Chivalry: Medieval Warfare


Trump's Staff
has anyone put $24.99 worth of time into this?

I bought it on sale weeks ago for $10 and I think that's just about exactly what the content is worth.
I got it on sale and I'd say it is worth full price $25. Game is very simple and has some flaws but is fuckin hilariously fun at times.


This popped up on my Youtube home page for some reason, but it did catch my eye.
After watching the 10min video of a bunch of people hacking each other up with no gravity on, I decided to look it up.
I thought it looked familiar because it reminded of the Half-Life mod I played years back, and turns out... that's what it was taken after.
Updated combat and uses the Unreal engine instead of the HL engine.

I'm still debating whether or not to pull the trigger on this one. I wish I had got this during the free weekend.


Game is a lot of fun when it's working properly. There are some issues with ping and other various glitches that kind of ruin it from time to time. It is impressive the amount of support that is going into this game post-launch though, and the fact you get new content for free is quite awesome.


Well, thought about it and decided what the hell, might as well get it. It's only $25 and if they're staying on top of patches and releasing free content it'll be worth the $25.

Beef Supreme_sl

Well, thought about it and decided what the hell, might as well get it. It's only $25 and if they're staying on top of patches and releasing free content it'll be worth the $25.
It really is worth the full asking price.

That said, I've been going nuts on War of the Roses and the differences are stark. However, I think Chivalry is more *fun* to play, while I spend more time in War of the Roses. Both are great games. Buy them both.


Potato del Grande
Picked this up in the summer steam sale. God I haven't laughed this much or been this giddy like a child since I can remember. I'm literally sitting here charging into battle, my character is screaming, along with about 10 around me, and I am screaming in real life at my monitor. My wife just looks at me like I am crazy. It's like the actual thrill of being there and running in headlong into a real battlefield. Nothing beats the feeling of cleaving a limb or head off a fucking archer who is picking off your teamates or been raping you. I literally yell at their corpses as if they can hear me saying eat my blade cocksucker haha. It's like discovering CounterStrike original for the first time, all over again. And once you get "good" at it and figure out some skill and timing, it really gets so damn fun, you feel like some brutal warrior.

The thrill of mowing 2 or 3 people down that are fighting you is just nuts. Tonight I was going me alone vs 3 of the enemies, and one guy swung wildly at me and missed and took his buddies head off, then I proceeded to cleave him in half, and then overhead crushed the 3rd one and sliced the head off his corpse when all was said and done. I can't think the last time a game "drew me in" like this and made me feel like I was there. I feel like I am a barbarian straight out of Braveheart. These guys fucking nailed the setting/feel. Now they need to make part 2 with Battlefield 3 quality and levels/unlocks/customization and I would be addicted to this shit forever. Someone do it now! Definitely recommend anyone who is on the fence, to buy this game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I love this game. And yes Im like you when I square off against 3-4 dudes and win. If you want to fuck with people start learning how to duck inside of a wild swing and go to town on their limbs.

Guarentee the look on their face will be 0_0 just like mine was the first time someone did that to me and I got schooled by a better warrior.


Trump's Staff
It definitely is one of the better Indie games of recent times. If they added a lot of customization and a better unlocking/leveling system, the game would be one of (only?) the most fun medieval PVP games.

Lost Ranger_sl

How popular is the game? Plenty of matches going? Been debating on getting this one for a while now actually, and for that price I might as well.


Potato del Grande
How popular is the game? Plenty of matches going? Been debating on getting this one for a while now actually, and for that price I might as well.
Every time I've played there are 100's of server with lots of people on them.