gap between girls and boys shrinks. To the point where if you eliminated the countries that scored below a certain threshold, girls would do no better than boys (It looks like). So, in essence, in countries where the Patriarchy is stronger, girls do better than boys, lol.

Probably from 2 main forces, first being girls are forced to select more sensible fields to get ahead--there is no chance of doing a fucking film studies degree and doing well. Second is because of the responsibilities given to younger males in many of those countries (Almost all of them the middle east), in some of them male children are expected to be self sufficient much earlier than women, and also supplement the families income, which means boys can be forced into work rather than solely perusing their education--would be interesting to see the rates of 14+ labor broken down by gender in those countries.

While girls are generally keep somewhat sheltered, in many cases due to marriage considerations and the fact that socially in many of those countries, especially the Islamic ones (Which if you notice produces the most disparity) girls are not expected economically to care for the household. So I suspect they can focus more on education while waiting to be auctioned off for marriage (Which, math and science might be able to save them from in the end, by giving them a ticket to self sufficiency.In these countries, women tend to not enter the 'entry' middle or lower income work, only the high end stuff is viable.Meanwhile, because boys are expected to care for the family, they may have a range of jobs available without extra education that they gravitate too earlier. It really does explain why girls do better within difficult and in demand fields in societies where a Patriarchy does actually exist).


Trump's Staff
The gap between men and women in STEM is almost eliminated in more progressive countries like Norway and Sweden but the fact is in the US men outperform women in these fields by a large margin. Why this is true is not really relevant to the schools, they have to make decisions based on reality.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
While girls are generally keep somewhat sheltered, in many cases due to marriage considerations and the fact that socially in many of those countries, especially the Islamic ones (Which if you notice produces the most disparity) girls are not expected economically to care for the household. So I suspect they can focus more on education while waiting to be auctioned off for marriage (Which, math and science might be able to save them from in the end, by giving them a ticket to self sufficiency.In these countries, women tend to not enter the 'entry' middle or lower income work, only the high end stuff is viable.Meanwhile, because boys are expected to care for the family, they may have a range of jobs available without extra education that they gravitate too earlier. It really does explain why girls do better within difficult and in demand fields in societies where a Patriarchy does actually exist).
Easier explanation that doesn't require a jumping through a bunch of logical hoops: Girls are better at shutting up and doing what they're told in a patriarchal society.

Boys' worse performance in school has pretty much everything to do with behavior problems, like Arbitrary's links say. It doesn't take a huge leap to say that girls are better behaved in patriarchal societies, by conditioning or by necessity.


Tranny Chaser
Women teachers score boys lower because patriarchy is absurd. Boys are systemically discriminated against in education at all levels.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Women teachers score boys lower because patriarchy is absurd. Boys are systemically discriminated against in education at all levels.
When blacks behave badly on the street, and cops act accordingly towards them, that's not discrimination, according to Rerolled logic.

When boys behave badly in school, and teachers act accordingly towards them, that IS discrimination, according to Rerolled logic.


Unelected Mod
Except girl's performance in math and science relative to boys is clearly culture-bound, as was already demonstrated.
Yeah, that one graph definitely conclusively demonstrates it and refutes all the studies showing the opposite.


Silver Knight of the Realm
When blacks behave badly on the street, and cops act accordingly towards them, that's not discrimination, according to Rerolled logic.

When boys behave badly in school, and teachers act accordingly towards them, that IS discrimination, according to Rerolled logic.
Who says that? I don't say that. There ARE some fundamental issues with the education system. There SHOULD be more encouragement for women to go into STEM type fields, there is also a fundamental issue with having 15-18 year old boys sit at a desk for the majority of the day when our biology actively discourages this. There should be more active ways for students to get education outside of the passive trash we get because of funding.

You know how I learned how to do my job now? My senior year of high school I was done except for electives and a fucking History class, so I took a couple semesters of trade school. I learned more from those two semsesters about PCs and Networks and computer theory than the next 4 years of bullshit. But I did get a fair amount of college pussy, so its basically a wash. The Welders next door got outside, got to work on something they loved, now the guys I see make a ton of money. Men, not ALL men, but Men learn much more in an active system. Learn by Doing.
And people who say that discrimination/ racial profiling does not happen is as dense as hell.