
There are people who think this game is anything but complete crap? I'm amazed!
I do not believe the game is "complete" crap. I enjoyed Tabula Rasa though too. Without breaking the NDA all ill say is that I expect the game to reflect what the previews describe.

My long term interest in this game though is completely dependent on the pricing structure(i think most people feel the same way).


Lord Nagafen Raider
My biggest question is what impact the TV show has on the game and vica versa, obviously nothing we can see in beta. It'll suck if its like every wow clone so far, changes to the world happen slowly or rarely. I'm really hoping for events on TV change the world weekly and the reverse as well, but I am not holding my breath on any company being able to do this
For what is probably the most interesting part of the MMO, details seem to be fairly scant on the whole MMO/TV crossover thing. From the sounds of it, a lot of it really won't even come into playuntil thesecondseasondue to the fact that the first season is already filmed and the MMO isn't even out yet:

However, the producers are hoping that bigger game decisions will impact the storyline of a season two, when the show goes on hiatus. "For season two, we're cautiously optimistic and confident that we'll be able to be more responsive to stuff in the game," Howe said.
Between this and the fact that the MMO and TV show take place in two different cities - San Francisco and St. Louis, respectively - makes me feel like it's going to be a bit of an uphill battle selling the whole crossover thing the first year, which is the crucial point of sink-or-swim for MMOs. If one of their biggest features is unlikely to come into play until roughly a year after release, how many people are going to stick around?

But really, I'd love to hear how a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff works. Is there a separate writing team for the MMO versus the television show or is there crossover between the two? Is Syfy or Trion more responsible for what game events impact the television show and vice versa? What happens when Syfy inevitably cancels the show in a couple seasons?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Is Syfy or Trion more responsible for what game events impact the television show and vice versa? What happens when Syfy inevitably cancels the show in a couple seasons?
I guess Trion can always nuke the TV city out of the game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
$60 has been the going price for new games for years...
Depends on the publisher. Several of the bigger publishers (EA, Activision, etc.) have moved to $60 for most of their PC games, while others (Square-Enix, Capcom, etc.) haven't. Others seem to price depending on the game. Borderlands 2 and XCOM were both published by 2K Games, for instance, but XCOM was $50.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Regarding the amount of crossover tween game/show, on their stream last Friday one of the story devs implied there would be a lot, he even said the main char(sheriff or whatever he is) will actually appear early in the game and explain how/why he ends up going east to Defiance. Whether his idea of a lot is same as most players guess that remains to be seen.


2 Minutes Hate
Not just this, EoN from Trion isn't fun either...

Don't waste time with these:

1, 5 years-old story line, "Saving 'humanlity' at a unknown planet; But first, you gotta find one guy; along the way, you need to do XYZ"
2, shitty questing system, A to B > back to A > go to C > back to A > to D now! > back to A ...
3, killing the same type of mobs for the 1st couple hours...
4, oh yes yes, AI pathing is fucked up as well.
5, variety of gameplay, and even items are just NOT there
EoN was a Petroglyph game that Trion was Publishing/Supporting.


FPS noob
man are they high, $150 for an "ultimate edition" that is ONLY available at gamestop? A one year season DLC pass, which means if I just buy the base game I won't get access to new content without a fee? I think I'll just watch the TV show and skip the game, especially if they are barely tied together.

Some real boneheaded moves by Trion, they should have released f2p and used the TV show to get a massive player base and try to monetize the gamers a little more down the road when people are invested in the game, instead of turning everyone off the game before it even launches.

And this is Syfy, chances are very high they will just cancel the show after a few episodes, like someone said I wonder wtf happens then...


2 Minutes Hate
I've talked to the Sr Producer a few times and they've gotten the whole "What if Syfy cancels.." question a lot. Essentially they designed the game to work independently of the show and they don't need the show to work. Obviously that would be their worst case scenario.

Anyway, it's B2P like GW2 and I can live with that. F2P really doesn't work when you're cross platform.



If you're still wondering about this "transmedia synergy" thing that's supposedly going on between Defiance the MMO shooter and Defiance the television show, you might want to check out a new interview with Trion SVP Nick Beliaeff.

Events taking place in the two properties are "synchronized within an inch of their life," Beliaeff says. "That's the whole goal. That's some of the secret sauce that we think we have, just making sure that whenever an episode of the show is on air there's a big beat happening in the game. Our real goal is whether it's from game to show or show to game, that those big beats are happening whenever there's an episode on."

As you might imagine, this is incredibly difficult, and it's one reason that Trion and Syfy have been working on the IP for five years now. In terms of specific transmedia examples, Beliaeff cites an example where a doctor in the TV show discovers a nanite contagion. She reaches out to one of her NPC colleagues in the game, who in turn provides players with a series of missions that they'll need to complete before the next episode of the show.

That link above take to Long article that tells you about the making of the game CGI effects and other stuff from Trion's Senior Vice President.