DayZ, Arma2, Arma3


What server were you playing on? I only play, fragnet, mpgs,, and the experimental servers. Not playing on those previously mentioned servers seem to run the risk of whacky shit happening, or your gear getting wiped when you change servers because the previous server you were on was not white-listed yet.
Not really paying much attention outside 'regular' or 'hardcore' and 'US East/West', but it was regular US East 31 or something...not sure if it's on that list or experimental

Beef Supreme_sl

Well, the game sure does run better for me. Especially the weather. Not seeing anymore zombies than normal, and they still clip through walls, but at least the one that did, poor soul, she did walk through the open doorway ok, but when she tried to get at me inside the jail cell, she just said fuck it, and clipped on through. Cue The Doors.

At this point, my character is walking (stooping) pinata of treasures. I spent pretty much all of SA in Balota and just recently moved on to the NW airfield. Once I get a suppressor for my m4, I'm gonna hit the cities for some fun.

Also, I retract my previous sentiment about SA vs the mod. SA has really grown on me, especially going back to the mod; the graphics and animations alone in SA are worth leaving the mod, but more than that, the game has a certain charm that was missing from the mod. As things get better, it will quickly surpass the mod in every way. Hurry the fuck up Rocket.


FoH nuclear response team
Yeah, they need to get their shit together. The mod is still good but I won't be playing til they iron out some more bugs.


Been playing epoch more than SA.. Buddies built a nice base in Jesenice on a high pop server. Multiple helipads, skybridge crossing the road into a 3 story building that's bricked (nice view of the hospital), safes, water tower sniper's nest, deer stands, segregated security doors. It's so much more fun the SA atm...


The game was essentially unplayable for me last night, which was my first chance I had to get on since the patch. Its a bummer when you finally have a night that I could devote a couple of hours and cant play. First world problem I suppose )


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
I played a good bit last night on my HC character. I really didn't run across anything that I would consider monumentally game breaking. One thing I did notice is that zombies were aggro'ing at great distance and even when they were not in LOS. Yeah that could be bad for someone that is unknowingly logging out in a town and there could be like 3 or 4 zombies attacking your char for 30 seconds after you exit. So at this time my recommendations would be not log out in town at all if you can help it. If you cant, try to find a place that has multiple stories to the building at get off of the ground floor before you log out.

There is a critical fix being patched through today. Hopefully it addresses a lot of "problems".


Guess what? You're done son! You're done!

I don't know why but people going into online multi-player games as 'voiced characters' is fucking hilarious to me.



Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Guess what? You're done son! You're done!

I don't know why but people going into online multi-player games as 'voiced characters' is fucking hilarious to me.

The DayZ videos like this never cease to bring me to tears from laughter.


The DayZ videos like this never cease to bring me to tears from laughter.
knock knock... who's there? JUSTICE.


that shit was high larious

I wonder if the emergency patch today fixed enough to warrant playing again before the next patch breaks everything...

still no loot in military tents? nothing said about that in the known problems or fixed sections...


just had what is definitely my favorite DayZ moment to date...

I'm in Svetlo with a fire axe on a med/high pop server, hoping to find some food, water, and weapons if I'm lucky.

As I'm runnin up the street, I see this armed guy one house ahead of me open the door and go inside.. I'm stunned that he didn't see me.

I had encountered a group of 3 guys in berezino, and I declared that I was friendly and meant no harm, etc... as I'd always done.

Well this time I decided to have some villainous fun. I ran up behind the guy in the house, who's still oblivious to me. I shout in direct chat "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD", and start hacking at him with my axe.. get a few good hits in, he fires his SKS but cant hit me cause I'm dancin like bojangles. He runs outside, and past his other friend that I hadn't seen before.. this guy has a mosin. I figure, well I'm gonna get shot, but I'm going out swinging... still repeating BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD over and over into the mic. I chase guy #1 way down the street, but he's moving faster than me. Meanwhile his friend has gone prone and started shooting at me... I catch guy #1, and as I attempt to get axe hits on him, his friend accidentally shoots him from long range.

I then turn around, get cover, and proceed to tell guy #2 what a bad friend he is, and how he's going to get it next.

Chase down guy #2 who is still prone, and proceed to beat his face in with my axe.

Next thing, I've got a geared pristine mosin and SKS, both scoped, and all the food/water/meds I can carry... plus a cool cowboy hat, shades, and a press vest!

being the villain is so much more fun than running around scared declaring that I'm friendly.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Fist running has been nerfed. You run the same speed as you would with your fists down.

Thenew gun, is pretty cool. While it only holds 2 shots, you can fire both of the at the same time. Also it uses the same round as the Mosin. Have fun.


A Man Chooses....
How has no one taken this concept and done it properly? It's been like two years, the gameplay is shit, the combat is clunky, zombies barely work. Permadeath, persistent world, zombies, actual good combat: BOOM moneysplosion. Yet it doesn't exist. I am perplexed.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I thought the same thing would happen with Minecraft, but really the only one still doing it right is Minecraft.


A Man Chooses....
Sure, but at least SOE is making a definitive assault on minecraft's turf with Landmark. They are including direct monetization and a much more powerful creation system linked directly to an actual MMO where you can take your creations to be used. Now they'll probably fuck it up because they are SOE, and they probably won't make a game that can run on toasters like minecraft. But there is nothing out there competing with this shit game. I started the original thread on FoH about this, and I love the concept. But every time I watch someone play it or try to load it up myself I just want to commit seppuku. The underlying game it is based on is complete shit, and that ruins the mod.


had a pretty good time in game the last couple days

Jendryk and I ran around n schooled some noobs...

I axe murdered the ambiguously gay duo in Svetlo...

I got in a firefight (and lost) at the NE airstrip...

the game is playing better than it has, and the recent patches seem to have helped across the board (still no items spawning in military tents, but I hope that'll be fixed next patch)