Crazy Neighbor Need Advice


I"m not sure there could be legal ramifications. I"m no lawyer, but if you"re doing things within the realm of normal life, and no one has called the police because they feel you were doing something illegal (gross noise violations, etc), it doesn"t make sense to me that this woman would have a case in court.

Sounds like the judge would just think it is frivolous, and toss it out.


Zuuljin said:
Or tell her it might be that little Cats Eye gnome in the cieling sharpening his dagger, just to creep her out.
You son of a bitch I"d forgotten about that for ten fucking years.


vurt said:
Can you tell if your LL thinks she"s nuts? Ultimately, it doesn"t really matter what your deranged neighbour thinks as long as your LL recognizes that she"s deranged.

If he thinks she"s being reasonable (or at least entertaining the idea that she has a legitimate problem), why do you think that is?
The LL is very polite when he talkes about the crazy neighbor, but I am 100% positive everytime he talkes about her "symptoms" he rolls his eyes.


Had a neighbour complain about my noise making in the last building I lived at. LL looked into it a few times. Good thing for me I wasn"t actually home either time, and nothing was on in the apartment. He used the word crazy in regard to them a few times, so I didn"t have to.

We live on the opposite side of a building next to train tracks, at night they just fucking fly by - and nothing can wake me up. In the summer I live the window open in the second bedroom where my and my girlfriend"s PC is - you hear a low rumble, or a dull roar at worst. Really, the worst noise is the ding ding ding of the crossing.


Trakanon Raider
Deathwing said:
Let"s get crazy bitch in here and this thread can go straight to the hall of fame.

All that aside, just that she keeps track of what days your wife leaves the house would seriously worry me.

You should ask her to do some ridiculous stuff in turn(by the way, that"s how it"s spelled, a stupid amount of people just in this thread have spelled it wrong). Have her line her bed with noise dampening material, or move her bed into a different room.

Noisy neighbors are just a fact of apartment life. The ones above me vaccuum all the time, fuck like gorillas(the guy moans too, what a mood-killer), and walk around like elephants. Annoying, but not something to lose sleep over.
I plan to start moaning very loud if I ever have an annoying neighbor thats a man. Then when he bitches, I"ll use it as a bargaining chip.


Today"s Mythbusters rerun sparked a very good idea to help speed her descent into insanity. Ask if she had any dentist work for braces or metallic tooth fillings. Suggest that perhaps they"re picking up and retransmitted the frequencies emitted by your computer.

If she picks up on it this should convince the LL that she"s a loon, and her future endevours and frivilous lawsuits against her dentistry should seal the deal.


My wife is in tears reading this post. Haha. Thanks.

The computer stand (on wheels, no less) arrived to day and I put the computer on it. I"m not sure if it sounds quieter or I"m just trying to read into it. The real lithmus test will be when she gets home on Sunday... I wish there was a way to legally record the phone conversation--it goes from civil to crazy in 60 seconds.
Nono whoever said it first I think is right. SHE wants to bang you. She takes note that it"s really bad WHEN YOUR WIFE IS GONE. This is (she hopes) a ruse for you to invite her into your apartment during those times so she can "see if the vibrations are in fact coming from your apartment". Once she is in the room and you close the door just watch she"ll try and seduce you.

Then she"ll cut off your penis with her ball point pen, because she really is crazy. If you bang her make sure she is entirely naked and nothing is being hidden in her anus or vagina.


You posted some E-mail conversations you had with her, which means this crazed bitch has to have her own PC. If her own system doesn"t bother her when it"s 2 feet in front of her, like fuck yours would when it"s separated by a ceiling/floor and is 40 feet away from her sleeping area.

I would tell her that you have tried all that you could and that you don"t believe her, and if she keeps up the bullshit, you"ll contact the police and put her up for harassment charges.

Must be one hell of an apartment considering how much bullshit you"re willing to put up with to have it.


Sorry, I didn"t mean to leave everyone hanging...

Unfortunately there is nothing to share yet. I believe she is spending some time at home (TX) so I haven"t had to put up with her for a few days now.

BTW, thanks for the link to frozencpu. I purchased a new thermaltake cpu cooler, 3 quiet 80mm fans and anti-vibration mounts for the fans / psu.

I should have everything installed by Wednesday--which should be just in time for return home (I"m guessing she will be back then unless she spending an inordinate amount of time in TX to get some sleep).

/edit: I didn"t buy all those things above, my LL did. I wonder if I could convince him this new Dell 22" flatscreen is quieter than my old 19" flatscreen...


It"s probably a bit weird how many of us are hanging on some kind of finality lol...but that"s the boards for ya! When she comes home let us know what happens! My wife"s opinion: "She needs her pussy filled".




Goonsquad Officer
it"s a bit odd that I"m more eager to hear about this on the FoH board than i am about most morepig talk


Is possible; I got a new HDD (7200rpm maxtor) and it was giving low frequency vibrations, kinda pulsating in rhythm. My Mum would be unable to get back to sleep if she ever woke up at 2am and I was doing a late nighter, ever since I got the hdd. I kinda notice it too when I"m the floor underneath it but it requires total silence...