California trying GPS-tracking mileage tax for 2016


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
This is going to cause the price of oil, gas, and several other power sources to sky rocket. All these companies have fleets so they can maintain their supply to use the consumer. Get ready to open up that wallet while business "pays their fair share".

Will public buses be exempt from this? If not enjoy a 5 dollar bus ride.


This is going to cause the price of oil, gas, and several other power sources to sky rocket. All these companies have fleets so they can maintain their supply to use the consumer. Get ready to open up that wallet while business "pays their fair share".
Heh. Not for from the truth.

This is the gummints telling us all to go out and buy Escalades.

Ko Dokomo_sl

I'm all about motivating people to drive less, carpool more, move closer to work etc etc, but hell if I'm letting a govt agency have any way to track my GPS location. I don't get why they don't just track odometer usage in vehicles anyway. I'm pretty sure modern vehicles have odometer CAN messages being transmitted. Their little Orwellian tax device should be able to hook into that and get everything they need.
One use for the GPS data would be dynamic VMT pricing on certain roads. Based on the time of the day they might charge more to travel on the freeway, with the goal of rebalancing commute times. I know I leave for my job at 6:30 which is a pretty dead time here in suburban Chicagoland. Our roads could handle more cars fleeing rush hour pricing.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Oh so your response was an intentional non sequitur? Figures.
I thought I didn't need to explain to people about how inflexible gas prices are beyond supply and demand... but apparently some people do need it explained. Supply and demand are basically the only things that matter on commodity pricing, oil/gas is a commodity.

Wait what? Oh nm, no need to continue this discussion with someone of this opinion.
It's well established that the only way the oil companies are greedy is via lobbying stuff to get government welfare. Their pricing is otherwise right in line with what it costs to get it out of the ground with only a small profit.


If you think this is fucked up, a lot of California is already using license plate scanners to track your movements and create a profile on you. It's designed to track down criminals, but the data is recorded on everyone and kept from between 2 years to forever.

Use of Automated License Plate Readers Expanding in Northern California, and Data is Shared With Feds | American Civil Liberties Union

Unfortunately, there are no statewide privacy protections for these records, and many individual law enforcement agencies have no such protections either. In fact, only about half of the 20 agencies we learned use ALPR had a written policy manual at all. Of those agencies with written policies, many allowed the data to be used for all "legitimate law enforcement business."Some cities, including Milpitas in the South Bay, do not even keep records of who accesses the ALPR information.In addition, agencies vary wildly in how long they retain ALPR records.

ALPR technology should be used to accomplish specific law enforcement goals, not deployed as a tool for dragnet surveillance. As it stands, lax safeguards on the use of ALPR and the availability of collected data to the federal intelligence system raise substantial privacy concerns.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
9/11 was more successful than Allah could have ever dreamed of it being, I think.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Fuck letting the government track me like that. I much prefer them tracking me on my smartphone.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Why wouldn't they just increase the taxes on the fuel?
Because we dont use as much any more per vehicle? More efficient engines combined with smarter use = less consumption. Its politicians and people being stupid short sighted idiots. Same exact thing happens with tobacco and the revenue it generates.
This might sound like a stupid question, but where is all this tax money going to? I mean the middle class, dude like me is already getting taxed and re-taxed for basically 50% of my salary, right? But yet the schools are broke, the infrastructure is ancient and crumbling, so again where the fuck is it all going? Not just federal tax dollars, but the state and local ones I pay as well?
You really think the government would of set aside accounts to funnel the tax/usage fees into and let it sit there and only use it when needed to improve or fix what the fee/tax was on? lol that shit gets spent on anything and everything as soon as its collected. Corrupt shitbag politicians spend everydime they can get their foul hands on and combined with a brain fucking dead electorate that is much more interested in investing hundreds of millions into fucking stupid ass football stadiums instead of infrastructure, you end up with the current state.

And for you fools saying this type of thing should be applied to commercial operators, have any of you every driven along the interstates? You might of seen these things called weightscales, which do the very thing youre talking about. They weigh the truck and then assess a tax based on the weight.


And for you fools saying this type of thing should be applied to commercial operators, have any of you every driven along the interstates? You might of seen these things called weightscales, which do the very thing youre talking about. They weigh the truck and then assess a tax based on the weight.
...I thought those were there so truckers could find all the hotspots on where to find hookers/dead hooker deposit stations.

Learn something new every day.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
we just need to wait for hitler 2.0 and holocaust will look like a kid's game compared to what's about to happen in the future.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
hopefully taxifornia slides into the pacific before this catches on in other states.
NC is talking about doing the same thing, only by charging you an additional per mile fee when you have your car inspected based upon how much you drove the previous year. People are already pointing out how you end up getting charged for miles driven out of state. This is supposed to be an offset for the declining revenues from our gas tax, which is already the highest in the Southeast (and will not be going away once the mileage tax is added in).


What is stopping all those grease monkeys / tech geeks from simply removing the device and leaving it in the garage or if they are really smart, only putting it in their car every other day or something?


Tranny Chaser
That kind of tampering will surely call down the Stasi upon you. One of your neighbors will see something. One of your family members will squeal. Perhaps there will be a random inspection one day and you'll get caught.

And then you'll disappear.


Trakanon Raider
What is stopping all those grease monkeys / tech geeks from simply removing the device and leaving it in the garage or if they are really smart, only putting it in their car every other day or something?
Same reason you can't just uninstall a dui breathalyzer without it triggering a code.