Yeah the IB rewards are da suck. Still getting a full outfit for my titan due to the look, so guessing Im in it for the long haul. Played tons of matches, not seen anyone get a IB item, increased loot chances my foot.IB rewards are all kinda lame though, everything is 280 and only a sidearm and pulse rifle. a good pulse rifle, but only useful in PVP and why wouldn't you use a red death/juju over that. I guess I'll level one char to 5 over the week but nothing really stands out. the IB bounties are really easy now, 3 dailies and 3 weekly. save the weekly until monday so you max the rep turnin - like turning in all 3 will probably generate close to 3-4k rep by themselves (1575 with no buffs). The only armor you can buy is class item and boots.
its funny using a HMG and just tearing through people who try to fly at you with swords.
i'm pretty bored with destiny now, not sure i even wanna bother doing the raid this week. biggest disappointment has been gunsmith, his weapons all suck and they take up so much damn room waiting for wed
oh, they dropped all black spindles by 20 light level. if you kept the 310 its now 290, if you had a vendor 300 its now 280. easy enough to infuse back up to 300, but no more having 3x maxxed out spindles on all chars. they didn't touch anything you infused a spindle with, so i have a ton of 300 junk weps.
Think I heard you have to rank up first.Played tons of matches, not seen anyone get a IB item, increased loot chances my foot.
We've had a few IB faction hunter cloaks drop. Otherwise for weapons you used to have to be rank 3 in IB to start getting the weapons to be rewarded after game.Think I heard you have to rank up first.
It was 500 mb on Xb1.Is it really a 18GB patch? Just turned on my ps4 and that's what it's telling me
Sweet, I just got a 310 one just now. Also finished my Touch of Malice. Weeeee!Telesto exotic fusion rifle is fucking absurd. It is not Black Spindle good, but very close. Thing deals a massive amount of damage.
yeah i've had pretty good luck with pugs but this week I saw the shitty ones. generally guys with bad connections or a guy with a kid on his lap who goes afk every 5 minutes and causes a wipe. both got up to oryx and then fell apart, but i don't really mind since its pretty easy to find a group just on oryx.I got in destinylfg group last night that was full of badasses that had done the raid before. I caused a wipe on oryx, but otherwise that was it. I put a bubble in mid as i was about to die as the knight was spawning and a hunter missed a tether and we weren't able to do enough dps before oryx axed us.
Kind of amazing how fast a solid group can move through content though. We were done in 75 minutes.