Conan Exiles


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Game is still shit, right?

it's... no?

it's buggy. some of those are silly (the ragdoll physics on dragons and mammoths are JUST ABOUT weightless, so when you kill them, they just launch into the air) and some of those are infuriating (the pathing for thralls in some areas are TERRIBLE resulting in them walking into insta-death lava. they'll bug out if you build a platform over it and they'll teleport underneath the structure and die). but despite those bugs it's extremely enjoyable if you're into survival games.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
It's still a shit game if you didn't enjoy it the first time around.

I love this game for the building but I can readily admit it's a shitheap.
There were parts I loved, but parts I hated. The PVP aspect really seemed to be all or nothing, and if you weren't a wolf, you were sheep. But that seemed to open the window for some meta PVP gameplay that I really wasn't sure I wanted to spend time on, unless I rolled with a group that was actually META about it. Basebuilding almost seemed to be a net negative if you took it to the point that you weren't out there knocking rival clans down, and if you weren't playing max clan size then that was another big disadvantage. But for me harvesting/building was more fun than trolling and breaking bases open.

But Exiles w/o PVP also seemed kind of like solo Minecraft, I guess. So I dunno.

All the client and connectivity issues were infuriating. The Sploits seemed to be over the top, and they never really had a handle on it. Entire servers being killed off left me feeling kind of meh.

I got to the point that I thought about a custom server with settings I would have liked, but the idea of that kind of rankled me too.

Also, no cross platform play? Major failure right there.


Millie's Staff Member
I recently put about 130 hours into it duo'ing with a pal on a low pop PvE server over about 2 months. I enjoyed the entire progression, the crafting, the capturing and use of thralls, the various "boss' fights, etc. The lore was decent, the various locations and their history. The gear was pretty mediocre when it came to variation and nothing really stood out as "cool" so it came down to just crafting stuff that was relatively powerful but also decently cheap to repair (ie dragonbone weapons).

But, eventually, without added competition the game runs dry once you finish the volcano and have everything unlocked. I am not much of a PvPer (because I suck - I panic easy lol) so I got about the max out of the game that I could. The fact that I may have 6 games with over 100 hours on Steam does make this at least somewhat significant.


Watcher of Overs
I've got a sort of hardmode server running, well pve hardmode. Permanent death so you have to be careful, and all the settings at stock so takes a bit of mining to make stuff. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea.

Anyway the name in the list is like Jag & Zette's hardmode or something like that. Password is either furious, or Furious. I'll probably only have it up for the weekend, we'll see!


Watcher of Overs
Someone from here joined me (no idea forum name) and we've been having fun.

It also helps a bit with the permanent death as you can clan up so your stuff / buildings / workers don't all go abandoned when you die.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>

fun game. kek


Silver Baronet of the Realm
what. why are you feeding thralls fish. they do not deserve anything other than gruel. and that's if they're lucky
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Always ended up with a metric fuckton of fish (the ones that didn't give you oil?)

I don't remember what the yellow shit was (ichor) but fuck that shit too.

Fuck all of it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Jesus, did they buff (fix?) purges? Or is that just a mod on a custom?

How did a T1 base get that thing? We had T2/T3 bases and all we ever got was random naked tribal a-holes that dropped garbage and got stuck swimming if there was water.


Watcher of Overs
No mods that mess with purges, just lucky I guess :D

That rock boss is also in the world along with all the other ones that drop a key for a legendary chest. He's by far the toughest of the lot.


Millie's Staff Member
No mods that mess with purges, just lucky I guess :D

That rock boss is also in the world along with all the other ones that drop a key for a legendary chest. He's by far the toughest of the lot.

Go to the undead city. Grab some Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker thralls........profit. They are easy to get (you can stand on a pillar in one spot and burn one down with blunted arrows, have 7425 or so hps topped only by a handful of the best named Thralls.

Every boss is easy with one of these thralls.

By the by, I had three purges while I was playing - the first two were scorpions, the boss on the first of which got stuck in terrain and could not be damaged. The second went down easy to a camp guarded by Relic Hunters (lol). The third was on my Wheel of Pain building I set by the Black hand bandits and was that rock monster in your stream. As it turned out my buddy accidentally left a Relic Hunter thrall at the door of that base and he cleared much of the purge before we got there to deal with the final boss.


Watcher of Overs
The named bearers have 8000, not sure why they get the most.

We had one of the big faction mods going my previous run and there were these general class thralls you could get either through buying or catching them in a purge. They had 16500 and seemed to hit really hard. I dunno if some thralls actually hit harder than others or not.

I've got the better thralls mod going that lets you take up to 3 with you. I love taking 3 bashers with knockout clubs and plundering the nord town :D


Millie's Staff Member
The named bearers have 8000, not sure why they get the most.

We had one of the big faction mods going my previous run and there were these general class thralls you could get either through buying or catching them in a purge. They had 16500 and seemed to hit really hard. I dunno if some thralls actually hit harder than others or not.

I've got the better thralls mod going that lets you take up to 3 with you. I love taking 3 bashers with knockout clubs and plundering the nord town :D

Ell o ell 16,500 that's hilarious. Yeah the bearers are notoriously the best generic "tanks" but those Relic Hunters (melee) have the 2H moveset/attacks making them, IIRC, overall better in combat. Not sure if bearers have any weapon's moveset or just basic attacks.

At any rate, with a decent set of armor and weapon most bosses/dragons barely drop a decent thrall's hps, unless they have some sort of stun or poison mechanic, which you easily solve with healing arrows. It actually trivializes the game a bit, since you can walk all over every boss except volcano where the thralls will die in lava so you have to do the final fight on your own.

The biggest enemy in the game is the shit terrain collision programming, because your thrall will get pummeled under the world by just about every boss, especially dragons. You are handily plucking away with arrows and all of a sudden you get agro and have to run away to port your thrall back to the top of the world again.


Watcher of Overs
Just thinking about it is reminding me of things. The cold embrace master I got in the purge was female and about normal height, 6ish feet maybe. I lost her and a bearer because they decided it would be fun to just jump off a cliff. That led me to making this Steam Workshop :: BouncyCastle.

Then I spent a huge amount of wealth on a replacement, but his time I bought one from the human faction. They kind of reminded me of warcraft humans. Anyway this general was human and huge, like 8ish 9ish feet tall probably. Because he was so big his overall collision capsule scaled with him, making it impossible for him to swing at anything. He'd walk forward and bump into things trying to get within reach. Reach doesn't scale with size apparently.

Then we had lots of problems with shields. If thralls have a 1 hander they sort of assume they have a shield too and will sometimes stop fighting and just hold their arm up like they have one. Sometimes this can go on for quite some time. It would be great if you could hand them a big range of weapons and they would smartly pick the right one for the situation, but they tend to do exactly the opposite of what is smart.

I might look into fixing all that. It gets really infuriating in the nord city up north. They added wolf pets here and there, so a typical fight will be 2 wolves and 2 or 3 nords. Your thralls always go straight for the wolves, trying to knock them out with clubs, which does nothing. So three of them chasing one wolf they can't kill while the whole rest of the pack smashes your shield down.

If you give them regular weapons, they still use the clubs. Occasionally stopping to switch to a sword or whatever, standing around for 20 seconds or so, then switching back to the club again. Then of course when the wolves are dead out come the swords to cut down the ultra rare named armorer you've just spent 10 minutes clubbing.

And then sometimes they just get in a state where they won't attack anything. Just kind of stand there and stare at the enemy. Handing them shields, 2 handers etc can sometimes break them out of it, but often only a server restart would fix them.

Oh and that reminds me. Archers. I'd often have them lining a high wall, looking down on a purge, ready with a nice bow and lots of arrows. Maybe one would actually fire. 2 or 3 would just stand there looking the wrong direction, and the rest would haul ass down to the door trying to get out, clogging up on the stairs or jamming into the door and getting stuck.

I should probably expand bouncy castle to do lava immunity. Just getting around in the volcano wasn't a super big deal last time because we had this "less building restrictions" mod that kind of let you build lots of bridges to make getting around easier. But purges were ultra stupid. I had a castle in this kind of T junction up by the second bridge from the teleport stone, and we had a few purges there just fine.

I built the wrong kind of stone, the building materials were warming instead of cooling (oops) so I tore the whole thing down and switched from Khitan to aquilonian and built right over by the port in. After that all the purges were spawning all their units in the lava. I built a huge sandstone cover over all the lava nearby, which took forever. And that just sort of expanded the boundary of the base, leading them to spawn in the lava further down.

BTW if anyone was thinking of joining us but balking at the permanent death, I turned it down to just one level lost. It had bugged out, but just for me for some reason. I've died 3 times and it glitched and didn't erase me. Was even able to loot all my stuff. Mao dies and she has to start over, so it wasn't fair. I should have turned it off sooner probably.

Definitely going to check out those relic hunters. I think you are right about some being better fighters. I just got 50 so can build the big slaving wheels now.
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