College Football 2014-15

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Keep the tears of jealousy floating my friends, I'm all good


A Man Chooses....
No real response to that. Both of them were contributors, and AJ was our best pro prospect. Butch booted them right away. I dunno why but it seems like every school has a situation like this once every five years or so. Makes you wonder.


No real response to that. Both of them were contributors, and AJ was our best pro prospect. Butch booted them right away. I dunno why but it seems like every school has a situation like this once every five years or so. Makes you wonder.
MMIA (my man in Athens) is telling me that the entire UGA team may be brought up on rape charges for what they did to Tennessee and Missouri this year.


Molten Core Raider
Whole Georgia team gets suspended, 2015 Auburn fields the 2014 Georgia team. There goes Auburn's chances of getting to the conference championship game.


Molten Core Raider
Although I don't understand all the areas full of Florida Gator fans in New England, that is odd


MMIA (my man in Athens) is telling me that the entire UGA team may be brought up on rape charges for what they did to Tennessee and Missouri this year.
Question for your big MMIA. What does he say in response to Gil thinking Tennesee will run the SECBeast for years to come?


Molten Core Raider
Mark my words, Tennessee will improve a bit, but they won't finish in the top 2 of the East. I can see them somewhere around 3rd or 4th. People are hyping up this recruiting class, but Tennessee HAD talent the last two years that Butch has been there. Looking back at their last 5 recruiting classes, they haven't had a class outside of the top 20.

I fail to see why there is so much hype around their program. They did nothing worthwhile last year, other than keeping a few games close against a few decent teams, but ultimately still losing. Their best win of the season was against South Carorlina, who was 6-6, and it took Overtime to do that.


A Man Chooses....
Mark my words, Tennessee will improve a bit, but they won't finish in the top 2 of the East. I can see them somewhere around 3rd or 4th. People are hyping up this recruiting class, but Tennessee HAD talent the last two years that Butch has been there.
See, what you are not factoring in is how incompetent Derek Dooley was. You want to talk about talent, our senior class this year consisted of the following:
Our punter
Our Long snapper
AJ Johnson(rape dude, kicked off before we started winning)
Justin Worley(starting QB, got hurt before we inserted Dobbs and suddenly become a functional offense)
Marlin Lane(Ran for like 200 yards backing up freshmen.
Jacob Gilliam(Starting RT, also a walk on, also had to play AFTER tearing his ACL because he was still our best option and he said fuck it I'm playing)
Justin Coleman(Nickelback, really good, big loss)

And....that's it. First thing Butch did when he got here was basically tell people there was a new standard with regards to toughness, academics, community service, and not being a shithead. Surprisingly enough players who were molded under Dooley's leadership often failed in one or all of those categories. We went from the school producing the most NFL talent in the 90s to a school who rarely had a high draft choice other than Cordarrelle Patterson and Hunter. Now, that shit is over. Team GPA has set records in back to back to back semesters. You get in trouble you gtfo. Community service is mandatory, and there's a leadership council that self-policies most of the problems. Some kids dont like it, they don't like being yelled at or told what is expected of them, so they leave. But Butch finds more talented kids who want to be pushed.

Now, was talent the biggest issue? Probably not. Leadership and accountability were. That is no longer the case. Butch has won everywhere he has been and I hate to sound like Saban but if you watch his process you understand why. It used to be guys working out more than required was an exception, now it's a rule, all because of how he has changed expectations and the culture of our football program. It's just a matter of time. We win eight or nine this year and we're preseason top 8 in 2016. Believe that.

Year one Butch was just trying to stabilize the shitshow he inherited. Year two he had to replace the entirety of both offensive and defensive lines, had no QB worth a damn, and were the youngest team in America while playing one of the hardest schedules in America. Year three shit is in place and it's about to get interesting. Our best players across the board will be sophomores and juniors next year. We actually may have depth. Our QB fits the offense and has experience. Our offensive weapons are finally among the SEC's elite. Our defensive line will be young but we've got two great edge rushers and can actually rotate SEC caliber players in. I see why people are picking us to make Atlanta next year, I just think that's a little optimistic. 2016 is our year.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
2016 is the year for what? Almost 20 years removed from a title, which that itself was 40 years removed from another real title. Are you trying to argue that Butch is going to lead the Vols to an unprecedented level of success?


A Man Chooses....
Contending for the SEC isn't an unprecedented level of success. I don't know what crack you are smoking. It's just like any other elite program, if you have a great coach you will be successful, period. Literally the only downside of UT is our recruiting base, which multiple other coaches have overcome, and as you can see Butch gives no fucks about said recruiting base. Our facilities, fans, tradition, etc are on par with anyone.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Elite eh? Less than a .500 record against Auburn, Alabama and Florida. Barely above a .500 bowl record. 1 real national championship since 1951. 0-4 vs. the Trojans

I'm just giving you shit but it's always interesting to hear what others think of what their program is.


Question for your big MMIA. What does he say in response to Gil thinking Tennesee will run the SECBeast for years to come?
Well, MMIA had a very interesting piece of news he was willing to break right here on He said that Tennessee is in negotiations to renew its lease on "Third Down For What?!" and that it is believed that the outcome of that negotiation could be the tipping point of its success in 2015.

He also said their offensive line play was dogshit all year long and that you can't plug in freshmen in the #SECBeast and expect to win. There is nothing that team is good at.