Darkest Dungeon


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The Stress system in this game still pisses me off, and I'm just a normie playing on Radiant to get back into the game. Took a group of lvl5's; Vestal, HwyMan, Flagellant, and ManAtArms on the Vvulf mission; Raving Madmen focused on my Vestal in each encounter before Vvulf himself...even with -Stress items she had a heartattack (from 0 stress at start), and another heartattack during the Vvulf fight the end of that fight all team members had reached full stress+, even with each having -stress items (1 each). Team died, but Hwyman got a last hit in that killed Vvulf.


> Than U
The Stress system in this game still pisses me off, and I'm just a normie playing on Radiant to get back into the game. Took a group of lvl5's; Vestal, HwyMan, Flagellant, and ManAtArms on the Vvulf mission; Raving Madmen focused on my Vestal in each encounter before Vvulf himself...even with -Stress items she had a heartattack (from 0 stress at start), and another heartattack during the Vvulf fight the end of that fight all team members had reached full stress+, even with each having -stress items (1 each). Team died, but Hwyman got a last hit in that killed Vvulf.
Wait until you do the Court. After about 80 rooms I reach the Baron over a dozen or so trips only to push for gold and wipe out a party of 4/4th level with him having 2 hps left all in 1 round. I should have left at him having 40 hps or so but decided screw it. This game does not reward greed at all.


Blackwing Lair Raider
maybe I read it wrong I thought it worked out to the same price either way and I figured I'd check out the base set first


Bronze Baron of the Realm
On the base game I found it easier to work on the 2nd hardest difficulty instead of the easiest for some odd reason.


> Than U
Would have bought the whole thing for 22$ it's a steal(unless you don't like the game..)
Even if you don't like the game like me there is times in your life when you just want to cut yourself and playing this game is far safer and cleaner way to do it!
Sometimes a little frustration is important to remember the important things in life like sliced tomatoes and mustard.


> Than U
Beat the Baron which moves Court to level 5+ for next quest. Killing Baron is rewarded by curing all players of the curse.
Journey Onward.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Reached week 77 on my first playthrough before realizing I had made a lot of mistakes, and I think most of my characters were Cursed, so I decided to start over. Pretty sure Radiant is no "easier" than Darkest, just sorta streamlined. The game felt super RNG so I ran through the beginning (tutorial / 1-2 lvl1 maps) with the same basiv four characters... each was so fucking different in outcomes.

This time, I've held off on going to the Court, I used an Antiquarian on every run until I could build a Bank, which now gives me enough money each to never worry about the cost of things. Now I'm not quite sure if I've screwed something else up or not in regards to the "level" of the various dungeons, they are 5, 5, 6, 7 (ruins, warrens, cove, weald) does that matter at all, or does it just open up higher lvl missions (like it appears)?

I want to have a lvl6 of each class, so right now I have classes that range from lvl6 to lvl1, and so far I see missions for each tier (apprentice, vet, champ), though most are getting to lvl5-6 now; don't have many lvl4 or lower, and I still need to kill the Veteran bosses, and also start the Court. Never found the Baron on my first playthrough, that dungeon seems to be -huge- with locked doors that require you go find keys.


> Than U
I feel bad for the people that spent resources on his facility :(
I just built it the other night. That is what I really dislike about the game even more than the RNG. A fully skilled/upgraded level 6 is no more powerful to mobs than a level 2 to the mobs it fights. In fact many times it feels they are less powerful.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
You're certainly far less evenly matched at a level 6 vs champion dungeon mobs than a level 2 is vs beginner dungeon mobs. Champion dungeons are just pure assrape and you really only ever want to do them to get the bosses dead. Even with fully optimal parties and good trinkets it only takes a couple of crits to lose characters there. Healing doesn't keep up (well it sort of does because the flagellent is busted as fuck, but he'll get nerfed too), your damage doesn't keep up, and your ability to soak stress damage doesn't keep up without cheesing fights with size 2 mobs debuffed to hell and back to fully stress heal twice a dungeon.

I love the game, have almost 300 hours in it now, but it really kind of unravels towards the end. Nothing has really changed in the dungeons from beginner to veteran except they slap 30-50% prot and 35 dodge on everything and crit damage is so high it'll oneshot half the classes in the game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, that is what I've noticed. There is a rather smooth transition between Apprenctice and Veteran dungeons, but there is an abrupt change in difficulty with Champion dungeons.


> Than U
Yea, that is what I've noticed. There is a rather smooth transition between Apprenctice and Veteran dungeons, but there is an abrupt change in difficulty with Champion dungeons.
Good post Ronne as well but ya this is basically my largest gripe and with only 100 hours in the game. I grew up on p&p D&D and the whole point to leveling was gaining new abilities and become stronger so you could harass the little people hah. This game you don't gain any abilities just gain some bonus in ones you have at level 1 and you become weaker to the mobs as you go. They should really work on that. It is the missing link imo to bringing me back 30+ years.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Crimson Court DLC awesome as fuck

Some amazing balance changes here, such as Bulwark now lasting an entire battle.

I just built it the other night. That is what I really dislike about the game even more than the RNG. A fully skilled/upgraded level 6 is no more powerful to mobs than a level 2 to the mobs it fights. In fact many times it feels they are less powerful.

isn't that exactly how EverQuest worked?

Level 1 warrior beats level 1 froglok. Level 50 Froglok completely destroys level 50 warrior.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Crimson Court DLC awesome as fuck

Some amazing balance changes here, such as Bulwark now lasting an entire battle.

isn't that exactly how EverQuest worked?

Level 1 warrior beats level 1 froglok. Level 50 Froglok completely destroys level 50 warrior.

I was thinking of commenting, it does seem like games are inverse these days. IE start kinda hard if at all then end up face roll easy. Vs a lot of games back in "the day" were start easy and work up in challenge.


Trakanon Raider
I was thinking of commenting, it does seem like games are inverse these days. IE start kinda hard if at all then end up face roll easy. Vs a lot of games back in "the day" were start easy and work up in challenge.
Character progression is ubiquitous, so you have to feel stronger, but it's much harder to judge your power as the game goes on, so you would either have to grind or you rather undertune things. Besides if you were playing games for 20+ years, you have pretty much seen it all.