Captain America: Winter Soldier


Molten Core Raider
Lots of people who see Marvel movies these days, only know Marvel from the movies. They never read comics or watched the animated series/movies/cartoons. So all they know is what they see on the big screen. It's fun going to these movies with them and being asked afterwards how I knew everything about x, y, z, etc.


Vyemm Raider
I collected when i was like 11 and 12 - i still have some old shit laying around but i stopped reading comics before i was in HS. I was never a big fan of Captain America to begin with so i had no clue who or wtf the winter soldier was.


Vyemm Raider
Agreed on all counts. This is now my number two in the MCU.
Ditto. This was a better movie than it deserved to be. I don't even like Captain America and this movie rocked.

So far Iron Man 3 is the worst of the generation 2 flicks. Did not expect this.


Golden Squire
Ditto. This was a better movie than it deserved to be. I don't even like Captain America and this movie rocked.

So far Iron Man 3 is the worst of the generation 2 flicks. Did not expect this.
Yeah, they need to replace RDJ, him and his asshole friend ruined IM3.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
While I certainly enjoyed the movie, I think they should have given it a different title and let Nomad be a fan surprise because it felt more like Prelude to Winter Soldier than it did actual Captain America: Winter Soldier.


Vyemm Raider
I like how after you've fired hundreds of rounds of ammo at someone with no effect, you then decide you might have more luck with your knife.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Awesome movie. My only gripe with the first Captain America was the shitty action scenes. He hardly seemed 'super' then. Here, however, holy shit he was amazing.

I also think they did a damn good job of capturing Cap's 'leadership' superpower. By the final third of the film I was ready to stand up and salute the fuck out of him myself.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Loved the movie, I thought the Falcon was awesome.

For a guy who doesn't actually like doing these movies, Chris Evans still manages to do a great job being Captain America.


I think that interview with Chris just got him at a bad time when he was tired. These movies can be pretty draining with the workout regiment / time commitment, etc.. After doing this movie he jumped right in to doing Avengers 2 so of course he would be a little sick of playing Cap. Give him some time and I am sure he will be ok.


Golden Squire
Excellent movie. I think one of my favorite parts was when they're in the mall and BW guiding Cap through an avoidance of combat. Not a balls out action moment, far from it, but just one of many character moments that make this a very good movie. I cannot wait for Guardians.


Movie was awesome. Perfectly captured his moral compass, and the fight scenes were brutal. None of that pussy DC "heroes don't kill" BS. Cap straight up ninja murdered all those dudes, and it was awesome. The Winter Soldier's fight scenes were, I think, by far the best fights in all of the MCU. I was never afraid for the Avengers when fighting Loki, I knew Tony wouldn't die to whiplash, etc. But here? I felt like TWS was going to murderize the whole crew at any second. The tension was so heavy I was constantly fearing for the characters.

Also, I made a Tesseract to take to the premier.



Molten Core Raider
The movie is killing right now. It was at a 100 million Thursday night, doing 10.2 million in the states.


Ed Brubaker
The writer responsible for bringing Bucky Barnes back to life as the Winter Soldier makes a cameo as one of the scientists attending to the brainwashed assassin.

Pretty sure that notepad was changed depending on your region. Saw it last night here in Aus, and it had Steve Irwin and Skippy the bush Kangerooo listed.
Anyone else from other regions notice this?


Tranny Chaser
The end sequence of Winter Soldier where they show what all the ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. types are going off to do seemed stupid to me. Yeah sure bring it out into the open and let everyone know that this thing exists... but what the hell do you do about the day-to-day S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff? The monitoring for Thor type things, or research and development to anti alien-invasion stuff? Who runs the superhuman prison? Im kinda of glad they have the TV show to pick up those pieces and show that it isnt the complete end of S.H.I.E.L.D. but rather a new start for it as opposed to going "well today HYDRA revealed they still exist...and we're all gonna just give up and hope they leave us alone"