Common movie behaviors that never happen in real life


Life's a Dream
I dislike when cops in various movies do the opposite of what's listed. Something happens and they INSTANTLY start shooting at everything. In real life, that wouldn't happen due entirely to paper work. Sure, they'll pull a gun in the case of an emergency, but they fire bullets in movies like it's going out of style. A lot of cops are lazy, and wouldn't want to deal with the paperwork. Hell, they would probably avoid those types of calls all together, if they could.


Deus Vult
Having sex, then just rolling over and going to sleep. This seems pretty rare in RL. Usually you got to either take the condom off, or clean up.
I laughed, last month did exactly this. Had been drinking but yeah pretty much just went to sleep right after and woke up like two hours later with condom still on lol.


Trakanon Raider
Everyone is young, beautiful, and slim. This only happens in my household, not the rest of the world.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Dorks getting laid by 10/10 chicks.

not. even. once.
Pretty much every single movie/tv show that involves a dorky/nerdy/outcast female character is actually played by a beautiful woman that would never in a million years be shunned irl in social situations.

Also anything to do with space. Gravity not working is obvious, but actual how you travel in space is so far from the reality with how its shown in every single movie and tv show.


<Gold Donor>
Every vehicle, no matter what speed, squeals their tires all the time.

Vehicles that rev through like 14 gears before hitting 45mph. Especially if it's an automatic.


Millie's Staff Member
there are a lot of stereotypes too.
asians- martial arts expert or master hacker

black women- loud sassy, wig wearing with all the best wisdom to give to white people

black men- criminal past and usually the first to die

english white guys- usually the villain

english white women- usually an adultress that steals the white american guy from the american white girl and results in american white girl kicking her ass

american white young guys- heroes and/or stoners

american white young women- needs saving at some point or lesbian who is a complete bitch

hispanic men- always stoned and/or always driving some kind of tricked out car and assists the hero for no reason other than he is so laid back he has nothing else to do.
hispanic women- sexy body, but usually is only there for fucking or a doublecross.

im sure i missed a ton of others


The amount of ancient stock sounds in movies and TV is too damn high.
I don't know why, but one soundbyte I can't help but notice is the one they use for metal gates opening and closing. Not only the way it sounds but the duration is also exactly the same. Any metal door or gate you suspect might be sqeeky and they will use this.


"We have to get inside!" Shoot access panel next to door....door opens
"We have to block the entrance from the badguys!" Shoot access panel next to door....door closes.


Trump's Staff

I love when women act like some weirdo chasing a woman around in a movie for days/weeks/months and finally gets her in the end with some wildly inappropriate grand gesture is romantic. Those same women would scream bloody murder and have a restraining order put on a dude if he tried to pull that crazy psychotic shit in real life.

At the very least they'd unfriend him on Facebook.
"Shhh.....over the next ninety minutes, I'd like to show you how all your problems can be solved by my penis."


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I laughed, last month did exactly this. Had been drinking but yeah pretty much just went to sleep right after and woke up like two hours later with condom still on lol.
I was about to say that probably happens all the time with drunken sex, which is probably all that Hollywood is used to ;p

POOR Dorks getting laid by 10/10 chicks.

not. even. once.
Fixed that for you. $$$$$$$$$$$$ does wonders ;P

Anyways, for other stuff:

1) Massive explosion happening like 50 feet from the characters, but only the fireball is treated as the dangerous part and they typically ignore the shockwave blast which can kill just as well
2) Getting a plane ticket in coach/economy at the drop of a hat and being in the air within an hour of calling to make the reservation. These flights are also super timely and never get delayed and the hero never gets held up by the TSA by virtue of the fact his last minute ticket purchase would be seen as a red flag
3) The "omg, you are falling, but I am strong so I will catch you with one free hand and hold on with the 2nd free hand, even though the force of you falling + your weight should be great enough to rip my damned arm out of my socket!" move
4) Creating a hole in an aircraft because it becomes an instant blackhole, even after the cabin pressure is equal with the outside
5) Exposure to extreme heat just results in them getting sweaty and extreme cold usually just results in some snow on their eyebrows. No long term issues result like organ failure or frostbite...heat is instantly cured by a swig of water and cold is treated by a blanket.


Bad guy leader's henchmen: 250lb all muscle masters of 19 forms of all martial arts? Hero wipes the floor with them.

Bad guy leader: 90lbs of nothing, destroys the hero for 5 minutes, hero wins with a twist of luck, movie over.

The fuck?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
3) The "omg, you are falling, but I am strong so I will catch you with one free hand and hold on with the 2nd free hand, even though the force of you falling + your weight should be great enough to rip my damned arm out of my socket!" move
Good one, but it's not just catching other people, it's also catching yourself while you are falling with your fingertips on a ledge. People are constantly falling 10 or 15 feet and then catching themselves with their fingertips on a ledge or with one hand on a pipe or something even though no one could actually do that.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
falls from big heights will never hurt you.
anyone can run for a long period of time.getting tired?fuck that.


Trakanon Raider
Headshots. What are the chances of hitting a moving target 15 - 20 + ft away with a pistol? in the face?

Bravery - I think it was previously mentioned - but yes, I don't think the careless behaviors exhibited in shootouts or even military situations depict reality.


The sound in movies is probably where there is the biggest departure from reality. The punching sounds and the gun/knife/sword brandishing sounds have been mentioned, but another category is the 'leading to impact' sounds. There was a whole documentary on the sound of Terminator 2 on the Criterion LD (yep...) and there is this scene with a truck ramming into a car and they mix in a lion roar backward with a whoosh (a foley done by swinging a torch by a microphone) to lead to the impact sound. IiiiiiauuuuBOUM!